Some are a form of other complaints posted in here, but I pay close attention to other drivers and hate them dearly... ahem:
- When people move into the TURN ONLY lane AND THEN turn on their signal.
- When a cop pulls me over for not signaling in a turn-only lane when the normal lane I'm already in terminates in said turn-only and there's no one across the street to signal to. I once had a cop driving on the perpendicular road - 1130pm, no other cars on the road - make two illegal u-turns to get behind me for this. In another similar time/traffic situation, I had a cop half a mile back see me not signal to the empty street that I was about to turn, only for him to rush up on me and follow me home. **** the police.
- When people change lanes, not signaling until they're already half way into the other lane. I may (safely) drift in front of them, THEN turn on my signal after I'm completely in their lane just to make fun of them.
- When people stop short at a stop light, then spend the duration of the red inching forward. When someone next to me does that, I inch forward several times in quick succession just to make fun of them.
- When people jump into the empty lane at a stop, only to not take off any quicker (oftentimes they're even slower) than the car they would have been behind. It's great when I ride their ass (not THAT close, mind you), so they get back behind the car they were following to begin with, and I floor it past them.
- When people tailgate you on a country road... when there's no other traffic in either direction. I once brake-checked a diesel pickup after he clearly didn't want to simply overtake me on a very flat and empty highway. He backed off and that was the end of that. My 'winner winner chicken dinner' hazard lights may have come on briefly... just to make fun of him.
- When a driver is going back and forth between lanes trying desperately to get ahead, only to keep getting in front of and behind you. If it goes on long enough, when they're behind me again, I may obviously slow down to form a road block with the car next to me just to keep them in place. I like making fun of stupid people.
- When someone in front of you is driving below the speed limit for the longest time, only to speed up when you go to overtake even at a rate that doesn't look like you're annoyed.
- When people are on the phone. Just in general. But it's especially frustrating when I miss a green turn arrow because of them not taking off until it's yellow. A friend was once driving behind and to the side of a girl that was texting. He got behind her, then leaned on his horn and swerved back into his original lane. Scared the crap out of her because she thought she had drifted in front of him without realizing it.
- When people cut off a semi truck coming up to a stop. Am I going to hell for wanting to see them get hit?
I may be an ass, but I think it's justified. Sell your car and take a bus.