Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
Don't ya just hate it when you're searching online at dealer inventory for a new car, specifically one with a manual transmission (like I'm trying to do for the Dodge Dart), and you think you find some, but then looking at the pics it appears that whoever posted them fell asleep at the computer and listed an automatic equipped car as a manual? All I would like to do is test drive a 2.4 with the manual, but apparently I would have a better chance of being in the Olympics than finding one nearby.

Welcome to 2014. Manuals are on the way out, and good luck finding one other person besides me who actually thinks that's a negative thing.
@buickgnx88 Sometimes they'll use stock photos rather than ones of the actual car for sale. Apparently salesmen are so busy flogging the things off that they can't find 5 minutes to take photos of each car on it's way in.

Try contacting the dealer and asking if it's actually a manual 👍
People that sit on 70 through an 80 zone, and when they enter a 60 zone they continue to do 70.
Just shows that they really aren't paying attention to what they're doing.
Ok so this happened to me today. I was about to park in a spot at a mall there was someone backing out I had my turn indicator but there was someone that also wanted the spot but the person backing out went the way the guy across from me was facing so I had a chance to take the spot while he was waiting for the guy to back out so I took the spot. But when I parked the other person that wanted the spot honked at me and drove to find a different spot.:lol:
Up here in AK (not sure about elsewhere) the emergency services have gone over to these stupid sirens that aren't even audible until they're right on top of you. I could almost understand if it was just the police - maybe they want to be able to sneak up on crimes in progess while still maintaining some warning capability - but the ambulances and firetrucks have them too. Maybe they're trying to be courteous and not wake people up at night, but on the road the sirens just aren't as functional as they should be. Oftentimes I'm notified of the approach of an emergency vehicle not by the sirens, but by people who watch their mirrors more closely than I pulling over. Or I'll barely hear a noise over my music, panic and turn the radio off thinking something's gone wrong with my car, and then realize it's actually a fire truck and it's close enough that it should have been obvious even with the beats blasting. (I got in front of the truck when I turned at an intersection and noticed the noise in the middle of the turn, so no, I wasn't sitting obliviously in front of a fire truck for miles.)
I have seen cops turn on their sirens and lights just to pass 1 person on a road that has a turning lane (who was doing the speed limit) and to go through a red light.
I pretty much hate everyone else that I can see in the road. Most of all I hate people who are too busy playing on their phones to drive, which around here is usually soccer moms in a gigantic suv that takes up the whole road to begin with. Then there's always that one idiot who HAS to park next to the shiny car literally 50 yards away from anything else so close that I cant get my door open. It happens every day.... [End rant]
High beams are bad, high beams with HIDs are when you should be shot.

And people you put install HIDs in stock mountings should be shot.

Problem is people go on ebay and read plug and play when they buy them.

And don't realign the lights after.

I know people that run HIDs in halogen units and they do not give off any glare because they used the right bulb to start with and the realigned the lights after.

Reflector units can use HIDs, there have been cars that have used HIDs in reflectors that came like that from factory.
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How about when someone buys an hid kit, has one burn out then replaces the one with a old bulb. So you have one side hid and one side normal. I saw that not too long ago and it was just as blinding.
When you are looking forward to that sweet on-ramp, then someone manages to get in front of you and just ruin your whole night...

People that overtake you on the freeway 300m before the off ramp, then cut you off cause they want to use the off ramp.
When you haven't got the fastest car in the world (but you're moving faster than the other driver) and you go to overtake, and they then speed up to force you back behind and then slow down again! 🤬
When you're running late to work, you floor it to try and get past a side street before that school bus pulls out, and they jump out in front of you, then go 40 MPH because the road might be icy. If the road was really that icy, I would have run into you from hardly inconsiderable speeds... but I didn't, and now I'll be late from having to sit behind your 10-or-15-MPH-under-the-limit troll bus. Happy?
When you're running late to work, you floor it to try and get past a side street before that school bus pulls out, and they jump out in front of you, then go 40 MPH because the road might be icy. If the road was really that icy, I would have run into you from hardly inconsiderable speeds... but I didn't, and now I'll be late from having to sit behind your 10-or-15-MPH-under-the-limit troll bus. Happy?

That happens every single time! :P
What about people who just shove their way through traffic? Once I went out on the Glenn Highway. I see an incredibly slow-moving camper truck ('Laska) merging in, so I try to move left to let him in without having to slow down. Nope says the guy in the massive GMC Sierra, who shoulders his way through at high speed, showing no sign of slowing down even when I've had my signal on for easily long enough to warn him I was moving over. I end up having to nail the brakes for the camper truck because he probably wouldv'e rammed me had I tried to move over.

Random cyclist on a Hatcher Pass in early October, going just fast enough to stay in front of me without be able to pull away. Of course, that might have been God saving my life, as I was approaching the Mother Lode Hairpin (an excellent corner for demonstrating why FWD is horrible) and fully intended to take it as fast as I thought I could get away with (speed limit on that road is 35 MPH, but that corner has a speed advisory down to 10 MPH, and it's probably a lot closer to the truth than most speed advisory signs).

Of course, I should probably be careful here, as I've done things myself that could go in this thread. I have many opinions and little patience, and that sometimes leads me to do stupid things.
(speed limit on that road is 35 MPH, but that corner has a speed advisory down to 10 MPH, and it's probably a lot closer to the truth than most speed advisory signs).

Of course, I should probably be careful here, as I've done things myself that could go in this thread. I have many opinions and little patience, and that sometimes leads me to do stupid things.

I ignore all speed advisory signs, i let the picture of the curve tell me what to do.

The sharper the slower, but i stick to the limit most of the time, my little FF can just goes around corners like its on rails
I hate it when I'm at a stop sign with two lanes for left and right turns. And either lane I'm in, there's always a large vehicle (SUV, minivan, or softroader thing) in the other. When there's a large road that you have to pull out onto. In many ways, I really wish there were lights, but I suppose people would complain about it slowing their commute down... Despite the fact that it'd make it so much safer. Anyways, back on topic when I'm in one of the two lanes, mainly left as I have to take a left out of the road near my work. There's always someone in a larger vehicle than my...rather low Mazda 6 Sport Wagon and they look to their side that they're turning onto. And before I can tell if one side is clear, the driver will edge forward enough so I can't see a thing. You have a taller vehicle! You can see EASILY right over my car! UGH! I hate this so much, especially for when people are taking a left turn and I'm trying to take a right, but can't see anything.
I have seen cops turn on their sirens and lights just to pass 1 person on a road that has a turning lane (who was doing the speed limit) and to go through a red light.
Cops around here do this a lot. They'll turn on the lights or press the manual button on the siren a few times just to make an illegal turn or something stupid even though they are clearly not going anywhere in a hurry. :rolleyes:

Up here in AK (not sure about elsewhere) the emergency services have gone over to these stupid sirens that aren't even audible until they're right on top of you. I could almost understand if it was just the police - maybe they want to be able to sneak up on crimes in progess while still maintaining some warning capability - but the ambulances and firetrucks have them too. Maybe they're trying to be courteous and not wake people up at night, but on the road the sirens just aren't as functional as they should be. Oftentimes I'm notified of the approach of an emergency vehicle not by the sirens, but by people who watch their mirrors more closely than I pulling over. Or I'll barely hear a noise over my music, panic and turn the radio off thinking something's gone wrong with my car, and then realize it's actually a fire truck and it's close enough that it should have been obvious even with the beats blasting. (I got in front of the truck when I turned at an intersection and noticed the noise in the middle of the turn, so no, I wasn't sitting obliviously in front of a fire truck for miles.)
Was it one of those "rumbler" sirens?
When you're driving in the middle of the night with no moon, on a narrow curvy road, doing 80, with no road signs for intersections or corners and some idiot in their jacked up ute with high beam on sits 2 meters from your rear bumper for miles and miles.

When you are reversing out of a park, already being halfway out and on the road and then some idiot who zoom past you at 40kmh (speed limit 10k) blasting their horn.

The most thing I hate on the road is lack of patience. Drivers who give no space and go crazy when you go a bit too slow to the conditions or miss a tiny gap in traffic. Sometimes people are tired, sick or not familiar with a road/vehicle, give others some space please.
This one had me raging for hours afterwards:
I was at Walmart, one which has BIG WHITE ARROWS painted on the parking lot to tell you which way to go down the aisle because the aisles are too narrow for two cars to pass each other. So I was going the correct way down the aisle when all of a sudden I'm met by a moron in a PT Loser going the wrong way, so I stop, waiting for him to back up, as that is the logical thing to do when you're in the right and their in the wrong. Well not ten seconds go by and this guy lays on the horn, waving his arms, flipping me off, and generally just freaking out over the fact that I'm not moving out of his way! So, trying to remain calm and not start a fight, I backed up into a parking space to let this colossal idiot through. Well he couldn't just take his dumbass by me, nope, he drove up, stopped his car in front of mine and started yelling and cussing at me about how I have no respect for others and yada-yada-yada. And with that, I turned around, grabbed my tire iron, stepped out of the truck, and nicely convinced him that going on his way would save his car and windshield from considerable damage. Here's the kicker, he had one of those "Respect Life" custom license plates and a Mensa bumper sticker!! Obviously Mensa must have switched from taking people with high IQs to taking people who can't comprehend basic shapes....
This one had me raging for hours afterwards:
I was at Walmart, one which has BIG WHITE ARROWS painted on the parking lot to tell you which way to go down the aisle because the aisles are too narrow for two cars to pass each other. So I was going the correct way down the aisle when all of a sudden I'm met by a moron in a PT Loser going the wrong way, so I stop, waiting for him to back up, as that is the logical thing to do when you're in the right and their in the wrong. Well not ten seconds go by and this guy lays on the horn, waving his arms, flipping me off, and generally just freaking out over the fact that I'm not moving out of his way! So, trying to remain calm and not start a fight, I backed up into a parking space to let this colossal idiot through. Well he couldn't just take his dumbass by me, nope, he drove up, stopped his car in front of mine and started yelling and cussing at me about how I have no respect for others and yada-yada-yada. And with that, I turned around, grabbed my tire iron, stepped out of the truck, and nicely convinced him that going on his way would save his car and windshield from considerable damage. Here's the kicker, he had one of those "Respect Life" custom license plates and a Mensa bumper sticker!! Obviously Mensa must have switched from taking people with high IQs to taking people who can't comprehend basic shapes....

The Ol' Tire Iron :lol:
The Ol' Tire Iron :lol:
Despite the fact that I'm not a small guy, he stopped yelling pretty quickly when he looked down and saw the ol' tire iron LOL. It doesn't even fit my lug nuts, I just keep it around... for emergencies.
I would have been like:

"Hey dude don't get pissed off at me because your dumb ass is going the wrong way. Follow the 🤬 arrows moron!"