Only fat lardasses say that size doesn't matter. People always say "it's the personality that counts"... which is mostly true. Take a very nice fat girl and a very nice slender girl, both with great personalities.... hmmm which one to go for? Lets see.... damn right. Maybe only some African tribesman from a region where fat is considered a status symbol would go for the fat one, but anyone else would pick the one without the bubble butt and stretch marks.
Not to mention fat women usually STINK too. They became fat because of a bad diet, always eating junk food, or at least skipping on the healthy food like fruit and stuff with fibers. They'll fart more than average and the entire room will smell like you're bathing a decomposing corpse, due to the gasses being released while digesting kilos of hamburger meat. Not to mention the old sweat under those fat hills. Creating a wonderful environment for bacteria to breed like rabbits, but worse, at a rate of millions per minute. All the layers of fat on top of each other cause friction too, so she will get disgusting rash everywhere which she will be complaining about until you feel like wringing her neck. The worst part about that is that she's too fat to put your hands around her neck, leaving you even more frustrated. You will also spend many years of your old day pushing a wheelchair because her knees collapsed. You will often have to go visit her daily in the hospital every time she gets a bypass, because her veins corroded due to the high levels of cholestorol. Not even to mention the hospital bill!
..... haha just playing, I'm not THAT ignorant. This might only be the case if people are extremely obese, the ones that are on oprah or jerry springer... Someone's figure is often a good indicator of how well they take care of themselves though..... but...... fat people often are good cooks (if they didn't get fat by only eating microwave food).