Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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Night already made. Anything else is bonus
Sweet to see AJ Styles, always enjoyed him back in TNA :D.

I just hope the ending of the Rumble doesn't collapse on itself again :lol:
This smells a lot like the 1993 Royal Rumble...

And bye bye AJ Styles. Owens eliminates him after lasting 30 minutes.
This has gone rather south since Styles was eliminated. Not much happening. #29 & #30 should be a surprise entrant, surely.
Just so that I have my numbers right, we have three to emerge and nine to be eliminated (including Roman Reigns who is still in the back)?
Its the wwe what did you expect; but sadly, yes it sucks :(
Back when there was 2 title to choose from, it was more unpredictable since the winner could be from the WWE Title Storyline or the World Title Storyline.
And the holder of the golden shovel himself wins the Rumble.

CM Punk is probably kicking back wherever he is laughing at how predictable this has become, and how right he was when he dropped the pipebomb about the WWE and Triple H.
Saw it coming a mile away about two months in advance, and even so... that wasn't even really entertaining.

Overall it was much better than last year's where the only good match was the triple threat for the title.
I was laughing at how predictable the set up of the final 4 was. Of course it had to be Roman and his Brother against Triple H and they guy Roman was feuding with.
Saw it coming a mile away about two months in advance, and even so... that wasn't even really entertaining.

Overall it was much better than last year's where the only good match was the triple threat for the title.
True, the mid card of the Rumble has been getting better.

A shame that the match itself hasn't.
The ovrall show was decent I think. Got Styles and Zayn out of the Rumble which was great. Reigns lost the title, which, despite me loving Reigns, was necessary to move forward. Is Trips the right guy to put it on? No, but who else was going to get it and actually deserve it? Owens isn't there yet, though I think he is getting groomed for a push. So, Rumble wasn't a huge waste. My only bad match was the Divas title match, but with Banks coming, I pray they get Ric out of the way. He's not entertaining in the slightest any more. The other title matches were all good or great. Compared to the last 2 years, I'll definitely take the way this year has started. Watching RAW tomorrow night just for Styles really. (Yes, I love Styles. I hope him and Reigns never wrestle because I'll be so lost in who to cheer for.)
My only positive thing about the Rumble was that Roman Reigns lost (at least Triple H is somewhat entertaining as a Champion) and AJ Styles debut. Is it better than last years? I think it is a tie. I would've rather a plot twist happen and have Dean Ambrose win the Rumble by eliminating Roman Reigns starting a feud between the 2 over the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and give Ambrose time to shine (of coarse he was holding the IC Title but Reigns could cost Ambrose the title later on to help build up), or maybe make Jericho turn heel at the Rumble and win.
Here's the thick of it all: By far and wide, a particular set of fans aren't backing Reigns because he's being presented as the next Cena. Even if he weren't, he's being forced in a way that's painfully obvious, isn't getting over because he's boxed into being a face, and the current build with him is so transparent it's actually headache-inducing.

This is the umpteenth time where he's been put into a situation where, when screwed, there should be some sympathy but instead the majority of the fans are cheering against him. Turn him for crying out loud. It's literally the best (and only) saving grace at this point.

You're not going to create another Stone Cold Steve Austin so please stop trying. God help them when Rollins comes back, and hit the panic button when (if) Bryan comes back.
Back when he was apart of the Shield, I was invested in Reigns because he had an interesting character of being a "silent assassin", he barely talked and just kicked someones 🤬, but of course since he is face, they had to make him a "personality" which ruined what gave Roman Reigns potential before.
Back when he was apart of the Shield, I was invested in Reigns because he had an interesting character of being a "silent assassin", he barely talked and just kicked someones 🤬, but of course since he is face, they had to make him a "personality" which ruined what gave Roman Reigns potential before.
I personally want to see him have the Lesnar treatment. Have him turn heel, rarely speak and murder everyone. I could heavily invest emotionally into a Lesnar vs. Reigns fight if that happened.
Back when he was apart of the Shield, I was invested in Reigns because he had an interesting character of being a "silent assassin", he barely talked and just kicked someones 🤬, but of course since he is face, they had to make him a "personality" which ruined what gave Roman Reigns potential before.

This highlights another issue that I think might be tying him down: of the three, he's the only one that's still holding on to that Shield persona. He still has the music, the gear... the guy doesn't even truly have his own personality to ruin.

I just watched a few snippets of the Shield (was it really that long ago?!) and he works as a heel or even a tweener - it suits him so much better than a person that's vying for crowd approval. Hell, they could pluck a feather from CM Punk's hat when he went on his "respect" rant when he turned heel for the final time.

There's so much there to make his character better and actually move him forward.

I personally want to see him have the Lesnar treatment. Have him turn heel, rarely speak and murder everyone. I could heavily invest emotionally into a Lesnar vs. Reigns fight if that happened.

He doesn't even need that much. Build him up like a Sheamus and that's enough to raise the interest level right there.

Which, by the way, what a terrible waste of a match that was. The first time Sheamus and Brock fought should not have been at a live event that wasn't televised; that's something you save for a PPV.

But of course... LOL, WWE.
Compared to NJPW, WWE has next to nothing and it is all because of Creative. Fix Creative and WWE would suddenly make sense.
Creative Teams are the brain of the wrestling industry, you need it to be in good condition for everything else to be good or it'll just collapse.
Creative Teams are the brain of the wrestling industry, you need it to be in good condition for everything else to be good or it'll just collapse.
Example: TNA
Since the IC Title seems to be the only title that has a reasonable storyline, I think it'd be best if WWE take advantage of a few emerging and standing feuds with a shot at the title come Wrestlemania.

Ambrose and Owens need to continue their feud, they are both running hot after the Rumble after a stellar performance in both the Last Man Standing match, and the Rumble itself. Another feud is Jericho and Ambrose, as both have apparently had tension between them since Night of Champions. And since AJ Styles is well and truly over with the crowd, I think it's fine to throw him in as well, feuding with Owens (who eliminated him). Not sure what sort of promos they'd do to keep the momentum, but I think it should culminate with a Fatal-4-Way match at Wrestlemania for the IC Title, between the four of them. Maybe even throw in a few more stipulations like no DQ, falls count anywhere. Maybe even make it elimination. Could even throw in Zayn too. Who knows, but hopefully WWE Creative don't sleep on this.
Figured out that this PPV just broke continuity with the Royal Rumble match.

Back in 2008; Finlay got DQ from the match since he jumped the gun to help hornswoggle.

Here; Sheamus jumps the gun to beat up Roman Reigns yet he wasn't DQ.

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