Does World War III Seem as Possible as it Once Did?

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
...BTW: Why has Australia always been on our side? Not that it is a bad thing, but I've always wondered why. There is a comedian who makes regular reference to that here, and I forget his name, but it is rather funny when you think about it I suppose.

I've always thought of Australia as a kick-ass country that is strangely familiar when compared to the US. Of course, the accents are different, and you guys drive on the wrong side of the road (j/k), but the folks seem to be the same, buildings look similar, etc.

Because both Americans and Australians were kicked out by the Brits and took land from the Indians... errh... Aboriginies? And they both have long-ass highways through the middle of nowhere? :lol:

But yeah, it's kind of weird, the similarities. Except the US has lots more money. :dopey:
Because were both inhabited by British settlers initially I'm assuming.

Actually talk about Aussies being similar to US, I think they're more similar to Canada. Both in the Commonwealth, British colony, same people, similar history (aboriginals especially...)