Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
It's like this, but magnified. How am I supposed to see the road?

You can run HID in standard housings with very little glare.

You just have to be smart about it.

Many people buy the cheap kits of ebay and plug them in and go out driving without even checking where the lights are pointing.

If your car takes a H7 halogen you have to use a H7R HID bulb which is designed to cut out glare when installed in reflector housings.
But after you install these bulbs, you still need to adjust your headlights.

There is no rule that says HIDs must be used with projector housings.

HIDs are one with, but people with normal halogen bulbs that are way out of alignment is another.

Low beams that blind you like highbeams.

Honestly, that's for the first time ever I hear someone saying fog lights can dazzle someone's vision or act as extra lights, those must be some special extra bright fog lights used only in Australia.

They light up the sides and a smaller part infront of the car.
Cops dont care as I have passed many with them on at night.
I'm guessing this is the automotive equivalent of The Rumble Strip's grind my gears thread. Was thinking of venting out frustrations of other motorists' driving there, but then it was closed...

Plenty of people have already listed off some that I can agree to. Such as the indicators, HID's, parking, etc.

Anyways...I've always found people's ignorance of DRLs annoying when I'm driving along and find a car's taillights off and the low DRLs on. Seems to be a common thing these days with many cars having a rather ok lighting for their DRLs, so much so that people forget to turn their lights on.

Another problem that I often come across as a pedestrian AND a driver is at the local town park. It's a tight road, but fit enough for two cars going each way. However, when spring and summer school/community sports start... Every suburban mother/father comes out to watch their kids play sports, they decide to park their huge 🤬 SUVs/crossovers in the MIDDLE of the park's sidewalks. Giving people just wanting to take a walk no room other than to walk in the road. Which is a pain for drivers also trying to get through the park. And yet...there's a LOT of room for these parents to park up the hill at the high school parking lot, but they're just TOO LAZY to park up there and walk down. The park's parking lot is quite small and there IS no parking signs that are supposedly enforced by the police. However, they aren't and these parents get away with turning a two lane road into a single lane road. I remember back when I was in high school trying to drive to the high school, so many people had parked on both sides of the park's road that it became a single lane road and had to back all the way to the edge of the street to let one minivan through. There are times where I just wish I didn't live in the suburbs...
There are times where I just wish I didn't live in the suburbs...

Like all the time? :dopey:


Something I don't understand is people inching forwards at red lights, whether there is someone in front of them or not. What's the point? You're not going to get the light to turn green faster... The only time I inch ahead is when the person in front of me does so there isn't a huge gap.
I hate when people don't have their lights on at night- I'll flash my foglights on and off to get their attention, but they drive for miles completely oblivious that it's night.

Usually the police don't care if they see someone with no lights, because the police force in my town is generally terrible. I know 5 people that have been pulled over recently, and 4 of them managed to talk their way out of a ticket. One was going 137 in a Porsche, another 130 in a Saab (both in 55 mph zones) and another was drunk.

Were you there when these incidents supposedly happened? I highly doubt there is much truth to the above statements.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people not knowing how to park. I can park my dually truck in between the lines just fine so there is no reason your "massive" Ford Ranger can't do the same.
Also when people have really loud sound systems and assume other people wanna hear their crappy music, usually rap. You typically don't hear it so much as feel it buzzing in your head and chest slowly driving you insane. God that annoys the living hell out of me.

My mum does this.

No, seriously. My almost 43-year-old mother drives around town in Bruiser (who attracts enough attention as it is) blasting out Skrillex or other equally as bassy songs at full volume. I'm not even kidding. Right now her favourite song to blast out is Tsunami. I think it's hilarious when my mum does it, but she only does it for maybe one or two songs that come on the radio. I hate it when idiots blast out full albums. There's a guy around here with a MK2 Seat Leon Cupra and I don't think he has any other volume apart from obnoxiously loud. He drives around at full throttle blasting out his 'tunes', and then sometimes goes to the petrol station outside my school and leaves the car running (still blasting out songs with nobody in the car) whilst he goes to pay for the petrol. I'm just waiting for the day someone comes along and takes it for a joyride.

I also hate it when 'boy racers' drive like absolute tits, like said guy in the Seat, and by that I mean lean in awkward positions over the steering wheel thinking they look 'cool'. Hunched over the wheel isn't cool. One hand on top of the wheel and leaning over to the side isn't cool. Having your seat set so far back that you can barely see over your hand on top of the wheel is not cool.
Like all the time? :dopey:

Very much so...

It's always the laid back positions that I can't understand. I suppose the whole rap scene created the "relaxed yet cool" driving of having the seat far back and one hand on top of the steering wheel. It used to be mostly just teenagers doing that in their beat up Cavaliers. But now, everyone seems to do it... I can't say it effects me or anything, but it's always been something that bothered me. (Tried it myself to see why it was the "preferred" driving position...)

People blasting music has always been a slight problem in my neighborhood. But the worst of all is "bro trucks" (lifted and modified, mostly with a very loud exhaust) racing down our neighborhood's road. Sucks that our road is the "perfect drag strip" in town... Even have a guy in an old Bel Air flooring it through the night during the summer.
These guys:

Actually theres the right way and the wrong way. The right way is both lanes continue until the merging point and create a "zipper merge". The wrong way that slows down traffic and causes issues is when people move over way before the merge point, which allows others to come up in the free lane and be forced to merge which causes backups.
I hate when people think they can go and I have the right of way.
People who hog overtaking lanes on motorways. When I lived in Perth (Australia), I had a few people who threatened to kill me at the next set of lights, because I briefly flashed them on the overtaking lane to let them know I'd like to pass. On one occasion, a woman got so angry that she chased me off the motorway and started driving into the back of my car. She was completely insane!

Oh, and people who don't signal... I hate them too.
Even though I don't drive yet, it annoys the hell out of me when people park half out of their respective spot, so it's almost impossible to enter through the door on that side.
People who don't know how to do four-way stops, people who don't know how to do round-abouts, and people who drive slow in the passing lane. Also lifted trucks with massive stacks that shoot black soot all over everything, blind everyone with their lights, and fling rocks all over the vehicle behind them. Finally people with Ohio license offense Keef.
People who swerve in and out of lanes.

If you drive in Austin (Texas) you know exactly what I'm talking about.

The thing is after they pass you and there a few miles ahead, they crash and you end up passing them. :D

Why is everyone here on this page premium?
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Another thing I hate is when you're trying to get in or out of a parking lot or something from a main road, and cars are stopped because of a red light, and NO ONE lets you in/out. Although when that happens, I just slowly inch out in front of them. I piss a lot of people (rightfully so, IMO) off that way.
I hate when people block entrance /exit of a parking lot, especially annoying on a busy street.

You also have those people who don't stop when exit a parking lot and have to across over to the other side then they stop in the middle of the road and you have to slam on your brakes before run in to the person.

When I see people on their phones, I just wanna pull up next to them, get out, rip their door open, and smash their phone into itty little bits on the road. I seriously cannot stand people who talk on the phone/text while driving. Some asshole in a Volkswagen Golf nearly drifted head on into my lane going 40 MPH for this reason.
That is one of the most irritating things:banghead:

-I hate when people cut you off when they are in the wrong lane to their turn.

-A another thing that I hate is when oncoming traffic has their lane blocked and they across the double yellow lines, despite traffic in the opposite direction.

-There is when you are going down a two way street that doesn't have lanes, and the oncoming car is driving dead in the middle of the road. And it's not a big truck that doesn't have room it's also a small car.

Some people maybe mad at me for this.....
-The last thing that I hate is cyclist that want to share the road but not fellow the law. I have no problem sharing the road with them but then you have a few that don't stop at lights/stop sign and pass right through or ride in the middle of the road and it's impossible to pass them.
People who leave their turn indicators on after turning, seriously how can you not hear the annoying sound they make let alone miss the blinking light on your dash.

This actually happens to me a bit. I'm in a position where the steering wheel blocks the blinking lights and the click is drowned out by my music, but most of the time it turn off automatically so there's that.
My mum does this.


Going to a large school (2700 kids) where having a car is expected, I deal with a good amount of drivers my age on a daily basis, and almost all of them drive around like their ass is on fire. Every day I deal with kids in new Corollas/Jettas/Civics/parents' car tailgating, weaving in and out of lanes, driving too fast and never signaling. It's not like I'm a slow driver; I drive like a normal person. I can be doing ten over and I'll find a Corolla on my ass, coming from the school. One day they'll learn...

People who leave their turn indicators on after turning, seriously how can you not hear the annoying sound they make let alone miss the blinking light on your dash.

Recently, I was behind a car on the highway who put its indicator on a mile before an exit. It drove with its indicator on for about 3/4 of a mile, turned it off, then got over to exit the highway.


Going to a large school (2700 kids) where having a car is expected, I deal with a good amount of drivers my age on a daily basis, and almost all of them drive around like their ass is on fire. Every day I deal with kids in new Corollas/Jettas/Civics/parents' car tailgating, weaving in and out of lanes, driving too fast and never signaling. It's not like I'm a slow driver; I drive like a normal person. I can be doing ten over and I'll find a Corolla on my ass, coming from the school. One day they'll learn...

THIS. Everyone at my school drives like complete idiots, I'm absolutely shocked there isn't any accidents. Though the one day I did witness somebody run over a sign. Like a big, 6 foot tall speed limit sign. They just kept driving. Then you have the kids in base model Mustangs who think they're all that who rev their engines and accelerate out real fast. :rolleyes:

Tis why I park in the very corner of the parking lot.
^^When I was in school, it was people doing burnouts and donuts in pickup trucks in the parking lot and then flooring it out of turns.
When I was in school, we all drove like normal human beings because where I grew up we don't generally have superiority complexes and a need to prove how macho we are.
When I was in school, we all drove like normal human beings because where I grew up we don't generally have superiority complexes and a need to prove how macho we are.

That pretty much sums up all the kids that drive at my school. 👍
This actually happens to me a bit. I'm in a position where the steering wheel blocks the blinking lights and the click is drowned out by my music, but most of the time it turn off automatically so there's that.

Never thought of it that way, I did however ride next to people who simply forget about it and there is no music or any distractions, I still think it's rather unsafe as some drivers wouldn't know to overtake or not.

Going to a large school (2700 kids) where having a car is expected, I deal with a good amount of drivers my age on a daily basis, and almost all of them drive around like their ass is on fire. Every day I deal with kids in new Corollas/Jettas/Civics/parents' car tailgating, weaving in and out of lanes, driving too fast and never signaling. It's not like I'm a slow driver; I drive like a normal person. I can be doing ten over and I'll find a Corolla on my ass, coming from the school. One day they'll learn...

I am ashamed to say this but I drive like that sometimes :guilty:

edit: opsy double post
At my old school a lot of kids drove like idiots. Speeding with the seat fully reclined and 8 people in their 2 seater and smoking with one hand on the top of the steering wheel yo.

At my new school, however, there are only about 6 kids that drive to school. That might be because this school is about a tenth of the size, though. I can be an aggressive driver but it depends in my mood and whether I'm driving the Lincoln or my mom's truck.
Kinda about driving, when I miss taking pics of cars when I'm driving because I'm not fast enough and don't want to take my hands off the wheel.
I was driving last when I needed to merge into the lane to my right. So I flipped on my signal, checked my blind spot mirror, then, seeing as it was clear, started moving over. About halfway across I hear a honk from my right- from some idiot two lanes over who somehow thought I was coming into his lane.

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