Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Hulk Hogan has been fired by WWE after footage of him making racist comments have been made public, the comments are in his leaked sex tape from a few years ago and he talks about his daughter Brooke dating African Americans with the N-word used a few times, some other stuff has come to light about him racially abusing Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson', although that is only reported to have happened.

All mention of his name and pictures of him have been taken down from and his merchandise stopped, there is also no mention of him on Tough Enough where he is a judge, Curtis Axel's Axelmania gimmick has been stopped.
Yes it was stupid to say it. Yes he should have know better but I think it's disrespectful of wwe to blank him out like that. He shaped the industry what line the pockets of your kids vince.
What he did was wrong and yes you can fire him but removing all traces of existence from the history of a sport he basically built up is slightly over the top. If there's only one American wrestler people can name it would be Hulk Hogan.

WWE has been pretty terrible since the Attitude era IMO and this isn't going to do anything to help it's fortunes.
Personally, I'm glad about one thing. The Axelmania gimmick is being dropped. It was fun but after Wrestlemania, it was beating a dead horse.
Hogan has since apologised but his lawyer says he actually quit and was not fired, I reckon this could be one of those things where a superstar is fired after a scandal but then returns a few months later once its all blown over (Daniel Bryan anyone??), or he could go to GFW or something...
Bit of news you might have missed, SummerSlam in a few weeks will be a four hour show instead of three, five if you include the pre-show!
More audio from hogan came out today, more racist remarks. *Sigh* Hogan you idiot. You'll kill Hulkamania if you're not careful.
Cena legit busted his nose during the main event against Rollins last night after a knee to the face, it looked bad and match was stopped for a minute or two as he was seen by the doctor, he still managed to complete match and make Rollins tap out, he had to go to hospital afterwards as a precaution, his nose looked properly messed up!

Decent Raw, the common theme was first time ever matches with Owens v Orton, Paige v Sasha and Ambrose v Big Show, Lesnar or Taker weren't there, there was absolutely no mention of Hogan but some Hogan fan signs had to be confiscated, Lesnar returns next week...
I hope they can hype Summerslam as quick as they can because now it seems that Battleground and Summerslam swapped relevance.

Though it's probably due to the fact that I know who'll walk out WWE World Heavyweight Champion because of what is shown in the WWE Australia Tour Promotion. (Don't worry, no Spoilers from me :))

At least Cesaro and Kevin Owens looks to be a good match, if it goes through
Cena had emergency surgery for his nose and is out for a few weeks. SummerSlam is up in the air for him but knowing Cena he'll be rushded back.
Really not news you want to wake up to. RIP Roddy.

They say it all comes in threes. Dusty, Roddy, whos next? :(
Hogan is next.
Are you really wishing death upon Hogan? What is wrong with you? :odd:

I tend to pay respects to people in odd ways sometimes. Recently I did some GTA Online Glitch video where I paid tribute to Roddy Piper. Ummmmm I'm sorry if this is a little too much so if it's offensive in anyway *unless the video is being disliked and flagged by those damn UTTP bastards* sorry, I'll most likely take it down. Although I don't see why would people find this disrespectful.
@pokemonfan58, I literally have no idea what that has to do with Wrestling :odd:

Away from Roddy Piper for a bit, last night Dana White sparked some controversy by saying Wrestling is fake in a twitter conversation during the Rousey PPV, the Wrestling world went a bit ballistic with Seth Rollins, Austin Aries and Bully Ray leaping to its defence, my take? Wrestling is SCRIPTED and not FAKE.....
I had to go look up two words in a dictionary yesterday after this F bomb.

bait, n.
mark, n.

Imagine being a wrestling fan and taking what Dana White says seriously. Harley Race said it best:

I preferred this business when the marks were out in the seats instead of in the locker room.
When people tell me Wrestling is fake I just say, "neither is Game of Thrones".

I could go on, on how Wrestling is Scripted but Wrestling Haters will likely never understand.
Might be a ten bell tribute to Piper on Raw tonight, they had one at one of their live events at the weekend.
They did have a 10 bell tribute to Roddy Piper at the start of Raw and they also had a video montage tribute like they had for Dusty, Rollins had a WWE title open challenge match, the six-man tag main event was pretty good, not a lot of people care about the Lesnar/Taker match at SummerSlam but if there is one man that can make people care about it it's Paul Heyman, another great promo he gave last night!
Rollins challenged Cena to a title v title match at SummerSlam too, would be very interested to see the outcome of that....
I really don't want that to happen. As much as I don't like him as a wrestler, Cena is doing a great job of making the U.S Title relevant.

I really don't want to see the U.S Title gone :(.
It wont be a unification match I don't think, whoever wins gets both titles......I think!!
Just been reading on Twitter that Ambrose/Reigns v Wyatt/Harper has been made for SummerSlam, don't know where that leaves Sting....
Roman Reigns was hit on the head by a replica Money In The Bank briefcase thrown by a fan during a match with Bray Wyatt last night, Reigns is ok by was a little taken aback by what happened and the match was halted whilst security dealt with the person who threw it.

Sheamus is reportedly suffering from Concussion.

Rosa Mendes is pregnant.
So WWE might have some sort of back-up plan for SummerSlam if Cena cant make it, it will be Rollins v Orton or Rollins v Orton v Sheamus, the first was the main event on Raw last night and the second they teased at the end of the match.

Pretty good Raw last night, more matches made for SummerSlam and they are all tag team matches, the triple threat match was excellent

They ramped the hype for Lesnar v Undertaker all the way to 11 with a rivalry montage they showed, an extended version of that was shown after Raw on the Network and both will be at Raw next week..