Doom (NSFW, Mature Content)

  • Thread starter Kent
I knew he was somehow connected to them, but I got confused.
By the way, if there's Hell, maybe there's also Heaven? Maybe they were from Heaven?
There are subtle hints to Heaven being real in the lore. As for the guard, he was one of them.
Do it. I'm replaying to find all of the secrets and it's still amazing.
Can't find some classic levels, but I upgraded all weapons! I need one more codex on Olivia. It's in the Titan's Realm somewhere.

I've re-read the files that I have and looks like there's a lot more to the story than it seems. They are still being pretty subtle on the characters, but It sounds interesting. And people say that this game doesn't have a story. )))
Can't find some classic levels, but I upgraded all weapons! I need one more codex on Olivia. It's in the Titan's Realm somewhere.

I've re-read the files that I have and looks like there's a lot more to the story than it seems. They are still being pretty subtle on the characters, but It sounds interesting. And people say that this game doesn't have a story. )))
There are online guides available for all of the secrets.
The classic levels can be really, really annoying to find. Mostly because you can't check the map for cues on the levers' locations. Looking for the "regular" secrets is fun, imho, but the levers... Not so much :( They also blend in with the background fairly well. At least on some levels.
The classic levels can be really, really annoying to find. Mostly because you can't check the map for cues on the levers' locations. Looking for the "regular" secrets is fun, imho, but the levers... Not so much :( They also blend in with the background fairly well. At least on some levels.
If you are able to get the AutoMaps for each level, it shows the secret level's floorplan in there as well...That's how I found the Doom II level Phobos Analomy.
If you are able to get the AutoMaps for each level, it shows the secret level's floorplan in there as well...That's how I found the Doom II level Phobos Analomy.
True, but the levers to the secret levels aren't necessarily near the entrance. I'd never have found the lever in The Foundry, for example, without a guide.
True, but the levers to the secret levels aren't necessarily near the entrance. I'd never have found the lever in The Foundry, for example, without a guide.
Don't forget to upgrade the Praetor suit's map-related abilities. Fully upgraded, it'll show yiu where everything is.
Don't forget to upgrade the Praetor suit's map-related abilities. Fully upgraded, it'll show yiu where everything is.
That's nice, thanks for the hint.

I saved my upgrade tokens for stuff more related to combat Performance. I skipped the secret related stuff so far :lol:
Finished the game this week on Hard. Passed the first level on Ultra nightmare. It's a challange, but the first level is doable. I can't imagine later levels....

This is one of the only games where I want 100% on steam, and not to get 100% but because it's an awesome game and so doable.
Doom, I love you. I really do. Incredibly fun and you can use the entirety of the surrounding environment to your advantage and the music is flippin' awesome, among other things.

But if you could just stop crashing, that'd be great.
12GB update.


I see it there in my list, queued for 11:18 this evening. I'm not worried about it taking long but why is it eating away at my HDD?

Apparently it's mostly for two new multiplayer modes as well, lucky for you to have it on your HDD, I only wen't and installed the thing on my depleting SSD.