• Thread starter Gen.
Look waht i just bought today :) This car serves no purpose in the game whatsoever but i figure since i got so much money left, i will buy this for fun :sly:



those pictures are the exact same angle as mine. I'll try and put mine so you can see. Its a stock looking red supra.(very low):)
Somone's plagiarising!!! Call the FBI[/sarcasm]

i remember you had asupra pic like the 1st, but the 2nd, not so much
I'll just link them because they're huge images XP
My favorite shot from the little first time drift runs I made about an hour ago (never have tried drifting in this game, decided to give it a shot)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/half_breed/gt4 pics/IMG0004.jpg

same drift, different angle I kept spinning out but this one I managed to follow through with a clean exit
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/half_breed/gt4 pics/IMG0003.jpg

This was a nice one too. exit was nice and smooth
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/half_breed/gt4 pics/IMG0002.jpg

this last one probably doesn't look like much, but it's the BIG final turn on Tsukuba. My entry was perfect and it did a zero countersteer drift the entire way through, only modulated using a little bit of throttle feathering.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v230/half_breed/gt4 pics/IMG0001.jpg

I'd say not too bad since i've never attempted to drift in GT4. in GT3 I loved drifting my FD RX-7 on trial mountian. I have a replay (hope i still have) of one session where I managed to drift most corners without any counter steer.

taking good pictures was kinda tricky. I'm REALLY picky about which angles to use as far as realism goes. I was kinda digging around the settings and found out I can save images to an external drive. Made me feel pretty dumb owning this game for so many years without noticing that. Hell, I've never used the photo mode till today.
New here, still getting used to drifting in GT4...

If anyone could PM me with some tips for using a PS2 pad, I would be very grateful.
well just because its not in the depot doesnt mean its not driftable NOR does it mean you can't tune it...

but now you'd be the first to sumbit, no?
well just because its not in the depot doesnt mean its not driftable NOR does it mean you can't tune it...

but now you'd be the first to sumbit, no?

absolutely true, i think i will. ive been busy tuning other cars since then.
ill pull up the specs on it and send them to whoever im supposed to.

edit: who exactly would that be?
These r a couple of cars drifting, tell me wat u think =)
Post would be better with pictures of cars drifting.

Post would also be better in English.

No slang words that promote laziness, ie; “r”, “u”, “plz”, etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters. Repeated violations will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the forums.

D -

EDIT: At least you found the right topic.

C -
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Let me know what u think. I am pretty good, just need some more ideas and maybe a different track other than trail mountain... i have still photos of my other cars. just let me know, i am pretty good with the controls and camera.
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