Unlock the Top-Gear test track if you haven't already.(You have to get gold in the first beginners special event, the VW vans...check on youtube!) These last days I have spent several hours there. I,m going up and down the long airstrip in 4th gear, doing about 100 km/h. While doing this I try to slide from side to side using the complete with of the track.
Slowly slowly does my perception on how the car behaves increase. Its very delicate. I'm amazed of how little off you have to be to totally screw up. A little to much throttle, or steering angle and away goes the car.
This gives me a much better understanding and also better control. I now go on to online drift lobbys and drive there with others. Not as good as them, but I can make my way around the track in a near controlled way
My hat hat is off for all those that races past me and just links every corner with lots of smoke. I cant go like that yet. I slide in and drift around the bend with little throttle.
Long bends like the first right at Tsukuba is particular hard. I do not exactly know what entry speed i need. nor the correct angle. sometimes I can hold it maybe half the way through. I smash into the inside or gets an kickback and goes to the outside. Only once have I made about 80-90% of that curve. So It is getting closer....
But continue to play with the car and eventually You will get a better understanding of how it handles. From there on it only gets better. I think I am going to be able to drift properly in a few weeks, hopefully.