Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
Finally caught an example of the laziness of the people in the town I live in...whilst taking a walk through the park.

Three acts all in one picture...and yes, all three of those vehicles were parked there for a long time. Not just to pick up their kids from whatever sports practice.

Also was walking with my brother and said "Can't people read the no parking sign?" To which some teenage girl replied in...the rather stereotypical 🤬-y tone of "Well there's NO WHERE ELSE TO PARK!" Despite the fact that less than a block away up the hill...there's a very large...yet empty parking lot at the high school. Can't help but hate the suburbian life.

That's why I always carry a set of these:

Another thing I hate is loaner cars... I do reconditioning at a Chrysler dealership and for some reason we ALWAYS get at least one or two loaners that have the "NO SMOKING OR PETS ALLOWED IN LOANERS" label peeled off. And of course, the ones that get them peeled off either reek of cigarette smoke or are full of dog hair. Do people really think dealerships are that stupid to not notice a loaner had a sticker peeled off and smells of smoke or is covered in dog hair?
Another thing I hate is when people, not just in cars either, go around the gates of a train crossing, or speed up, or basically risk their lives to avoid being stuck at a train crossing. I've not had this happen to me yet, but knock on wood, I'm worried that one of these days my footage of filming the trains is going to have a collision in it. In fact, the explicit reason why I don't film at crossings very often is this right here.
I have this on a daily basis. I hate it when.......

OH MY GOD!!!!! I hate it when you, yes you over there Mr. Or Ms. i "love" my car to death,

Apparently you do not. I understand you are poor, I am poor, however if you want to make your vehicle last, like really really last the number one thing you should do, like the absolute number one thing you should do.....

Use the oil your Manufacturer calls for. Yes, GM tries to fool you with this Dexos requirement, but, our oil meets their spec, IF YOU BUY THE SYNTHETIC BLEND!! THE CONVENTIONAL OIL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY!!!!

Also, just an FYI for those of you who drive cars that may be newer (usually 2008 and newer), ALL car companies no longer use conventional oil. so if you want to use what the dealer uses....

And to Ms. 2013 Ford Fusion smarty pants who has a husband who knows everything, a conventional oil change is good for 3000 miles. no more. not 7000 like you have been going between oil changes.

Mr 2004 Chevrolet Malibu MAXX, you only ever spill and fill your oil with us, You have a transmission that is black and chunky with dirt and debris that you dont care to flush out. Also your oil is JET BLACK and chunky because your last conventional OC was 10,000, yes ten thousand miles ago. Oh, you had it changed elsewhere? if you did they never changed your oil filter, you know, this one, the one with my 2 bosses initials on it. (we sign every filter with date,store #, and techs working on said car and i always add a smiley face.)

God do i hate dumb people.

DO NOT get me started on the 0W20 People.
I had a cop in front of me today. He was speeding, and when we got to a cross street, he floored his brakes to get into the turning lane. He also completely ignored the person making an illegal u-turn just a mile back. He's lucky I was driving or I would've been getting video (like I did with the cop that I caught speeding through a school zone and passing cars on the wrong side of the road a few weeks ago, and texting and driving).
The drivers of large vehicles. You're in a turn lane at a stop sign, waiting for a gap in traffic. Chevy Suburban pulls up next to you, blocking your view of a lane. You creep forward trying to see around the big fat road hog... and they start creeping forward too, even though they can see over the top of your car! Or they start going themselves. IIRC, I have missed gaps because of this.

Also, why does it seem like, whenever you absolutely must be somewhere 5 minutes ago, you get stuck behind the guy who is stubbornly maintaining an indicated 55 MPH, which is actually more like 52 MPH because factory speedometers tend to read fast, no matter how much you blare your horn at him?
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The drivers of large vehicles. You're in a turn lane at a stop sign, waiting for a gap in traffic. Chevy Suburban pulls up next to you, blocking your view of a lane. You creep forward trying to see around the big fat road hog... and they start creeping forward too, even though they can see over the top of your car! Or they start going themselves. IIRC, I have missed gaps because of this.

That ALWAYS happens to me when I'm trying to pull onto the main road out of my work. A large four lane road known as the auto mile with nothing but dealerships and there's a little side road where I go to park my car near my work. There's only a stop sign from the side road onto the larger one and I have to take a left when heading home. And there's ALWAYS someone in a giant truck or SUV inching forward and blocking my view.

Almost think everyone should own Kei cars. :lol:
I went up to Eureka Lodge today for fun (about 100 miles away on a road varying between 2-4 lanes with lots of fun twisty corners) and found another reason not to like large vehicles on the way back.

First fun area (farthest from home), I'm stuck behind a pickup pulling a trailer. Whatever, fair enough, it's a tall trailer and it could tip over. Then, after the road wides out and I pass the truck, the new Jeep Cherokee Latitude behind me passes me to avoid getting stuck behind my speed limit OCD, only to hold me up in the second and largest fun area going 40MPH through the corners. Sorry, not my fault you wouldn't dare be caught in something as unfashionable as a wagon and had to buy a big stupid crossover, get your clumsy Jeep that isn't a Jeep out of the way!

And then, third fun area, I get caught behind a motorcycle, which is the exact opposite of a clumsy SUV and shouldn't have been a problem. I don't care if it's a bagger, your motorcycle should be able to take corners faster than a rusty FF compact with worn suspension, snow tires, and, I don't even know, about 70/30 weight distribution.

Also, the less-populated regions of Alaska don't seem to care much for cleanliness. Both the Eureka Lodge restaraunt and the general store I stopped to buy water at on the way home deserved sanitation ratings of about D. Minus.

First fun area (farthest from home), I'm stuck behind a pickup pulling a trailer. Whatever, fair enough, it's a tall trailer and it could tip over. Then, after the road wides out and I pass the truck, the new Jeep Cherokee Latitude behind me passes me to avoid getting stuck behind my speed limit OCD, only to hold me up in the second and largest fun area going 40MPH through the corners. Sorry, not my fault you wouldn't dare be caught in something as unfashionable as a wagon and had to buy a big stupid crossover, get your clumsy Jeep that isn't a Jeep out of the way!
I think you need to chill the 🤬 out.
I think you need to chill the 🤬 out.

Probably. But it is a huge buzzkill when you someone passes you on the straight, then holds you up in the corners when there isn't another passing area for 10 miles. The driver of that Cherokee will likely never tackle any terrain my own car couldn't, whether that thing actually can or not (it certainly wasn't a Trailhawk). Thus there is no reason for them to have such a tall, high-riding, heavy vehicle that has to go very, very slow through corners, except that wagons are considered unsexy and so now no one would be caught dead in one.
My mother owns a '12 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It has a ton of stuff in it, including the terrain-control-thing (I can't remember the actual name for it.) that sits on the dash that she has never touched ever since she owned it. Given free reign with it, I bet I can do stuff with it that she thought it couldn't do.
I hate it when people can't keep a consistent speed/throttle input on the motorway, instead electing to accelerate up to the speed limit, then braking, then accelerating, then braking, ad infinitum. Really irritating... :mad:
I find "Baby on Board" stickers incredibly annoying. No cares you have a child in your car; nor will your sticker stop me from slamming into your vehicle in the event of an accident. I have never once seen a "Baby on Board" sticker and thought "Oh they have a child in their car, I guess I'll crash into someone else."
I find "Baby on Board" stickers incredibly annoying. No cares you have a child in your car; nor will your sticker stop me from slamming into your vehicle in the event of an accident. I have never once seen a "Baby on Board" sticker and thought "Oh they have a child in their car, I guess I'll crash into someone else."
And then they pass you at 15 over the limit and run a redlight
*has happened to me
I find "Baby on Board" stickers incredibly annoying. No cares you have a child in your car; nor will your sticker stop me from slamming into your vehicle in the event of an accident. I have never once seen a "Baby on Board" sticker and thought "Oh they have a child in their car, I guess I'll crash into someone else."

The purpose of Baby on Board stickers are so that after an accident, the authorities can prioritize cars that may contain small children and help them first.

The purpose of Baby on Board stickers are so that after an accident, the authorities can prioritize cars that may contain small children and help them first.

Do you think a sticker really does a better job of telling EMTs and paramedics "there maybe children in here" than this?

Although... I may start putting "Baby on Board" stickers on all my vehicles just so I get urgent quality care.:sly:
Do you think a sticker really does a better job of telling EMTs and paramedics "there maybe children in here" than this?View attachment 168406

Although... I may start putting "Baby on Board" stickers on all my vehicles just so I get urgent quality care.:sly:

You really think someones going to see pretty pink in a charred/mangled car wreck? At least the sticker has a fighting chance.