Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
Don't ya just hate it when..

You're so close to being out of gas at night and no cars are coming the other way on a long 2 lane highway but everyone and their mother gets right up close to try to speed you up instead of pass?

Yeah that was my Sunday night, I had to get a Fiesta to sip very lightly for probably 30 kms of 0 range at 80. I know manufacturers have reserve on top of what the range will tell you, but I don't know how much. I had probably 20-25 cars lined up behind me and it took forever for anyone to attempt a pass, scary thing is the minivans were the most aggressive of everyone. You've got your whole family in the car and you're putting them all at risk to get home maybe 5 minutes sooner? That's the thing I really hate, minivans with the whole family packed in and Mom or Dad are driving like total maniacs to get where they're going, they could easily make themselves the saddest news story of the night. Just slow down, your 5 star safety rating probably won't going to save you at 120.
When people only ever do what is convenient for them without any consideration for other drivers.

Every day, I have to cross a motorway to get to work. The road I take is three lanes wide, and the unspoken rule among drivers is that the left two lanes are for people who want to use the motorway, and the right lane is for people who want to keep going. However, traffic on the motorway can be pretty nasty, and I have seen the left two lanes queue up for two or three kilometres at times. Normally this isn't a problem, but very, very occasionally you will get someone who wants to get on the motorway try to bypass the queue by using the right lane. I am not without sympathy, because nothing frustrates me more than sitting in traffic that is going nowhere fast. But when these drivers decide to bypass the queue, they inevitably have to merge back into the left lane, and they will always get stuck waiting - which means everyone using the right lane is forced to queue themselves because of one person's selfishness and impatience.
Dear idiot;

I apologize for only going 50mph in a 60mph zone, for you see, every other car on that road was also going 50mph and I'm only driving this one van.

Seriously, it's not my fault everyone else is slow, why honk and give me the finger?:confused:

Of course I was in a company van with a big logo on the side so I couldn't return the gesture.:irked:
Seriously, it's not my fault everyone else is slow, why honk and give me the finger?:confused:

Of course I was in a company van with a big logo on the side so I couldn't return the gesture.:irked:

Just smile and wave, usually seems to rile them up more and you can just claim you were being friendly, so no issue for the company!
I hate it when people are coming off an on-ramp onto a highway, but rather than waiting for the dotted line, they change over without looking. Nearly got side swiped by some idiot who couldn't wait behind the car in front of him on the on ramp, so he decided to merge onto the highway before the merging lane even started.

Also, people don't seem to keep in mind that following a much larger vehicle closely hinders their view.... There's almost ALWAYS someone following a semi truck or bus too closely to see that the light has changed red by the time they're in the middle of the intersection....
Apologies for double posting, but with the holidays passing. I couldn't help but notice just how much more impatient people can be. Not sure if it's been posted before.

But I absolutely hate it when there's someone in such a hurry that when they see brake lights in front of them, their first instinct is to change lanes (even if the nearest lane isn't going much faster) WITHOUT checking their mirrors. I've been cut off by so many people who just swerve out of their lane because they saw brake lights ahead. Since the mere thought of people slowing down in front of them (even if their turn is coming up) will take TOO MUCH TIME!!! :mad:
People that can't do a roundabout properly. Our rule is: "you must do a roundabout through the inside unless you're to exit in the first exit or, in some cases the second exit." Those 🤬 that do the entire roundabout through the outside annoy me to no end.
Blinkers people, it's there to be used!
People that overtake me just to gain one place or stay in front of me.
Here's one we can all agree on: People who really shouldn't have a license because they're just plain terrible drivers or absolute careless :censored:holes.

I'll give an example: this morning on the bus we were halfway through a 4-way intersection with another car at the stop sign directly across from us. All of a sudden a car behind us speeds right through the intersection and around the bus. The bus driver had to slam on the brakes and some kid took a shot right to the eye with the back of the seat in front of him and was mentioning a headache.

Can't [multiple bleeps, use your imagination] like this. :mad:
I've been running into this problem a ton, where I'm driving into an intersection where the side streets have no traffic lights, so they have to wait until there's no cars coming in their direction to either join the traffic or cross to the next side street.

Some people seemingly drive RIGHT INTO THE INTERSECTION to see if there's any cars coming from the main avenue and just stop there. I had to swerve to avoid someone who was quickly inching forward to "see better", when you just have to be just a bit ahead of the white line to see clearly.
When no one stops for a school bus despite the flashing lights and blinking STOP sign protruding from the side :irked:

I've once seen a couple people run the sign until, presumably a parent, stepped out in the road and stopped traffic until all kids were across and on the bus.
When some driver drive very slowly, like in 20-30 kmh range when other drivers are above 50 :grumpy:, then they took ages to start rolling on green in traffic light.
I hate when people go 50 when the speed limit is 55, but then go 50 when the speed limit is 45. I might not like it when people go slower than the speed limit but at least try to be consistent with your slowness...
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This isn't about any common problem with motorists but rather just a rant about a very specific problem I have.

I've got a neighbour with an RX-8. He barely drives the damn thing. Over the past few weeks, all he's been doing is sitting in it, with the engine idling for over an hour each day, with the driver's door open (music usually playing too) and the bonnet / hood up. Then he'll give it a quick rev, let it idle for, oh, about ten more minutes before taking around the block. Then when he comes back, he'll park up and let it idle at what sounds like nearly redline before shutting it off. Keep in mind this thing is bone stock besides an obnoxiously loud exhaust. Annoying right? Gets better (worse).

The past few days, he's been changing the oil every single time he takes it out. As I said, the most it gets driven is around the block a few times. So this means in addition to the pointless, annoying idling and revving, he's now letting it idle even longer. He was out three times yesterday checking the dipstick, and topped it up with oil every single time. He was out at 10:30 PM changing the oil, and once again did a lap of the neighbourhood and let it sit at near redline.

It's getting old. I've been tempted to just turn the car off, take the keys out and throw them somewhere just to shut the goddamn thing up. We have to shut our windows when he's out because it just fills our house with two-stroke smelling smoke. I know RX-8s are slightly higher maintenance but come on. I could sort of understand if it was a 600HP twin turbo 3-rotor running race fuel, but this?! I can only presume he's read a forum that said the oil needs to be checked and changed regularly and that the engine likes high revs from time to time. That does not equate to leaving it running for extended periods or just revving the s:censored: out of it on your driveway on a Friday night.

I know I sound like an old fart but it's so ridiculously annoying. There is no justification for doing it. My friend has a classic Beetle which needs new engine components literally every two weeks, yet even he can't understand why it'd need that much attention.
As I'm sure a lot of you know, there's a "holier than thou" and "I'm better than everyone and nothing or anyone will ever change that" stereotype with truck owners, even more so with diesel trucks. I have zero problem with truck owners including those who have a diesel truck, unless they fit that stereotype. Today I ran into one of those "better than you" truck owners while I was with a family member.

I was in the passenger seat, and we're stopped at an intersection with a very tight turn to our left. A truck comes around the bend as we're inching forward for a better view of what's coming. Neither of us stop and I'm not sure who was more at fault between the truck and us, but luckily we never touched. However the truck owner stops in the middle of the intersection, blocking traffic and over a busy railroad crossing no less, and starts screaming and swearing at us. A few seconds later the truck owner turns around and goes into his truck. I then saw someone who lives in an apartment right beside the intersection come out his front door to see what's going on. Then the truck owner comes back out as we're pulling away and out of his range, who has a metal baseball bat in his hand. As I said, we were pulling away from the intersection and moving out of his range, but I was watching the sideview mirror. The next thing I saw was the bat go flying toward our car but missing it completely, and it hit the truck that was owned by the apartment tenant and glass went everywhere. The bat thrower runs back into his truck and flies away the opposite direction, back toward where he was coming from, with the person who lives in the apartment throwing both his hands up at the guy. I'm assuming this was actually both middle fingers but it was hard to tell as at this point we were already 200 yards and increasing down the road from the intersection.
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I'm sure this has been mentioned here before. But when snow is on the roads and the lines are covered, people just lose all sense of....anything. Take up two lanes, drive on the wrong side of the road, etc. Although, I honestly think this Altima driver was just being a total 🤬 since he was trying his best to beat everyone else in the proper lane. And yes, he is using the ONCOMING lane just to get around everyone else turning left. He did this at multiple intersections too, although those were actual merging lanes.

This is what it looks like:
I'm sure this has been mentioned here before. But when snow is on the roads and the lines are covered, people just lose all sense of....anything. Take up two lanes, drive on the wrong side of the road, etc. Although, I honestly think this Altima driver was just being a total 🤬 since he was trying his best to beat everyone else in the proper lane. And yes, he is using the ONCOMING lane just to get around everyone else turning left. He did this at multiple intersections too, although those were actual merging lanes.

This is what it looks like:
Someone tried exactly that a couple years back when I was with a friend. There was an unmarked cop waiting in line and he got him. :lol::lol::lol:
It's not something that i actually experience or saw with my eyes but those who somehow managed to lock the door with the keys in the car. That line alone bothers my mind and i simply don't like hearing it. How do people managed to do that accidentally?
It's not something that i actually experience or saw with my eyes but those who somehow managed to lock the door with the keys in the car. That line alone bothers my mind and i simply don't like hearing it. How do people managed to do that accidentally?
My brother has done this several times, on accident, too. What he does is locks the car from the door controls, and leaves the key inside on the seat or somewhere. He ends up having to call AAA or me to 'legally' break into his car to get them out. Recently he's been using the fob to lock it, which is what people should do.
My brother has done this several times, on accident, too. What he does is locks the car from the door controls, and leaves the key inside on the seat or somewhere. He ends up having to call AAA or me to 'legally' break into his car to get them out. Recently he's been using the fob to lock it, which is what people should do.
My family sometimes lock the doors by using the door controls because when locking with a key, not all doors gets locked for some faulty reasons. That doesn't bother me but what it does bothers me is those who would their leave the keys on the seats or center console. I would assume people will put it in their pockets or holding it with their hands as that would be a second nature. I'm not trying to blame people for mistakes tho. I just happened to follow some Vlogger and i see couple videos where this same mistake happens as the title.
It's not something that i actually experience or saw with my eyes but those who somehow managed to lock the door with the keys in the car. That line alone bothers my mind and i simply don't like hearing it. How do people managed to do that accidentally?
I think it used to be pretty common with the older cars that require manual locking. As in, no electronic switches at all. I've locked the keys in my dad's Jeep Wrangler all the time, since it had no electronic locking mechanisms at all nor did it beep if you left the keys in the ignition. Luckily with the Jeep I could unzip the top and crawl in anyways. Which begs the question why did I lock it at all. :lol:

Fortunately, some new cars make it impossible to lock the doors with the keys inside. My car, for example, uses a proximity key fob thing and I can't lock the keys inside if I tried.
I don't hate this, but it's something I noticed. I went to starbucks today, which is in a little shopping area. In this shopping area, there was a section labelled "compacts only". However, the cars parked there were the exact opposite. One was a current gen Ford Taurus and the other was a late 90s Mercury Grand Marquis. However, there was one thing that annoyed me in that parking section, the Taurus was double parked.
In this shopping area, there was a section labelled "compacts only". However, the cars parked there were the exact opposite.
A few years I saw a women in a Prius C was yelling and going nuts over a guy in a '90s Blazer was parked in the "compacts only" spot ( the writing was old and faded), she was saying that the spots were designed for small cars and his "truck" was too big for the space ( the others spaces not marked for compacts were the exact same size). She even called the cops on the guy, the cops told her ( they didn't give a 🤬) it was was businesses responsibility.

Don't worry relax they got bigger fish to fry.
It depends on the town/city you are in. If you are a big city its less likely to be pulled over for something small but in small towns the cops have less to do and will pull you over for the smallest things.
A few years I saw a women in a Prius C was yelling and going nuts over a guy in a '90s Blazer was parked in the "compacts only" spot ( the writing was old and faded), she was saying that the spots were designed for small cars and his "truck" was too big for the space ( the others spaces not marked for compacts were the exact same size). She even called the cops on the guy, the cops told her ( they didn't give a 🤬) it was was businesses responsibility.
Wow, reminds me of this video:
I hate it when people consider old cars for "old men". It's pretty stupid considering the cars that are given that title are muscle cars and 70's luxobarges, which aren't exactly old man cars if you look at them the right way.