Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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My Review on the WM Card before the event.

Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Title Match: 4/10 - Another Tag Team title Pre-Show match. Kinda getting overdone.

Divas Tag Team match: 6/10 - I'm usually lite when it comes to Divas but I feel this was a missed opportunity for a Fatal-4-Way for the Divas title. The tension between AJ and Paige raises it up a bit.

Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton: 7.5/10 - While it looks to be a good match, I hardly got caught much into the build up. A lot of things got predictable. Though I'd expect their match to better than their last encounter last year. So I think it'll be a great match.

Sting vs. Triple H: 9/10 - WCW/TNA best, facing off against one of the best in WWE. This feels like a perfect idea and I can't wait for the match. Though I wish there was more reasoning behind Stings actions in the Past Months for me to get hooked.

John Cena vs Rusev: 9/10 - After their great encounter at Fastlane, I can't wait to see what they'll do at Wrestlemania. This one of the few times Cena is tolerable, likely because he shows a weakness after getting his first submission loss in 11 years. I also love the spotlight the U.S Championship is receiving. I would give it a 10 but the match result is likely going to be obvious.

AtGMBR: 5/10 - Last year felt special but this year feels like it is just a match to get the Miz/Mizdow feud into motion, which IMO. Miz and Mizdow should've had their very own match. I couldn't care for anyone else in the match except Curtis Axel but he is likely going to job to be a comedy skit (which disappoints me because Axel has potential). I really couldn't care less if anyone else won though I would hate it if Ryback won though. I'm starting to get tired of him.

IC Ladder Match: 9/10 - Like Cena/Rusev, this has put the IC Title on the match and most importantly, Smackdown as Smackdown has had the IC Title in the spotlight like it did with the World Championship. I expect great things for both if anyone wins except Barrett who has been a horrible Champion. The 9 is because I feel like Daniel Bryan deserves better than this match especially when he is in the most dangerous match on the card despite being back from Injury.

Bray Wyatt vs. Undertaker: 10/10 - While we haven't seen Undertaker, Bray has done a brilliant job building it up and it feels perfect for the new demon to face the old demon. If this is where Undertaker gets his last match. I'd think it would be a perfect fit and a great way to get Bray Wyatt over. I do wish Undertaker still had is streak so Bray can end it but I'm fine with what we got now.

Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar vs. The Audience: 1/10 - Need I say more. Though still a higher grade than what I would've gave Cena vs. Rock II.
I think the Reigns/Lesnar title match is much more interesting now Lesnar has re-signed...
I still don't think it won't change. Vince really wants to shove Reigns at us and I really don't want to hear his winning speech :P.

Though if Lesnar does have a chance of winning it would mean more PPVs without the title being defended. Which I'm really getting sick of.
I still don't think it won't change. Vince really wants to shove Reigns at us and I really don't want to hear his winning speech :P.

Though if Lesnar does have a chance of winning it would mean more PPVs without the title being defended. Which I'm really getting sick of.
That's probably not true. The only reason why he signed that part time contract to begin with was because of MMA. Now that he formally retired from the sport, there is nothing really stopping Brock from going full time. I expect a fully capable double turn.
I really can't see a double turn. Nothing seems to stop Vince McMahon on his Wrestlemania goal of making Reigns the face of the WWE.

I expect a Rollins cash in and at Extreme Rules there'll be a Triple Threat match for the WWE World Title.
Well I've got the network up and running on my Xbox One, ready for the kickoff show!
School is on whenever Wrestlemania is on :lol: so I can't watch it :P.

I'm not that hyped about it. Ever since Wrestlemania 25 all the odd-numbered Wrestlemanias have been downers though this year could be the best downer :P.

Though checked a bit of the results of the Pre-Show matches. What the 🤬 was Big Show doing winning the AtGMBR. Looked like a decent match though from what I read :).
WrestleMania 31 Results Digest:

WrestleMania Kickoff Show

Fatal Four Way for the Tag Team Championships: Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (c) vs. The Usos vs. Los Matadores vs. The New Day - Kidd and Cesaro retain while Big E ate the loss after an Uso Splash.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Final Three were Miz, Mizdow, and Big Show who took the win.

WrestleMania 31 Proper

Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship: Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. R-Truth, Luke Harper, Stardust, Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose - New Champ: Daniel Bryan

Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton: Orton pins Seth Rollins after Orton counters a Curb Stomp into a RKO.

No-Disqualification Singles Match: Sting vs. Triple H - Triple H pins Sting after Sting gets a face full of sledgehammer. Involvement by all of the members of DX and the NWO made for a real entertaining match to read.

Paige and AJ Lee vs. The Bella Twins: AJ gets the submission victory with Nikki taking the loss.

Singles Match for the United States Championship: Rusev (c) vs. John Cena - New Champ: John Cena Wins after an AA to Rusev just after a distraction by Lana breaks up an STFU. Rusev now officially has one clean loss on his record.

Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker: The Undertaker picks up the win after a failed attempt at Sister Abigail led to a Tombstone Piledriver.

Singles Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns - Rollins Cashes in Money In The Bank midway in the match. NEW CHAMP! Seth Rollins pins Roman Reigns after an F5 was countered by a Superman Punch which led to a Curb Stomp.

It looks like the next big angle for Triple H is against The Rock.

Note: Results Digest will remain in spoiler tags until I post the Bookie odds to the next PPV.
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^I'm thinking Rock/HHH for SummerSlam! It's more logical that for Wrestlemania 32.

I don't watch this much. I do enjoy me a good PPV though. This is a good PPV so far. Sting/Triple H was a great match.
Glad Rollins saved Wrestlemania. I'm surprised though it wasn't after the match though.

I'm happy how it came down. Good Wrestlemania, had my giant doubts but it turned out good.

Fun Fact: Wrestlemania 27 and 31 are the only Wrestlemanias after X-Seven to have a heel win the Main Event :P.

My Grade off what I read about the results;

Total: B+ (behind 26, 28 and 30 on the PG Wrestlemania scale though)
Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Title match: B
Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: C
IC Ladder Match: A
Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins: B
Triple H vs. Sting: A+
Divas Tag Team: B+
John Cena vs. Rusev: B+
Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt: A
Main Event: B+ (Seth Rollins coming in prevented it from being a C).
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Really enjoyed it last night it was a great show, the MITB cash is was great and well timed as he came out when both Reigns and Lesnar were spark out in the middle of the ring after battering each other, Undertaker-Wyatt was match of the night for me and Taker looked in great shape, the Divas match should've gotten more time and they could've taken some of that time from the Rock/Rousey bit which was good but went on a little too long

Turns out Wyatt sprained his ankle last night and had to be helped out in a cart...

Raw should be great tonight, both Sting and Undertaker are advertised, Rollins as new champ should be interesting!
Wyatt sprained his ankle in warm up about an hour before the match. He was taken away on a cart before the match. BEFORE! It's incredible that a guy of Wyatt's size could perform like that with an ankle injury.
Raw was really good last night, Lesnar attacked a cameraman and the commentators (he gave Cole an F5) when he found out he wouldn't get a rematch last night, he then got suspended and fined by Steph (that's pure storyline), The Lucha Dragons and Adrian Neville made their debuts on the main roster, The Dragons took part in an 8-man tag and the crowd loved them, Neville was against Curtis Axel but he is now wearing a cape to the ring under the name 'Neville'

The Crowd were unreal last night, never heard a crowd so vocal and energetic and they way they took the piss of John Cena and is theme music!:lol:

Also Sheamus returned and had his predicted heel turn after laying out Bryan and Ziggler after their IC Title match, Sheamus now has a wild looking Mohican and his beard being tied up...
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And then this happened. :lol:
Mentioned before that I hardly bother to watch RAW any more but I heard on the interwebs that Lesner murdered Michael Cole. I was not disappointed.

Watched this at least a dozen times now and it still doesn't stop being fun. :lol:

If they are going to have a Cole storyline injury then they need to keep him off TV for a few weeks, that'll be a problem as there is no obvious replacement for him there now, Bryon Saxton wasn't good when he took over, although to be fair he was completely on his own for around half an hour until The King came along, a call to Jim Ross might be needed, Cole has been a constant in WWE for years now and a break will do him good

Did Lesnar Blade on Sunday?!, I saw some footage of the ref putting something in Reign's hand after Lesnar hit the post, I know the WWE made an official statement on it earlier..
I'm fine with just JBL and Booker T as it doesn't change much. To be perfectly honest, every commentator has been annoying ever since they took Matt Striker away from announcing.
If they are going to have a Cole storyline injury then they need to keep him off TV for a few weeks, that'll be a problem as there is no obvious replacement for him there now, Bryon Saxton wasn't good when he took over, although to be fair he was completely on his own for around half an hour until The King came along, a call to Jim Ross might be needed, Cole has been a constant in WWE for years now and a break will do him good

Did Lesnar Blade on Sunday?!, I saw some footage of the ref putting something in Reign's hand after Lesnar hit the post, I know the WWE made an official statement on it earlier..
Yeah, Lesnar bladed. Normally, WWE frowns on that sort of thing, but they needed Lesnar to bleed to show the strength of Reigns (a garbage excuse, I know). I don't really think that Lesnar actually cut himself until that first Superman Punch. The crowd at WM wasn't really buying it, hence Seth Rollins cashing in.
Daniel Bryan was cut open on Smackdown on and bleed as well

Cole JBL and Booker T will return on Monday Night Raw..
So, if you missed yesterday, WWE announced that April Mendez/AJ Lee is retiring from in-competition and the WWE.
So, if you missed yesterday, WWE announced that April Mendez/AJ Lee is retiring from in-competition and the WWE.
Really? That's a Shame.

Though I guess there is nothing more to accomplish since she is the longes reigning Divas Champion.
Sad to see her go, three time Divas Champ with the longest reign and second longest reign, twice Diva of the year, she hasn't been in the main roster all that long only 5-6 years I think but she accomplished so much in that time, one thing I like about her is that she is very friendly and helpful backstage and always has time for any of the other female wrestlers who need her advice, Paige has said a while ago how AJ has been something of as mentor to her in the last 18 months or so and I think her last match on Raw sums her up best, in the Divas six person tag match AJ was wearing a shirt which said 'I'm a hugger', which is NXT Diva Bayley's shirt, so in her last match she was putting someone else over...

..She can always come back of course but I think she will be missed more than you guys realise, she was the best female wrestler in the WWE in the last 10 years....Thank You AJ!..
Good RAW last night with some good matches, Rollins v Neville, Cena v Stardust and the Triple Threat number one contenders match all really good, Three matches made for Extreme Rules in three weeks...
It started at NXT a while ago and now they have started using it on their main stream shows..

The European tour has started this week with shows in Glasgow and Newcastle, the upcoming Raw will be at The O2 Arena in London..