Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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They did, but it's too much of a slow burner. Just my opinion.

Oh, and again, the HHH Kiss My Ass Club. New Age Outlaws vs. The Shield at WM? WTF come on.... squashing legends to get over, yes. But it's just not believable that the NAO would have ever been a threat in the first place.

Batista main eventing was also pretty lame. Only there because he has a film out soon.
I think they are giving spots to the younger talent because Christian, Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio are expected to leave when their contracts run out in a few months time, there's no talk they would be offered new ones so it looks like they are going and Ezekiel Jackson left last weekend....I don't like Batista much either, the only part-timer I like is RVD, I've always liked him...
There wasn't really a massive showing of Part Timers at WM XXX.

I mean look at the card -

Bryan full time
HHH full time
Orton full time
Batista going to be full time
Cena full time
Wyatt's full time
Shield full time
Kane full time
Didn't get to see the tag match but I believe all the teams are full time
Divas semi full time

NAO Short semi full time run
Lesner part time
Taker part time

Battle royal well all the important people (non jobber) are full timers.

Granted there will always be part timers for nostalgia, money and exposure but if used correctly then they can be used to put over full time talent. Imagine what beating Rock and Brock would do to Bryan's legitimacy.
HHH is a full time character but part time wrestler...and your right about Batista, he has signed a full time two year contract unless he gets a movie role in that time and he will be given time off to fulfil it...
The whole charade of fighting HHH sucked. The booking sucked. Fortunately, the HHH-Bryan match itself was great. But don't you think that hanging on to Lesnar, The Rock, HHH, The Undertaker and even Bret frigging Hart over the last 3-5 years has been detrimental? Sure, it draws but draws purely on nostalgia and star power and not necessarily on the ability to still pull off a match.

I don't know, it's not as bad as it has been in TNA keeping Hogan, Flair and Foley as chemical zombies, but I still don't like it.
How is Bret Hart's very few appearances detrimental?
So I watched Smackdown earlier after taping it on Friday (pretty good actually) and although the show was taped there was some bits about the Ultimate Warrior and they said that tonight's Raw will be dedicated to his memory so I think there will be a lot of old footage of him and maybe a they'll show the speech on last weeks show again and amaybr Hulk Hogan will come out to say a few words about him...
I haven't been here in awhile (I haven't got an alert from this thread for some reason. So what did I miss in this thread?

WM 30 was great, congrats DB :cheers:. The undertakers streak will live on.

Extreme Rules looks promising (Evolution has reunited :D) but who is going to face Daniel Bryan.
Loved the tributes to Ultimate Warrior at the start and throughout the show, I thought the WWE got it spot on...
Loved the tributes to Ultimate Warrior at the start and throughout the show, I thought the WWE got it spot on...
Going to have to rush the show in about an hour tonight, hope I don't miss any of the tributes. Couple of interesting matches too. Sandow. Barrett-Ziggler.
The tribute was mostly at the start of Raw when they had Superstars and Vince on stage to have a minutes silence but that had his best moments and showed part of his speech last week shown @m8h3r, they also had the first round of the IC tournament with the semi-finals and final next week, some good matches last night..
So I might get in to trouble for this, but did Trish Stratus do a Porn video when she was at WWE?, because I saw her in one last night, the title had her name in it and It did sort of look like her so I'm just asking to be sure...
Not that I am aware of. I know that Chyna has done porn after WWE. Eve did some racy photo shoots. Candice Michelle did some soft core stuff. But Trish, that would be news to me.
Well, the video I saw was from 2001 and it was a blonde who did look a lot like Trish and she was flying solo, y'know..taking care of herself, there was no-one else in the video and the title had her name in it...
I'm not sure. I have been a wrestling geek for almost 30 years, and I never heard mention of it. That's not at all to say it doesn't exist, merely to say I don't know. The only thing I can think of is that maybe is was a "parody" and the "actress" was Rebecca Wild. Whom does have quite the resemblance to Trish. But that would pure speculation on my part.
I couldn't really tell if it was her or not because the Trish then looks a lot different to the Trish now because since leaving she had her implants taken out and stopped dying her hair blonde and she looks a lot thinner...
I agree, Trish now looks a lot different. When I watched the Hall of Fame show, I hardly recognized her. Maybe it was because her face barely moved due to all the botox injections. In my opinion, she looked horrible. Then, however, giddity. If you found a true movie of her getting hairy palms, then my friend, lucky you.
Obviously I cant upload it...but I did see it on Redtube on Wednesday if you want to see for yourself then feel free!
So on Smackdown last night they had a 'comedy' match between El Torito and Hornswaggle, they built it up quite a bit beforehand, even had a tale of the tape with the title 'Wrestleminia' at the top and JBL called it the match of the century...Laugh? I thought Id never start!....although that said the Moonsault that El Torito used for the win was pretty good, but the whole thing wasn't all...
As long as you guys don't link to anything it'll be fine. Just... tread lightly. :lol:

Also, that's exactly why I don't watch Smackdown anymore. The very last time I watched it was... I don't even know because I'll only watch it if there's a match or a segment that I'll want to see after reading the report Wednesday morning or afternoon.

The last I remember anything being significant was when Kane had his title run, Bearer returned for a short stint, and he was going against 'Taker. The funny thing is, I know I've watched it at least twice this year and probably the same amount last year, if not more.
It is pretty good Smackdown, but its not as good as Raw and it very much is the B-show...
I never watch smackdown. Never cared for it. It's just main event with a two hour time window.
I agree. But that was a long time ago. But that was a long time ago. Now it seems to be littered with comedy segments and Khaki wrestling. Which is really the same thing.
As long as you guys don't link to anything it'll be fine. Just... tread lightly. :lol:

Also, that's exactly why I don't watch Smackdown anymore. The very last time I watched it was... I don't even know because I'll only watch it if there's a match or a segment that I'll want to see after reading the report Wednesday morning or afternoon.

The last I remember anything being significant was when Kane had his title run, Bearer returned for a short stint, and he was going against 'Taker. The funny thing is, I know I've watched it at least twice this year and probably the same amount last year, if not more.
I watched the one where Cesaro faced off against Orton, but before that, wow, a long time back.
So Daniel Bryan father suddenly and sadly passed away yesterday, which was why he wasn't on Raw for long last night, apparently after the Kane beatdown seg, he left the arena to be with his family, which is where he should be, my condolences....
So I watched WWE Studios film The Call over the weekend, surprisingly good, David Otunga is in it as a cop although he doesn't get many lines, Halle Berry and Abigail Breslin also start along with Michael Imperioli from The Sopranos, it was enjoyable but forgettable...

..also TNA Sacrifice PPV is on tonight the card looks good, it will most probably be shown in the UK on Wednesday with loads of ad breaks....