Guitar Hero III

The only time i've recently played it was for the 4 new songs that they released. Boy are they slow with the releases. That and the drums on Rock Band are alot more fun.
I only got this game 2 weeks ago and its very addictive. I've already cleared easy and nearly cleared medium. I've tried hard but it's as the name suggests, lol.

I love AFI - Miss Murder and DragonForce - Though The Fire and Flames. My best score on TTFAF on easy is 200,170 which I got it earlier today.

I'll start downloading more content when I get bored of the already-in-game songs. Might be a little while yet ;)
I actually beat the Dragonforce song on Expert believe it or not. This was about 2 months ago. Since that day, I only play actual electric guitar and don't really play Guitar hero anymore. :dopey:
I still play GH3 and its my favorite of the series. There is going to be a DLC pack today that has probably the hardest songs that are not Devil went down to Georgia. Buckethead makes his return to GH with Steve Vai and Joe Satari not sure about spelling. I just got rock band and doesn't compare solo guitar wise to GH3.
For Christmas I got GH3 on 360 for the family, Sonic tennis came with the package, also arcade games. GH3 is extremely addictive and very satisfying when you get it together. Good list of songs from what I can see so far.
I can't beat the Slayer song on hard. I know that eventually when I do I'm gonna get battered on Devil Went Down to Georgia. I love playing Poison's Talk Dirty to Me on Expert... So much fun!
I can do all carear songs on expert except for Raining Blood, which is silly on the Mosh bit where it's just a finger spam.

I find though I'm quite a slow learner. It's quite an odd reason and it's something which will probably hinder me for the whole time I'll ever play the game. My fingers on my left hand can't move nearly as quick as the ones on my right hand.

A while ago I switched to lefty for about a week or so and within that time I could beat songs on Hard that I could never do with my right hand, which I had been playing with for two months. I only switched back after a week of lefty because my strumming on lefty was more difficult than playing the notes with my left hand. :P But I managed to get this far on expert at least. :)

Kinda uncommon but did anyone else have this problem? Because of this I find hammer-ons particularly difficult, but pull-offs okay. Playing on lefty I could do both okay. Now I only have The Devil Went Down to Georgia left to do on hard, which has lots of both...
I have never been able to do hammer ons or pull offs in any of these musical games. I strum every single note. Its a habit I simply cant break.
Yeah I used to strum them all but eventually something just clicked in my brain and I can do them properly 70% of the time! If they're very widly spaced I still strum them but if they're close together I don't.
I'm still stuck on the songs by Slayer, Metalica, and that other song.(not Cliffs of Dover).
The first half of "One" is easy, but then I get ticked off since I keep failing the fast guitar playin'. I'm 🤬:mad::banghead:
One's solo is proper hard - I save all the star power for it so I can pass the song. :P

The other song you're on about is Number of the Beast? I find that the easiest of the last 4 songs because it's considerably slower!
I've beat the career on hard and most of the bonus songs on hard/expert. I can still only play TTFATF on medium though. I think 'one' would have to be my fav song in GH3. I have since moved onto GHWT though. :)

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