Driveclub First Impressions

  • Thread starter Blkout
Solution: Turn up the brightness of your TV slightly! đź’ˇ

(I have to deactivate eco-mode of my LG everytime I play)

I put my tv in TORCH mode (Dynamic) and after an hour of playing, my eyes were BURNING!!!

Evo needs to fix this, adding a brightness setting would be a start.
My first impressions of the game were pretty good really but the more I play it the less I want to.
I want to like it, I really do, but this game just doesn't seem to press the right buttons for me.
I just find it overall very uninspiring and pretty unenjoyable to play. Once there's a replay and photo mode I might pick it up again for some photo shooting but sadly as of now I have little desire to insert the disc.
Bought this game as something to take less seriously and pass the time before a real sim racer comes along for PS4. Hit the eject button as soon as it became clear I cannot even configure my controller the way I like. Next stop, Gamestop.
That was then, this is now.

Completely open configuration certainly seems trivial to many, but it's absolutely fundamental for some.

As a sim fan, I was hoping for something I could take somewhat less seriously yet still enjoy a mild sim experience that I enjoy. Retraining myself to use a different configuration other than the type I've been working to optimize in those "other games" for years would take work and that wouldn't be less serious. If I could comfortably jump in and play I can get over the less than perfect physics and other things that make it "simcade". It is what it is and that's cool, but I don't want to "work" on fundamentals for a leisure title. No hate, just my opinion. They got the configuration options 85% right, unfortunately that's 15% too wrong for me. Oh well. Life goes on.
Bought this game as something to take less seriously and pass the time before a real sim racer comes along for PS4. Hit the eject button as soon as it became clear I cannot even configure my controller the way I like. Next stop, Gamestop.

Open controller configuration was added to the game in a recent update.

I'm guessing you got the game within the last couple of days and so haven't been able to log in to PSN to download the patch yet?
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Open controller configuration was added to the game in a recent update.

I'm guessing you got the game within the last couple of days and so haven't been able to log in to PSN to download the patch yet?

Ugh. That's even more frustrating then.

But yeah, yesterday. I already got rid of it for some infinity items. I had to get it out if my house otherwise it would continue to annoy me. Hehe :) I always use down on the right stuck for braking and the game wouldn't let me do that in the state it was in.
Ugh. That's even more frustrating then.

But yeah, yesterday. I already got rid of it for some infinity items. I had to get it out if my house otherwise it would continue to annoy me. Hehe :) I always use down on the right stuck for braking and the game wouldn't let me do that in the state it was in.

Update will fix that as soon as PSN is back up.
Hmmm. So you're telling me there's that much configuration adjustability now? I have to know for sure if I were to consider getting it again. I didn't even think that might be something they would update. I wonder how much Gamestop will rape me to buy it back "used"?
You can't quite change the configuration of the controller to the extent like in Gran Turismo. What is it specifically you would like?

I know that they are planning on adding the ability to change the configuration for the right stick to, for example, use it for brake/accelerate.
Hmmm. So you're telling me there's that much configuration adjustability now? I have to know for sure if I were to consider getting it again. I didn't even think that might be something they would update. I wonder how much Gamestop will rape me to buy it back "used"?

Yup, I've been using the right analogue stick for acceleration/braking and L2/R2 for gears for the past couple of weeks now. As far as I can see there aren't any limitations to how you can configure the controller any more. :)

Also Driveclub seems to be going pretty cheap second hand. And I'd guess that it's even cheaper than usual on Ebay at the moment with people selling off their bundled games from Christmas.
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got this free with my ps4

its... something

this game is not quite right

the way the cars drive, the bad game structure, the poor character progression, the no tuning

i'm waiting for it to *grab* me but its not coming

i heard they are bringing in difficulty levels and drive model tuning like 'arcade' 'simulation' etc

its sad that the ps4 is pinning their drive franchise on *this*

at least the xbox has fh2 and forza5
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got this free with my ps4

its... something

this game is not quite right

the way the cars drive, the bad game structure, the poor character progression, the no tuning

i'm waiting for it to *grab* me but its not coming

i heard they are bringing in difficulty levels and drive model tuning like 'arcade' 'simulation' etc

its sad that the ps4 is pinning their drive franchise on *this*

at least the xbox has fh2 and forza5
yes, for me is good just for photos and the amazing graphic.. it's lucky that is the only racing game on ps4 otherwise nobody will seriously care about it.
yes, for me is good just for photos and the amazing graphic.. it's lucky that is the only racing game on ps4 otherwise nobody will seriously care about it.
Umm...speak for yourself when you say nobody - seems to me there are quite a few here who appreciate it for more than just the photomode and looks. More than a few have been surprised by what the game has bought.
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Well, I'm coming to this discussion late, but overall I'm enjoying DC more than I expected to. I'm a big GT fan (pretty much obviously, on this site), and I'd read reviews that said Driveclub was, well, 'plain' seems to sum it up. Went for a Driveclub bundle anyway, as I was looking for a straight forward driving game that my son might like.

I'd agree that it's surprisingly, I don't know - tame? But the driving model, though definitely arcadey, has enough interest to make it entertaining. I like the weight transfer to the front of the car when lifting in high speed corners, with the rear going correspondingly light - so high speed sections can be interesting, and I'm finding the Challenge system quite addictive. I love competing against ghosts and best laps and so on in GT6, and DC brings this to the fore, it's pretty much all about taking on these types of things in the club challenges.

So, overall, beautiful graphics, decent sound and handling, strangely 'flat' in presentation and approach, but with just enough interest in the handling model to make taking on the challenges and retrying for the best lap quite compelling. It's not going to keep me coming back for years like GT has, but you know - it's pretty decent.
The game's real beauty is, no pun intended, its beauty. It's very pretty and it does sense of speed VERY well. Its not a deep game but the challenge is quite simply trying to master the faster cars on tight roads in varying weather conditions and time of day against AI that is somewhat unfair but certainly a challenge. Simple concept well executed other than the online hiccups it suffered early-on.
My first impressions were very surprising in a good way. After all the negativity towards this game at launch i wasn't sure what to expect. Enjoying it a lot atm, i think the handling model is very fun albeit a bit too twitchy in the higher cars and the graphics are fantastic.
Ok, so I have spent a decent amount of time in the game and my thoughts this far are:
1: like everyone says, it looks amazing.

2: I really wish they had a driving line to help learn these tracks, as trying to drive a track I have never been on before in dynamic weather can be extremely difficult due to horrible visibility ( and amazing storm effects)

3: the rubber banding is extremely annoying, though I like how aggressive the ai can be

4: I dislike how getting bumped by the ai slows my car down but doesn't seem to slow them.

5: this is the first game where I have truly enjoyed point to point racing/time trials.

6: I suck at drifitng
^ #3
Actually, there is no rubberbanding. Sorry, I didn't find the link to prove this now.
The ai is just so accurate and fast in corners on higher levels that it will catch you when you make mistakes.


You don't need the line as that is what the wind flags on the corners are for:

Green flags-fast through corner-no brake
Yellow Flags-medium bend-let off revs or light brake
Red Flags-tight Corner or bend-BRAKE!

I have been reading facebook and so many people seem to miss this brilliant simple idea without having a line on the track maybe they need to advertise it on the game more before a race? I'm not quite sure how people are learning the tracks without these-You will find your track times get a few seconds off now ;)

#3= agree with @GordonS

#4-being looked into and hopefully fixed soon in an update

1&5 # AGREE! :)

#6- Practice makes perfect that is why I like this game it is FAIR for everyone with no mods on the cars it is down to repeat plays and skill, and road rage online! đź‘Ť
^ #3
Actually, there is no rubberbanding. Sorry, I didn't find the link to prove this now.
The ai is just so accurate and fast in corners on higher levels that it will catch you when you make mistakes.

There is rubber banding, but only when behind. If you fall behind, the AI will drive slower to let you catch up.

If you're ahead or close to the lead, they drive close to perfection (no mistakes, etc) and they utilize drafting perfectly.
2: I really wish they had a driving line to help learn these tracks, as trying to drive a track I have never been on before in dynamic weather can be extremely difficult due to horrible visibility ( and amazing storm effects)
Then don't do it in dynamic weather ;) at least not until you have learned the tracks a bit more. You would not believe how many challenges are set to midday in dry weather...and that's from people who have been playing for a while now - but that's the way to learn.
There is rubber banding, but only when behind. If you fall behind, the AI will drive slower to let you catch up.

If you're ahead or close to the lead, they drive close to perfection (no mistakes, etc) and they utilize drafting perfectly.

There is no rubber banding per say but here is what I understand from neogaf, the AI is dynamic, which means that if you're driving faster they'll do the same and vice versa, at first you'd think well that is rubber banding, but the difference is rubber banding means cars will catch up regardless of how you drive and how fast the cars are (they'll gain super speed and super handling) but with dynamic AI they'll become as fast as you (or as slow) they won't gain super speed or anything, they'll just drive better within a realistic manner if that makes sense.

It's a mix between drivatar and rubber banding (pretty fine idea actually)
There is no rubber banding per say but here is what I understand from neogaf, the AI is dynamic, which means that if you're driving faster they'll do the same and vice versa, at first you'd think well that is rubber banding, but the difference is rubber banding means cars will catch up regardless of how you drive and how fast the cars are (they'll gain super speed and super handling) but with dynamic AI they'll become as fast as you (or as slow) they won't gain super speed or anything, they'll just drive better within a realistic manner if that makes sense.

It's a mix between drivatar and rubber banding (pretty fine idea actually)

Like I said, rubber banding only exist if you are behind. They will slow down to let you catch up to them.

If you're ahead, they will drive as fast as they can depending on what difficulty they are set to. They never gain extra power/grip when ahead. However, this has been said by Rushy himself, the AI utilize drafting to perfection when you are ahead and they have considered toning this down.
It may not actually be rubber banding, but one way or another it certainly feels like it. My view is that, whatever you call it, it's basically the same thing that's being discussed. If you're slow they are slow, if you're fast they're fast. From a game-experience point of view it doesn't make a lot of difference what the actual mechanism behind it is.

Overall (if I do say so myself) I'm more fast than slow, and it's frustrating that when you're in the pack they're so slow that you can cut through them all within a few corners, but then they dramatically raise their game as you get to the front, and getting away from the pack takes a brilliant drive - it's difficult. It may be drafting and not 'impossible-speed-advantage', but when you are passed towards the end of a long fast section which you have taken pretty much perfectly and in a high top-speed car, and the passing car is an Exige S for instance (which is quick overall but has a significantly lower top speed then most), then it feels just the same as it does when they are actually cheating.

Having said that, I'm not actually bothered because one of my favorite things about DC is the difficulty - it's not afraid to set a tough challenge in the single player game. A refreshing change from GT6; where the single player game and the seasonals generally treat you like someone who doesn't know what they're doing. I accept that there is the odd exception to this rule, but mainly GT6 doesn't expect you to have skill - if you want a challenge you have to race humans. Not so for DC.