Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
Every Crown Vic becomes a held breath.

Commodore for me.

I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm insured, I have my license, I'm registered and inspected and all is good.. however on more than one occasion I've caught myself doing 130 without even noticing - my Skyline has a tendency to creep up on me..

So any time I see any Holden Commodore (Standard police vehicle in NZ) I quickly check my speedo and hit the brakes if I'm accidentally speeding.

I hate it when cops follow me, I keep feeling like I did something wrong.

I seem to get cops following my fairly frequently - the assumption is all Skylines are driven by boyracers and they expect me to misbehave.. I generally just pull off at the next turn off and pretend I intended on going there in the first place.. I know I have nothing to hide but I have a deeply ingrained fear of the uniform.

You end up doing something wrong because you start to look behind you more than in front and one little mistake will most likely end up getting you pulled over.

Or if you do the opposite you get pulled over... I was in a right turn medium waiting for oncoming traffic when I happen to look up and to my shock notice lights behind me. Oncoming traffic comes to a stop, I pull into the road I was going onto and pulled over - they weren't after me but gave me a right bollocking because I "Didn't give way"

Or if you do the opposite you get pulled over... I was in a right turn medium waiting for oncoming traffic when I happen to look up and to my shock notice lights behind me. Oncoming traffic comes to a stop, I pull into the road I was going onto and pulled over - they weren't after me but gave me a right bollocking because I "Didn't give way"


On my car the rear window is split in 2 and when I look through the rear view where most cars that are behind me have their grills and headlights covered by the split.
So if it is an unmarked car the red/blue lights are covered by this split because those lights are in the grill.

So it is bad if you do not notice and they have to do something to make you notice them.
So it is bad if you do not notice and they have to do something to make you notice them.

They didn't really do anything though. They didn't sound the horn or anything - they just sat behind me as I waited for traffic with their lights on.

I wasn't going to pull out into traffic for them only to get ticketed for dangerous driving :lol:

I felt that I was going to get in trouble no matter what I did so I decided the best course of action would be carry on as I usually would (IE, follow the give way as I would under any other circumstance)
Lack of indicators at roundabouts, people going 50km/h in an 80km/h zone on one of the widest roads in town on a clear summer's day, Commodores wanting to race me, said drivers then abusing me when they lose, people with their front fog lights on when there's absolutely no fog in sight, people that don't dip their high beams.....

Need I go on? :D
It really annoys me when I park near the back of the parking lot, away from other cars, then come back to see that someone else has parked right next to me. I guess they just want to minimize the risk by parking next to someone who gives a crap about their car, but when there's so many other open spaces nearby...
You mean like the automotive version of this?
I think I could park in a car free parking lot, on an empty street, in a deserted suburb, at midnight on a work night and a soccer mom in a 4X4 would still park right next to me.

I can't believe we're on the second page and nobody has mentioned caravans! For work I drive a truck that is speed restricted to 100KPH. A caravan travelling at 95 is a barrier that an ancient chinamen would be very proud of. I've found myself in 15+ vehicle lineups for literally hours on end due to 🤬 caravaners.
Lack of indicators at roundabouts

ARGH!! I hold a special place in my heart for people who don't understand how to indicate at round abouts.

I just sit there going "So are you actually going? no you're not going left. You're going straight through. Well thanks for making me even more distrustful of people indicating left until they actually TURN LEFT MAKING THE WHOLE PROCESS POINTLESS

*Chest heave*

People doing under the speed limit in ideal conditions on perfectly safe roads really bother me too.. I had one guy on a sports bike (I believe it was a 500 Ninja) sitting along side a Ute both doing way under the limit on a dual carriage way - the bike was sitting directly in the middle of the lane too blocking me when I tooted at him politely as a request for him to allow me to pass.

Once I /finally/ got past him when the dual carriage way became a 3 lane road I pulled the V as we parted ways.

Then 5 kilometers later I happen to glance in my mirrors (Yeah can you guys tell I really rarely check my mirrors unless merging or turning) and I see the same bike - who when we parted ways was in the lane for turning in an opposite directions...

He finally catches up to me at a round about and starts shouting at me asking "What the 🤬 my problem is"

I just gave him a glare before coldly stating "Move. Out. Of. The. Way. Before you end up under someones car"

To clarify - it wasn't a threat. I'd never ever hurt anyone no matter how pissed I get, especially not over something as trivial as slow traffic. But I know that road is frequented by some real awful people and he was downright lucky he was just doing it to me.

He went white before shouting "Psycho!" and sped off, nearly crashing into a car who had right of way...

Oh yeah I really hate that

Does it count if I do it when I see another Skyline, I'll generally park near them because I get a really pathetic giggle out of saying "Nice car! you have great taste"

The look of confusion before they burst into laughter is always worth it.
The only time I do not care when people park next to me are the ones who have expensive cars as they are less likely to damage them and not care.
I will park near expensive cars though.
I respect other peoples property.
The only time I do not care when people park next to me are the ones who have expensive cars as they are less likely to damage them and not care.
I will park near expensive cars though.
I respect other peoples property.
That's what I do too :)
Oh and the lack of indicators on roundabouts always pisses me off as mentioned here aswell.
I hate when people don't have their lights on at night- I'll flash my foglights on and off to get their attention, but they drive for miles completely oblivious that it's night.

Usually the police don't care if they see someone with no lights, because the police force in my town is generally terrible. I know 5 people that have been pulled over recently, and 4 of them managed to talk their way out of a ticket. One was going 137 in a Porsche, another 130 in a Saab (both in 55 mph zones) and another was drunk.
I hate when people don't have their lights on at night- I'll flash my foglights on and off to get their attention, but they drive for miles completely oblivious that it's night.

I don't get people who don't use lights in the rain or fog, especially heavier stuff.

Like... my windows are covered in drops of water and there's a slight mist to my windows from my body heat, how exactly do you expect me to see your silver BMW sitting up my ass??

I thought it was pretty logical, in low visibility make yourself more visible to other motorists? or am I off in fairly land again?

(I'm probably getting pretty ranty in this thread at this point.. I have severe insomnia and I haven't had anything even vaguely resembling a "decent" sleep in well over a month now so I'm extremely exhausted, so sorry about that)
I always run my headlights in country driving during the day even though my car is bright as it is. At least it gives other motorists no excuses for them "not seeing me" if they decide to hit me.

I'm the same, especially since my R33 is Gunmetal Grey - but in any car I always run low beams during the day outside the city.
You're not supposed to have lights on in fog because the light will bounce back off of the fog and blind you, apparently.
You're not supposed to have lights on in fog because the light will bounce back off of the fog and blind you, apparently.

In our road code, it states in foggy conditions you must run your headlights on low beam or fog lights if you have them - perhaps the law is different in the states but that's how things are here - and I'm all for it.
Indicators, or rather a lack of them.
People driving around a roundabout in an expensive car, they just couldn't give a damn about anyone else. even if they're turning off they'll not indicate and make you wait to see where they're going.
Maybe they think they don't have to because they've done so well for themselves in getting an expensive, but tasteless car and they want people to wait and see where they're going first because they like the attention. But of course they just look like a douche.
Oh. Yes it's different here. We're told in driving school to not use headlights (or was it high beams? I may be lying now...) in fog. We also don't use turn signals at roundabouts.
You're not supposed to have lights on in fog because the light will bounce back off of the fog and blind you, apparently.

I've heard the same for running high beams, but running low beams or foggies in the fog has been fine in my experience.

Why the heck would anyone do that?

I'm guessing what @Grayfox said, though I suppose my main criticism with them is not that people use them when it's not actually foggy but more that they don't turn the bloody things off when I'm approaching them in oncoming, which dazzles my vision. It's mostly the people who drive 4WDs that do it.
But i use them for the extra light.

not that people use them when it's not actually foggy but more that they don't turn the bloody things off when I'm approaching them in oncoming, which dazzles my vision.

Honestly, that's for the first time ever I hear someone saying fog lights can dazzle someone's vision or act as extra lights, those must be some special extra bright fog lights used only in Australia.
Technically it is unlawful to use aftermarket foglights while driving in any condition in the U.S.- but I use them in addition to my headlights at night because it makes my truck look better and the cops don't care.
I hate when people leave their high beams on. Esepcially with HID's. God that sucks.

Technically it is unlawful to use aftermarket foglights while driving in any condition in the U.S.- but I use them in addition to my headlights at night because it makes my truck look better and the cops don't care.

No, it's illegal to use them if they are over a certain height on the vehicle, at which point they are designated for offroad use only. I would know, I have about 30 lights on my pickup lol.
I hate when people leave their high beams on. Esepcially with HID's. God that sucks.

High beams are bad, high beams with HIDs are when you should be shot.

And people you put install HIDs in stock mountings should be shot.

Green wheels should be shot.

I wish I had a nuclear reactor powered light, so I could temporarily blind those people for the next 20 seconds.
HIDs are bad enough on low beams when it's pitch black out. I have a hard enough time seeing past people with low beams on with normal Halogens.

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