I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here because I'm seriously not happy with some of the stuff that went on last night, firstly on the Kick-off show, they dressed Wade Barrett to look ridiculous and then lose cleanly to R-Truth, what are they doing to Barrett?!!
Second, I liked the MITB match as it was a good exciting start to the show but having Sheamus win it is a load of crap, I don't mind him and I think he is a really good heel but I cant shake the feeling that he is only where he is now because he is buddies with Triple H, having him win just seems like a safe bet, I'm looking forward to the Reigns/Wyatt feud though, They'll have some good matches together....
Next, the Divas match, I also thought this was a good solid match they had and they were given a good amount of time for it but doing pretty much the same finish as the match they had on Raw a few weeks ago does neither any favours, this change Paige is talking about? I really hope its Charlotte making the jump from NXT as the division badly needs something as its been stale for a LONG time!
The IC title match was also disappointing with an average match and the Miz causing the DQ for four crap finishes in the first four matches!
But after all that came something brilliant, I tweeted a lot during the show about how rubbish it was so far and prior to the next match I said 'please Owens save us!......please!!!', and boy did he save the show, another five star match he had with Cena, even better that at EC two weeks ago I'd say, don't really mind Cena winning as Owens won the first one and that attack after the match was a brilliant heel move, the crowd was fantastic during that match too...
The Tag Title match was decent and I approve PTP being new champs, don't really like A New Day, don't think its working out for them.
The Ladder match was terrific I thought and they gave them a lot of time during this one, both guys gave everything and I'm glad they had no interuptions like they said, finish was a bit meh once again but I think Rollins was always going to retain, I like the fact they had a 'work the body part' bit of the match too, hardly ever see that nowadays.
The tribute video to Dusty Rhodes is the best video montage they have ever done, its just perfect, they showed it twice last night during the preview show and the main show and the first time they played you could hear Renee Young crying afterwards when she had to do a link (she acknowledged it on air later), the ringing of the 10 bells before the show with everyone on the ramp was perfect too, Dusty touched everyone there.....
so in conclusion it was a really mixed bag of a show for me...