LGforce 1,534 Sep 17, 2005 #1,261 Well this is not a drift but it looks realy cool. just burning tires. I though there was a bornout thread up here but can find it right now. this is my brother viper, this car push 1000+ hp to the WHEELS.
Well this is not a drift but it looks realy cool. just burning tires. I though there was a bornout thread up here but can find it right now. this is my brother viper, this car push 1000+ hp to the WHEELS.
I iJDM14 93 Sep 18, 2005 #1,262 Just started taking pics today...Tell me if I have any problems with my pics or how I can imporve 👍
Carlos Premium 6,454 Netherlands Sep 18, 2005 #1,266 iJDM14 Reallly? You think I might've not known that? Click to expand... Hmmmm..... No..? Becaus you've posted them..? Hmm... Ok, you removed them..
iJDM14 Reallly? You think I might've not known that? Click to expand... Hmmmm..... No..? Becaus you've posted them..? Hmm... Ok, you removed them..
BrykeSpike0086 258 New Jersey Falken12 Sep 19, 2005 #1,267 Hey guys, I got new pics, just say whats you think =] ARISTO!! EG6! NSX Type-R =D
J Jerg Rush 46 Sep 19, 2005 #1,268 speedthrill Twin drift at Midfield raceway Click to expand... That's. Amazing. <3.
ViXeN 622 Sep 19, 2005 #1,269 Spot the car, hehehe I just love this pic, the scenery and the drift are AWESOME!!!
DeLoreanBrown 1,151 Sep 22, 2005 #1,270 the black blocker is telling me things , these days. wish ihad X10 the time to play GT4 , ive only just scratched the surface and all the plots have already been hatched
the black blocker is telling me things , these days. wish ihad X10 the time to play GT4 , ive only just scratched the surface and all the plots have already been hatched
BrykeSpike0086 258 New Jersey Falken12 Sep 23, 2005 #1,271 New pics Guys!! S14 BABY!! ARISTOOOOO!!! S15
ekmatt9 1,671 Sep 23, 2005 #1,273 i got some pics...not the best buh eh... Just started...i used to be iJDM...but i wanted a new name for gtp...here are my new pics
i got some pics...not the best buh eh... Just started...i used to be iJDM...but i wanted a new name for gtp...here are my new pics
Carlos Premium 6,454 Netherlands Sep 26, 2005 #1,275 That's a cool one.. SS a little bit too fast though..
mizx 265 Somerset zu3- Sep 27, 2005 #1,277 E55 AMG fully tuned 764bhp, N2s, no aids, default suspension setup, great fun to drift, just oversteer heavilly into the corner, overwhelm the tyres with the power, then you have to be very precise with the countersteer and throttle modulation.
E55 AMG fully tuned 764bhp, N2s, no aids, default suspension setup, great fun to drift, just oversteer heavilly into the corner, overwhelm the tyres with the power, then you have to be very precise with the countersteer and throttle modulation.
Carlos Premium 6,454 Netherlands Sep 28, 2005 #1,278 I see I see, but for me, drifting a Merc is no fun.. It's more a car for the 'richer' people..
G-T-4-Fan 3,009 Holland Sep 28, 2005 #1,279 Ok I'm lazy so I just paste my message from my gallery into here. "EXTREME BLURRING. I did exactly what I wanted to do, if you like it or not My siggie in my clans forum, although almost exactly the same, I LOVE IT "
Ok I'm lazy so I just paste my message from my gallery into here. "EXTREME BLURRING. I did exactly what I wanted to do, if you like it or not My siggie in my clans forum, although almost exactly the same, I LOVE IT "