Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
At a local gas station, there are 4 pumps. 2 where you have to pay in the store and where you can pay at the pump. There was a guy getting fuel at one of the two non-electronic pumps, also the that my grandmother would've used if the guy wasn't parked there.

And because she was too lazy to turn around for the other non-electronic pump, and because she hates electronic payment methods, she parks behind the guy, and is parked there for 5-10 minutes. And then SHE starts shouting at the infront of him because ''he's a slow idiot''. I cringed through that whole thing.
When you're driving along a main road and someone pulls up to the stop sign on one of the side roads so fast, it makes you think they're about to run the stop sign and cut you off. Either that or t-bone you.
When someone do THIS:

Speaking of bad parking. Here's an amusing example... Went to the grocery store near a friend's place and watched as this woman pulled up to a parking spot that some other woman left a shopping cart in. Rather than finding a different spot, she parked AROUND the shopping cart and left.
Basic things that annoy me on the road:
1. I sometimes get people tailgating me when I'm in the slow lane and the lane next to us is clear. Seriously, if you want to go faster, then overtake! I'm not even one of those people that drive 10mph under the speed limit either. I usually drive a bit over it.

2. Idiots that constantly swerve through lanes without even using their signals. I see this happen a lot of the time and it's annoying.

3. People that actually do drive too slow.
I can only speak as a passenger but one thing that annoys me is people going slow on a fun road. For example, where I live there's two roads to get to my town from Exeter, about halfway down the current main road is a turning to go onto the old main road which has a lower speed limit but is more fun for people who actually like to have fun, to cut a long story short someone decided to go really slowly on this road when they could've gone onto the new main road and go the national speed limit, it annoyed the hell out of me and my mum because it's a really fun road, if you want more context go on google maps or earth and type in Exeter to Honiton UK and type in old A30.
I can only speak as a passenger but one thing that annoys me is people going slow on a fun road. For example, where I live there's two roads to get to my town from Exeter, about halfway down the current main road is a turning to go onto the old main road which has a lower speed limit but is more fun for people who actually like to have fun, to cut a long story short someone decided to go really slowly on this road when they could've gone onto the new main road and go the national speed limit, it annoyed the hell out of me and my mum because it's a really fun road, if you want more context go on google maps or earth and type in Exeter to Honiton UK and type in old A30.

I know the feeling and you cant overtake where they choose to go slow, but when you can overtake they decide to speed up.
I know the feeling and you cant overtake where they choose to go slow, but when you can overtake they decide to speed up.

THIS. Going 30 in a 40 then when the lane splits and I pull out to overtake they suddenly think the speed limit is 50...
THIS. Going 30 in a 40 then when the lane splits and I pull out to overtake they suddenly think the speed limit is 50...

What's funny is that kind of stuff seems the opposite for me. In a way... People always seem to drive 30 in a 45 zone, then go 50 in a 25 zone...
What's funny is that kind of stuff seems the opposite for me. In a way... People always seem to drive 30 in a 45 zone, then go 50 in a 25 zone...

They then go 20mph in a 40mph zone when they see a police car or a speed camera.
Saw someone that drove across the intersection like a idiot and the tires were squealing (the person was driving a ricer, that's why).
It's a bit foggy/cloudy/rainy here today. As usual there are many idiots driving around without their lights on. Especially the ones in the silver/grey cars that are damn near invisible.
It's a bit foggy/cloudy/rainy here today. As usual there are many idiots driving around without their lights on. Especially the ones in the silver/grey cars that are damn near invisible.

Could be worse, they could be me driving like a bat out of hell in the white demon.
Sitting at a light few cars back and I hear a soft voice from the car beside me.

"You're a ricer bro."

I leaned over in front of my lady and responded
"You sure about that?"

Guy and his little buddy slightly nod their heads trying to hint at yes.
I then ask
"How much horsepower do you have?" They are in a stock 00-05 impala.

His response
"Doesn't matter I'll burn you any time bro."(had no clue)

I responded sarcastically saying
"Where do you want to run right here in traffic?"(gridlock)

"No, dumbass we're in traffic."

Once he said dumbass I got a little hot. So I just asked.
"Why are you starting **** for?" As he was looking for words I then asked.
"Did I hurt you or something?"

His response
"Yeah(pause) I think ya did" (tryin to be "hard")

I laughed and said "I'll bet I did" while turning back into my seat. Then the light changed and he made a hard turn at the intersection and disappeared.

Him and his little friend are the true ricers. They were trying to be tough and I had my girl in the car. Hope I see him again someday Tan impala with a gaint San Deigo Chargers sticker on the back window and charger headrest covers haha. "So tight bro"
The worst is always the feeling of people driving around you in your own car that you care about. EVERY TIME I take a turn, someone's riding my bumper and doesn't let down AT ALL when I slow down to take a sharp turn. I always feel like one day, some idiot's going to rear end me because of their impatience. Either that or being really idiotic and swerving around me into the other lane. Another annoyance on the road, or fear when you're the person on the oncoming lane.
The worst is always the feeling of people driving around you in your own car that you care about. EVERY TIME I take a turn, someone's riding my bumper and doesn't let down AT ALL when I slow down to take a sharp turn. I always feel like one day, some idiot's going to rear end me because of their impatience. Either that or being really idiotic and swerving around me into the other lane. Another annoyance on the road, or fear when you're the person on the oncoming lane.
If someone is tailgating me while I have my signal on and I'm turning, I'm slowing way da funk down. If they hit me, they're paying for it. I'm not going to take a tight turn at 20mph and blow out parts of my suspension.
If I'm making a turn off a busy street with someone behind me, I'll usually signal way in advance. If they get in the other lane, we helped each other out. If they don't, then they know what's in store for them.
I was riding with a friend one day (in his BR-Z) and we reached red light at a two lane turn lane. At the light, a white 1998 Honda civic hatch with no hood and a cringe inducing fart-can pulls up beside us with two shirtless guys in it. We both look at it and look back displaying no interest in their hunk of junk and trying to mind our own business when the driver starts revving at the light. At this point it is hard to ignore it as the windows are open and we both roll up our windows and continue looking forward at the light, begging for it to change. When it does, my friend delays to let them go ahead because we both know that they are gonna pull some stupid ****. Next thing I know, the civic takes off and goes careening into the curb on the opposite side of the road, we pull away and drive past their rice bucket crying tears of laughter and joy that the people on the opposite side of the road weren't victims of this "tragedy"...

I hate idiots, but I love what becomes of them :lol:
When you park in a reasonably quiet Car Park with plenty of Spaces available, and one of the only other Cars to come into the Car Park decides to park right next to you meaning you got to be careful when opening the door?..Really Annoying.

When it's a busy Car Park and spaces are far and few between than Fair enough.

But when it's not, Go park somewhere else.
When people think they have the right to cut into a long line of traffic on a busy road on the oncoming lane, despite other cars on the other lane having nothing on their side, so people stick out into the middle of the lane they're not trying to get into. (Same can be said for when people do that at intersections with traffic lights)

Was driving down a main road with traffic all backed up on the oncoming lane. There was a small side road on my right with people trying to take a left turn into the heavily backed up lane only to sometimes get stuck in the middle of my lane. Luckily, those people made it through. However, as I approached that section of the road that connects with a side road, some idiot in an Impala thought it was ok to pull out in the middle of a busy 45MPH road. Right in front of me, going 45MPH... So I had to slam my brakes and hear the Jeep Grand Cherokee behind me lock up and nearly rear end me. A comforting feeling...
Probably been said but when people wait until the last possible minute to try and cut in the open lane while they're in a closed lane.
There are a few things that really bug me about other road users sometimes.

1.) People at roundabouts who just pull out without looking, usually in a large SUV of some type, and then just stop in the middle leaving me nowhere to go but to jam on the brakes and hope no-ones up my caboose

2.) People doing less than the speed limit on a perfectly fine day with no-one in front, (tried to give them the passive agressive treatment, that ended up with a letter from the fine upstanding police force)

and 3.) CYCLISTS, I'm not meaning the kids riding bikes in the suburbs, but the Lycra wearing, annoying lil so and sos that when riding by themselves are ok, but when they ride together they turn into some kind of troll, ranging from running red lights to riding 2-3 wide taking up a whole lane of pre-traffic jam traffic (ie 7:00am) and then just balantly riding in the middle of the lane, then when you pass, give you a filthy look as if you inconvienced them

This in the Auckland CBD is a daily occurance sadly
When you park in a reasonably quiet Car Park with plenty of Spaces available, and one of the only other Cars to come into the Car Park decides to park right next to you meaning you got to be careful when opening the door?..Really Annoying.

When it's a busy Car Park and spaces are far and few between than Fair enough.

But when it's not, Go park somewhere else.

Your avatar matches the same kind of emotion that people who love their cars feel.

You've detailed your car, it looks brand new
You park away from others to avoid your car getting doored and they park next to you.

Guess it is the "Ghosts in the carpark"
Something that is really starting to annoy me is people not stopping at stop signs, they just tap on their brakes and drive right thought. It doesn't even matter if it's a 4-way stop or not. And if you honk at them they give you a nasty look and act as they right and you are wrong.