Doge meme

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43

How much do you like the Doge meme?

  • Total voters


GeoGuessr God
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Doge appears to be the most talked about meme in the Funny Pictures thread at the moment, with people posting pictures whilst others complain about it not being funny. I have decided to post this thread so we can get a general opinion on what the community thinks about it.
For those who don't know what Doge is, look here (Not a spam link).
One of the most annoying memes since the Dolan phase. It isn't even worthy of a light chuckle. Then the next phase after the Shiba memes will probably have something equally annoying.
I personally find it humourous when people try at a language and do poorly at it. That's partially due to the type of comedy I was exposed to when I was little where English and Cantonese (and even Vietnamese) are used interchangeably to create jokes or puns that the family has a good laugh about. "Sum Ting Wong" is a recent one we're getting a laugh out of.

As for the doge meme, at first I got the funny out of it, but like most memes, everyone wants to try at making their own without trying to get a very strong feel of it and end up contributing to a flood of unfunny memes being generated. Unfortunately, some people have been exposed to this more than the better ones. They reminded me of product packages that have the Engrish labels and those are amusing every so often.
I'm somewhere between 'meh' and 'dislike'. That attitude comes with age as you're more easily able to simply scroll past annoying crap to get to the good stuff.
Coming around to it, if you look at it as words on the picture it's not funny but when you think of it as the dog's internal monologue it's funny.
I don't like them. Like most memes, however, two or three were genuinely hilarious but then tons of people thought they could make a funny one and now the internet is flooded with Doge memes which aren't all that great and that gets annoying.
The internet is full of mindless meme creators, this one is just another one of them. I believe meme's should be made by people who are actually funny, and people who make them to show their mates for an in-joke or something.
Some of them are pretty stupid, but they're nowhere near as annoying as a certain TV show a couple years back.

Carry on posting them, I say.

Also, if no complaining is allowed, how will people ever know what other people don't want them to post?
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I don't like them, but it's probably because I don't get why they're funny. Does anybody know where/how it originated? Maybe a video or something?

Memes tend to have a bit of context behind them which makes them funny. But all we get here is a picture of a dog and random statements stamped across the image. That in itself isn't funny.
Some of them can be funny but most of them are just stupid and annoying.
I don't get how they are funny and are very annoying to me, especially how often they are posted :ouch:.
I don't like them, but it's probably because I don't get why they're funny. Does anybody know where/how it originated? Maybe a video or something?

Memes tend to have a bit of context behind them which makes them funny. But all we get here is a picture of a dog and random statements stamped across the image. That in itself isn't funny.

It's supposed to be some sort of internal monologue by the dog. Apparently it started years and years ago with fans of Shiba Inu dogs, and probably was never intended to go beyond their community.
Also, if no complaining is allowed, how will people ever know what other people don't want them to post?
What people should post is what's funny, in picture form. That's pretty much all you need to know (except the AUP).
Like @TB, I'm somewhere between "meh" and "dislike". I thought the first two or three maybe were mildly humorous. But the saturation point got reached pretty quickly, compounded by people coming up with variants that hardly anybody could consider humorous. In a month or so the fad will have passed and it'll be something else that people are doing, then overdoing.

Note that the above could have been written about pretty much any meme which has come down the road and probably any of those still to come.

Bottom line: If you like them, fine. If not, scroll past.