Guitar Hero III

I disagree. GH3 has new types of note charts unseen in GH2. And the fake Ho Po for some songs(Laid to rest) in GH2 are gone making songs like Take This life and My curse hard. To me GH3 is more fun to play because of the new window and easier Ho Po. The difficulty is also more welcome. Double strumming is more accurate and nailing solo feels more rewarding than GH2. I've played all 3 games and the third is the best of the 3 IMO.
Shame really cos the songs on GH2 are more fun to play I feel.
I agree, I found the songs on GH2 overall more fun to play, but I'm still having a lot of fun playing games online with GH3. Just jumping into a random game with someone is a lot of fun, especially when you don't know if who you're going up against is really good or totally useless. I've had a good online mixture of destroying random people who are just playing on medium level and getting totally raped by experts who just blow me away.

But I'm staying away from the ranked matches, because I get totally shafted every time by someone with too much time on their hands.

Well the three new songs:
Pretty Handsome Awkward by The Used
No More Sorrow by Linkin Park
Sleeping Giant by Mastadon

They're OK except for No More Sorrow I knew that was going to be boring to play the second I heard it was in. I like LP but their guitar riffs are too basic for GH to be enjoyable. Pretty Handsome is fun to play and listen too. Sleeping Giant is also fun to listen too and is pretty technical in a gameplay sense.

The We Three Kings one is great fun as well. 👍
Don't they have the European songs on live too? I saw videos of them on youtube and the German one is a solo marathon and I think you'll love than one. They are not available on PSN yet.

We Three kings only downside is how short it is. It really could have been epic and you have to see the HoPO part in the rhythm part, it was made for CO OP.
The german one? I think I played it the only one I didn't get was Antisocial something or other. It's ok.
After like a monthof playing Raining Blood every so often, I can do every part of the song pretty well now and don't have to use star power to pass the song. If there's one thing that GH3 learned me is that practice makes perfect. I'm gonna start playing some real guitar if I get some free time here and there.
I got to watch a couple kids play GH3 at Circuit City (before trying it myself later on), and the one thing I can not stand is some Expert players thinking anyone who plays on a lower levels sucks. Hearing these kids make fun of someone who had obviously never tried Guitar Hero before on Medium showed me how ignorant some of these Expert folks are.

But, at least I got a little satisfaction as I mentioned at least he finished the song unlike Mr. 65%.

As for the game, I sucked it up. I've played it before, but I just can't get my hands to move at the same rate of the game. :indiff:
After like a monthof playing Raining Blood every so often, I can do every part of the song pretty well now and don't have to use star power to pass the song. If there's one thing that GH3 learned me is that practice makes perfect. I'm gonna start playing some real guitar if I get some free time here and there.

Now go back to GH2 and see how you do:) The timing window has spoiled me and going back to GH2's hardest songs takes a while to adapt back to GH2's window. I did 4 star Six for the first time going back to it.
I got to watch a couple kids play GH3 at Circuit City (before trying it myself later on), and the one thing I can not stand is some Expert players thinking anyone who plays on a lower levels sucks. Hearing these kids make fun of someone who had obviously never tried Guitar Hero before on Medium showed me how ignorant some of these Expert folks are.

But, at least I got a little satisfaction as I mentioned at least he finished the song unlike Mr. 65%.

As for the game, I sucked it up. I've played it before, but I just can't get my hands to move at the same rate of the game. :indiff:

Well i'm not like that, if it's someone playing a lower level then I'll just leave. I'll have to admit it's boring to watch someone play a lower level but I don't go and make fun of them. It took me forever to get at this level, I started on medium as well. But if someone is playing expert I'll watch and compare myself to them seeing how I would do on that song. But they're just little gamers that thing they're bad because they can play a plastic guitar. I really hope my drums sell soon so I can get a real guitar and try to start from the ground up with that. And, I know what you mean. When I get tired my eyes fail to keep up with the fretboard and I mess up simply because I cannot keep up with the notes... when i'm tired. So when i'm tired when like 2am or 3am comes around if I'd been up since like 10am that's the magic window of time when I just start doing really badly and I know it's time to just stop and go to bed. (I don't do this reguarly though, heh, only at like a friends house)
I got to watch a couple kids play GH3 at Circuit City (before trying it myself later on), and the one thing I can not stand is some Expert players thinking anyone who plays on a lower levels sucks. Hearing these kids make fun of someone who had obviously never tried Guitar Hero before on Medium showed me how ignorant some of these Expert folks are.

But, at least I got a little satisfaction as I mentioned at least he finished the song unlike Mr. 65%.

As for the game, I sucked it up. I've played it before, but I just can't get my hands to move at the same rate of the game. :indiff:

If I'm at bestbuy (or wherever) and watching someone play GH, unless they're playing on Expert, then I won't bother to look because I'm not interested in anything but expert, but that doesn't mean I'll make fun of them or anything. I'll just walk by and not say/do anything. We all started somewhere so why make fun of someone for playing on medium. I first beat through GH1 on medium, then I went on to hard, and would try expert rarely. Then when GH2 came out, I beat it on hard, then did a lot of songs on expert but still didn't manage to beat the harder songs on expert. When GH3 has come out, I started it on expert directly and so far I've been able to get to the last songs on expert. i stil haven't beat the Iron Maiden or Metallica song, but I will have some time for that soon.
Number of the beast has to be the easiest tier 8 song once you start beating it. its just a strumming monster. I think it is because its the only one I can beat without using star power.

Song I can not beat:

Through The Fire and flames(Intro)
The Devil Went down to Georgia(41% but I'm close to passing the Devils solo)
Tom Morrella's Solo. I get 94% and its strange RO/BO/RO/YO/BO part end kills me every time. i'll have to use start power next time.
Slash's Solo Battle too. Just need to practice it.
Number of the beast has to be the easiest tier 8 song once you start beating it. its just a strumming monster. I think it is because its the only one I can beat without using star power.

Song I can not beat:

Through The Fire and flames(Intro)
The Devil Went down to Georgia(41% but I'm close to passing the Devils solo)
Tom Morrella's Solo. I get 94% and its strange RO/BO/RO/YO/BO part end kills me every time. i'll have to use start power next time.
Slash's Solo Battle too. Just need to practice it.

I've only passed TTFAF twice. I'm usually not able to do the intro or if I do my fingers get tired and can't suffer the twin solo.
:( My 360 GH2 guitar's star power sensor has gone bad, so has the button itself... I can't deploy starpower at all.
i have both GH2 and GH3, and I find GH3 better to play because i guess the note chart are a bit more manageable. Either that, or i've just managed to get a bit better. I can do songs on hard, and i'm yet to move onto expert, but i find i'm more comfortable playing on medium. Say what you like, that's just how i like to play it. My 3 fave songs on medium without a doubt are:

Cliffs of Dover
Devil Went Down to Georgia
Slash Guitar Battle

those 3 are simply awesome, and I managed to 5 star them on medium today! W00T! :P
I think GH3's hit window is bigger than GH2 that's why you might think GH3's note chart is more manageable. I haven't played GH3 in awhile i've been wrapped up in Rock Band but more than that COD4. I've been able to play almost everything on Hard on the drums and a few songs on Expert including Enter Sandman.
So PSN finally has the DLC Xbox got 2 weeks ago. I really like Sleeping Giant. The chart just flows so well but he ending ruins the fun, I still like it. I only got the long German song its ok and not too challenging. I have enough for one more song but i'm undecided which one.
So PSN finally has the DLC Xbox got 2 weeks ago. I really like Sleeping Giant. The chart just flows so well but he ending ruins the fun, I still like it. I only got the long German song its ok and not too challenging. I have enough for one more song but i'm undecided which one.

I can't agree more it's so fun to play but I dread the ending.. it's hella awkward and I can't get it.
I was in green the entire song(aside from the triplet's part) until i got to what seemed like a simple pattern and ended up failing the song the first time.

Have you tried Antisocial? I can't find any videos of it, only the other one.
GH3 IMO is far superior to the second game. The slightly larger window to hit notes is good, and in a way makes it more like playing music off a page, you can slowly fall a little behind the beat and everything stops lining up.

The thing that really sold me was the very increased amount of master tracks on GH3. I personally hate all the crappy covers on GH2. I was playing Sweet Child O Mine and Killing In The Name yesterday, and it made me realize that they need some help.
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

Some of you wont see this as a big accomplishment but, I finally beat Through Fire and Flames on HARD. Only 79% and 3 stars though.

The intro would always kill me because it was moving to fast to decide which buttons to hit, then I played the intro in practice with Slower speed and got the flow of it. Then went into the actual song and played it. Still had to use star power in the beginning. That shouldn't be considered cheating since star power is there for a reason.
No star power is absolutely not cheating, it's there for a reason correct. Congrats man! I know how you feel just thinking about the first time I completed it.
I beat it the first time i played it on hard, but not the second. Still can't do it on expert.

Blackbird did you ever beat any of the dlc boss battles? I can't beat any of them.
I beat it the first time i played it on hard, but not the second. Still can't do it on expert.

Blackbird did you ever beat any of the dlc boss battles? I can't beat any of them.

The songs themselves? If so yeah i've passed Tom Morrello's and Slash's but not Devil Went Down to Georgia. I doubt I ever will too. It's worse on the fingers than TTFAF by a longshot.
I just got Guitar Hero III on Tuesday. It's a great game so far, my only gripe is the lack of some "legends of rock". I've mostly been playing on easy and a little bit of medium, just steadily making my way right up to medium, then eventually hard and someday I'll unlikely get to expert.

So far my favorite songs to play are Through The Fire and flames, Prayer of the Refugee, Holiday in Cambodia, Story Of My Life and Miss Murder.
I'm really starting to like So Payaso song, its easy and it sounds cool and the note chart is fun despite not be challenging. Its more fun than many of the bonus songs.
i really like laguna coil but the note charts a bit bland:( especially on hard, it may aswell be a spead up version of medium...
So who else is still playing this game? At the moment I'm working on getting 5 star on some of the hardest songs in the game on Expert. Yesterday I spent about an hour's worth and finally got 5 star on Before I Forget by Slipknot.

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