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Edit : These are for JR , tho' w/ Ntires & NegativeRearToe the bimmer swings tail Pointed and not-locked

Quality over quantity damnit!!! stop posting like 20 gazillion images of cars sideways. Any idiot with a trained monkey can get a car sideways, its keeping it there and performing a good drift that counts, and then stopping, and thinking, and working, and coming up with just a couple good shots that counts. Cuz I dont care if you post up a million pictures of sideways cars, people are only going tos ee the one or two good ones you posted anyways.

that said, there are some pretty damn nice shots posted in this thread lately.
Sorry Bryan, it would be nice, yes, but hey...this is general drift PICTURES thread, where drifting SKILLS don't really matter as long as it has some kinda smoke, it may sound like an improvement, but it'll make a general pictures thread into one only-restricted-to-good-drifters thread, and we already have enough of those:rolleyes:

Some threads just need to be kept general and not with RULES and stuff, as long as it keeps a bit on-topic here........:scared::crazy: Dont freak out like this....:guilty:

That said, yeah I agree, pictures here definatly are improving:dopey:
Yeah but whats up with the 20 gazillion images then?!?! He's pretty good in making things worse then they are then.....how many pictures were not drifting then? They're just nice additions....

PS. I see it were 4 images....:rolleyes:
Yeah but whats up with the 20 gazillion images then?!?! He's pretty good in making things worse then they are then.....how many pictures were not drifting then? They're just nice additions....

PS. I see it were 4 images....:rolleyes:
I don't think he realized the thread title. If he DID realize it, and he doesn't like it, he can simply not open it...right Bryan? :)

One more:
Bryan C.
Quality over quantity damnit!!! stop posting like 20 gazillion images of cars sideways. Any idiot with a trained monkey can get a car sideways.

indeed, everyone can get car sideway but other thing is that can they handle it.
prsonally i prefer to drift through whole lap, not just few curves as most of ppl does. 👍


too bad i cant record my vids on computers (or is it possible save vids to USB mem stick?)
It cant be proven...
People just continue taking pictures, dont worry 'bout this.

Maybe we SHOULD pay more attention to thumbnails and all including me, so in the future, post thumbnails. But dont be affraid to post up a drift picture because you cant drift the whole lap:crazy: :scared:
That's difficult but still just sliding, drifting is completing a whole corner, this.....is high speed ring, you didn't complete those;) Still difficult though to get those shtty cars into a slide:)...
u can drift it mayby not on the course i did it but that was a first try (the pics was made for another thred)

BUT u can drift it throu small coners (georg V)

will post pics when i get home :D
Several of your pics were "non-drift", bro. Nice, but not drifting. :P

All of my pictures in this thread have been drifting.... in fact, I believe every picture I have posted period has been drifting.....

anywho, I'm not saying that this thread should be made "for good drifters only", I am just saying, dont press select, change two things minutely, and then save it and post it, spend some time refining the shot, changing camera angles, exposure, shutter speeds, etc, before you just press that "capture" button.

Btw, LAWD's pictures were very good, quality AND quantity, which I dont mind, just dont post up generic pictures, that doesnt prove anything but the fact that you got sideways, which was what I was saying originally.