- 3,604
- Connecticut
- SPhilli
- SPhilli911
Finished this up and I definitely enjoyed it. Felt more over the top and fast paced than Doom 2016, but I admit, towards the end it started feeling a tad bit repetitive. Once you found the best ways to take care of each enemy type, it was a matter of juggling items and moves to get through the waves of enemies which was definitely fun until you did it over and over. Some moments of downtime and platforming were welcome between fights.
I do like that it feels like an old shooter with the large power-ups and collectibles all over, with the over-the-top game-play. Game looks wonderful and plays very smooth despite all the fast paced action. Speaking of pace, the Marauder was a bit of a strange addition in a game that focuses so much on speed. Not overly difficult to defeat, but also not quick to defeat, so that sometimes brought the game-play to a halt especially when you faced more than one of them.
I had some issues playing on Xbox One X, but likely just my internet connection. When the game dropped connection, the game would abruptly pause and once back in the action the game's frame-rate plummeted for a few seconds. Annoying in a fast paced game and it happened often. The game dropped completely on me once, during the final boss, of course.
Overall, great game, but I think I enjoyed Doom 2016 a tad more.
I do like that it feels like an old shooter with the large power-ups and collectibles all over, with the over-the-top game-play. Game looks wonderful and plays very smooth despite all the fast paced action. Speaking of pace, the Marauder was a bit of a strange addition in a game that focuses so much on speed. Not overly difficult to defeat, but also not quick to defeat, so that sometimes brought the game-play to a halt especially when you faced more than one of them.
I had some issues playing on Xbox One X, but likely just my internet connection. When the game dropped connection, the game would abruptly pause and once back in the action the game's frame-rate plummeted for a few seconds. Annoying in a fast paced game and it happened often. The game dropped completely on me once, during the final boss, of course.
Overall, great game, but I think I enjoyed Doom 2016 a tad more.