Drift Photo Competition Rules Discussion

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Entries go Monday to Monday... The winners choice cycle of 2 weeks means that as Week 1 ends, Week 2 starts on the same Monday.

And the 2 day wait for the poll is so the Winners tops 15 can be PMed to me...

I reckon if the winner doesn't pm me in time then there's 2 options?
1. Pole all the entrants.
2. I'll pick my best 15? <--- This one's not as fair as option 1.
It seems Vixen Is Having Issues Logging on. And is Restricting her Responsibilty's with the DPC.

A new Candidate should be chosen as soon to keep the ball rolling.
Guys, Vixen is having trouble logging onto GTP at the moment, and this is threatning to pass the responsibilty of the competitions to someone else. No Facts as of yet though.

So this means that last weeks poll will be a couple of days late. And this weeks pictures will be chosen by me, and this weeks poll will be made by me. (Poll Week 26) And next weeks Entry's thread will be Made by me.(Entry's Week 27)

Next week Restrictions will be chosen by Boomboy! PM me Requirements sometime this week.

Any objections too bad. Sorry for inconvenience, but Vixen needs some le-way untill she gets things soughted out.


Im Only going to do it for one week, untill things are soughted out.