Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
I have the opposite problem, I deal with people the just drive up to behind me in the right lane and don't move onto the passing lane to overtake. It's like they forget why the passing lane exists. *facepalm*

Oh and here's another one that annoys me, idiot drivers that speed at 15mph over the speed limit (or more) or higher and swerve through traffic without using their signals.
Yeah... I just had the same problem again tonight coming home on the Interstate. Everyone was in the left lane and no one would move to the right... Of course, that was in some pretty bad conditions, and two lane Interstate. But even when it went to three or four lanes, no one still would move over...
the thing I hate most is when someone makes you slam on the brakes while they pull out as fast as humanely possible and then sit at 20mph knowing that theres to much traffic to pass then, and then when there's a chance they speed up and then slow down again
the thing I hate most is when someone makes you slam on the brakes while they pull out as fast as humanely possible and then sit at 20mph knowing that theres to much traffic to pass then, and then when there's a chance they speed up and then slow down again
I'v had that happen to me and turns out the guy lives in my subdivision...
Then when I find myself driving back home, he's following me and riding my tail. I turn left to pull into my driveway and the moron I guess was trying to pass me on my left (because I was slowing down, there's a bit of a dip at the end of my drive), almost wrecked me and I would have been sent off the edge...
It's annoying when cars happily sit behind you on the freeway and the instant you change lanes, the car that was behind you speeds up to pass instead of staying at the speed they were originally at behind you.
I've seen pictures on throughout the internet of people parking in FRONT of parking spots in the middle of the lanes. But didn't think I'd come across it...until today at the local mall.

How...does one think that's a parking
Motorcycles. Man, they are the worst here in my place. You turn on your right turn signal and preparing to turn right nd the all of them always pass you on your right. I mean like what the 🤬 Man !
This is more of an annoyance than something wrong.

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This person has ALL OF THIS SPACE in front of him.
Yes, and then if they were waiting to turn left and didn't get the arrow because they weren't on the sensor, they will pull out right in front of the traffic coming the opposite way who also have a green light but don't have to yield...

I've had that happen to me countless times...
A lot of times when I'm first in line to turn left, I'll leave some space in front of me like that to account for other cars that may be turning left to get onto the road where I'm waiting. People suck at turning, so it's best to give them some space for whatever crappy line they may take.
I see what you mean, but this is a one way street. Leaving that much space in this situation doesn't make much sense.
So I was driving home after a long day yesterday. There was freezing rain and slick roads, some idiot in a Camry that was along side me decided they needed to get into my lane, they just started merging into me like I wasn't there. Me laying on the horn somehow didn't convey the message "Hey idiot, I'm in this lane", they were coming over anyway. So I flashed the brights and told him (or her, I never saw the driver) they were #1. a couple times.

After the day I had, that spun me into a dimension of pissed off I rarely get to.
So I was driving home after a long day yesterday. There was freezing rain and slick roads, some idiot in a Camry that was along side me decided they needed to get into my lane, they just started merging into me like I wasn't there. Me laying on the horn somehow didn't convey the message "Hey idiot, I'm in this lane", they were coming over anyway. So I flashed the brights and told him (or her, I never saw the driver) they were #1. a couple times.

After the day I had, that spun me into a dimension of pissed off I rarely get to.
I know that feel bro.
A lot of times when I'm first in line to turn left, I'll leave some space in front of me like that to account for other cars that may be turning left to get onto the road where I'm waiting. People suck at turning, so it's best to give them some space for whatever crappy line they may take.
Yeah, true... Some of our streets getting repainted are now putting the left turn lane about a car-lengths back so some of the larger trucks can make the turns...
When someone parks next to you, swings their door full-force into your car, and walk away like nothing ever happened.
Even worse when it's a lifted truck.
...people treat having to stop behind someone that stopped for a [Stop] sign as stopping for said sign, and simply rolling on through behind them. It's particularly infuriating when they do so before someone else in an intersection (me) had the right of way. Really?
People that forget the right of way at intersections, that is something I've witnessed several times and it gets annoying.

Even worse is when they make you unsure of your standing in the intersection, so then you both set off, then step on the brakes, then hesitate before one of you gun it out of there.
Even worse is when they make you unsure of your standing in the intersection, so then you both set off, then step on the brakes, then hesitate before one of you gun it out of there.
Oh yeah, that is indeed worse. For instance, some other driver could stop at an intersection before I do and he doesn't go despite the fact he got to the intersection first. He's not going, so I'll just decide "screw it" and go, and then he finally decides to take off. *sigh*
Bringing this thread back.... Can't help but just hate when people use the center turning lanes as merging lanes. :mad: I always get spooked when I see someone driving along side me trying to shove themselves in. It's bad enough to the point where even the local PD's Facebook page had to post this.
Bringing this thread back.... Can't help but just hate when people use the center turning lanes as merging lanes. :mad: I always get spooked when I see someone driving along side me trying to shove themselves in. It's bad enough to the point where even the local PD's Facebook page had to post this.
I see this in my town all the time, it's horrible.
Bringing this thread back.... Can't help but just hate when people use the center turning lanes as merging lanes. :mad: I always get spooked when I see someone driving along side me trying to shove themselves in. It's bad enough to the point where even the local PD's Facebook page had to post this.

Ugh, these always bring out stupidity.

The other day there was a major accident and I'm sitting at the bottom of the hill, maybe a half mile to the top, and there's a huge line of traffic all the way up. There's a left turn lane going all the way up the hill. Some dumbass in a PT Cruiser decides he doesn't have to wait, and drives all the way up the left turn lane, then cuts somebody off at the top. Then dumbass in the Corolla behind me follows his lead.

Meanwhile there's one that goes by the street out front of my work, and people always go FLYING down the left turn lane way before the intersection that they're turning at. Or they use it to overtake people. Or as you're turning into the parking lot, they ride your ass then cut over into the turning lane to get around you.
I hate it when someones in front of me going really slow under the limit (like 25mph in a 40 mph zone) and they keep tapping their brakes.
I hate it when someones in front of me going really slow under the limit (like 25mph in a 40 mph zone) and they keep tapping their brakes.
That's fine in a blizzard but I get ya lol.
I hate road rage. I seriously don't get it.