Driveclub First Impressions

  • Thread starter Blkout
@LeastResistance It's actually a rather clever solution for an arcade racer, they'll be competitive regardless of your skill, which means to some extent everyone with some skill has a chance to win.
sems4arsenal - I agree. Mainly what I'm saying is that it's still a species of rubber-banding, though - just a nicer one. Rubber-banding in a frock.
But reasonable gamers can understand why such a thing is needed. I get a decent race out of it with 18 years of GT experience, and so does my 12 yo son, despite hitting the barriers on 20% of the corners :-).
Usually rubber banding is seen as something that gives you more/less power and grip, but I know what you mean. What DC is doing too can also be thought of rubber banding, especially if you fall behind.

I'm just happy that the ******** that was the AI in MotorStorm is not the case in DC. The AI in MotorStorm was probably the worst case of rubber banding in existence.
It may not actually be rubber banding, but one way or another it certainly feels like it. My view is that, whatever you call it, it's basically the same thing that's being discussed. If you're slow they are slow, if you're fast they're fast. From a game-experience point of view it doesn't make a lot of difference what the actual mechanism behind it is.

Overall (if I do say so myself) I'm more fast than slow, and it's frustrating that when you're in the pack they're so slow that you can cut through them all within a few corners, but then they dramatically raise their game as you get to the front, and getting away from the pack takes a brilliant drive - it's difficult. It may be drafting and not 'impossible-speed-advantage', but when you are passed towards the end of a long fast section which you have taken pretty much perfectly and in a high top-speed car, and the passing car is an Exige S for instance (which is quick overall but has a significantly lower top speed then most), then it feels just the same as it does when they are actually cheating.

Having said that, I'm not actually bothered because one of my favorite things about DC is the difficulty - it's not afraid to set a tough challenge in the single player game. A refreshing change from GT6; where the single player game and the seasonals generally treat you like someone who doesn't know what they're doing. I accept that there is the odd exception to this rule, but mainly GT6 doesn't expect you to have skill - if you want a challenge you have to race humans. Not so for DC.

This (bold/underlined text) is what I was mainly referring to when I mentioned rubber banding. I like the challenge of racing through the pack. I like that the AI fights you hard. But if I work my way to the front, and have the car with the higher top speed, I shouldn't be caught from behind by a car with a significantly lower top speed (if i drive the fast section well.)
I have seen some of this rubber banding on DC. I was in the R8 Series India and crashed half way through race 2. I was last, 7 secs behind the next car and caught first within 20 seconds. Then 2nd place kept right up to me the rest of the race.
I decided to combine Sony's 10% coupon code over the weekend with the now bearable price tag on this game.

Physics - Even for an arcade racer this one feels kind of lifeless. The cars do have their subtle characteristics and limits but the driving ultimately feels like performing directional inputs rather than taming powerful cars. No real thrill despite the high-paced sensation.

AI - A bit reckless at times but also satisfyingly competitive and aggressive.

Cars - Decent European selection but the game really should have American and Asian cars too. Many cars feel like forgettable pushovers though and visually they look a bit too plastic-like for my taste.

Tracks - Interesting locations but the individual tracks feel quite generic. Not enough uniqueness in terms of interesting layouts. Sceneries in the distance are beautiful though.

Customization - It's a joke how players only are allowed to choose between a handful of bland liveries. Only one "factory" color for each is a letdown.

Weather - Rain and snow looks great against the windshield but dynamic changes feel too rapid and dry conditions seem too infrequent unless locked on that setting.

Structure - Challenges spice things up but the overall progression is stripped for identity and sense of purpose beyond unlocking cars.

Graphics - Looks great overall but some textures are subpar. Framerate feels solid and it accompanies the great sense of speed very well.

I haven't looked into the online aspect yet but I'm currently leaning against a 5/10 rating pointing slightly upward.
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^ I beg to differ on the physics, especially for the very fast cars. Have you even unlocked them yet ?

Yes AI can be very frustrating but also massively challenging, unlike the AI in GT.

Car selection is okay but could be improved I suppose. I'd like to see some classic cars.

Tracks are fairly generic but some are very good, especially with the high powered cars.

Customisation, could be better but if you get creative there are some cool results to be had. Not sure if you know but you can paint each layer the same colour giving you endless " factory" colour options.

I love the rain but not a big fan of the snow, particularly at night.

Most racing games have a pretty lame structure, in the end it's all about the racing and times.

Graphics,the ONLY true next gen console racer currently available. Nothing touches it.

Play more, your score will increase....

Edit : I think the drifting in this game is dreadful
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I don't mean to sound like an idiot (a sentence which usually is a pre-cursor for sounding like an idiot) but 95% of the time I don't mind the AI at all.
I don't mean to sound like an idiot (a sentence which usually is a pre-cursor for sounding like an idiot) but 95% of the time I don't mind the AI at all.
Classic :lol:

I must admit that I view the AI the same - in fact, as has been said by a few folks already, I prefer a fair fight, with them giving as good as they get. I may also have said a while ago that I liked GT6's AI because if you got ahead of them quickly, they started fighting back. Driveclub's AI start off fighting for their position straight off the bat and that for me is a far better version of the same idea.
Classic :lol:

I must admit that I view the AI the same - in fact, as has been said by a few folks already, I prefer a fair fight, with them giving as good as they get. I may also have said a while ago that I liked GT6's AI because if you got ahead of them quickly, they started fighting back. Driveclub's AI start off fighting for their position straight off the bat and that for me is a far better version of the same idea.

Maybe it is because we're used to GT's AI that our standards are very low :lol:
Maybe it is because we're used to GT's AI that our standards are very low :lol:
I got GT3 after getting Driveclub and did a few Arcade races on hardest difficulty and all I can say is AI are really fast and you had to fight all the way to the last lap to win, shame GT6 is not like this. Driveclub for me is easier than races in GT3 on Hard.
I've had Driveclub for about a month now, I suppose, but I'm only really starting to get into it now. I'm having great fun but it's not all perfect.

Circuits/locations - I find them all to have very beautiful, engaging designs, most of which flow very well. The weather effects, lighting, etc. are all spot on. I love the little details each track contains.

Physics - Quite fun but not perfect. I feel like weight transfer effects can be a bit hard to deal with at times, although I'm not used to using a controller for racing games. Sometimes it feels as if the steering response is a bit sluggish with the controller and I find myself running into walls or unable to catch a slide.

Cars - A great selection with some real oddball supercars but, as has already been said, the game could do with some Japanese cars and more American cars for a bit of variety but it's not really a big issue. I feel like the Nissan GT-R and Dodge Viper would be perfect for this game.

Customisation - The livery customisation is a bit of a let down, most of the designs are terrible, so far I've only come across a few that I kind of like but I'm still not 100% happy with them. Only having one manufacturer paint per car is a bummer too.

AI - Can be a bit hit or miss. I'm not really keen on how easy they are to overtake at the start of a race, only for them to be pouncing on me after every tiny mistake I make while leading a race. Often I find them to be completely unaware of me and nudging me off the road as well.

Gameplay - Fun but pretty standard, although there's not a whole lot you can do with a racing game. Races feel rewarding to win most of the time. Trying to get the extra objectives during a race can be a bit frustrating, it's not easy trying to beat a certain lap time, 'drift' particular corners and such while at the same time trying to get to the front of the grid or escape from the wild pack of AI cars.

Drift events can be real tough to get three stars in and quite frustrating. My opinion is that you can't really rely on a scoring system for drifting in video games. Sometimes I'll get thousands of points for power sliding through a corner only to spin out at the end, whereas a perfect drift through a corner will net me a few hundred points. Then there's the fact that drifting isn't really 'drifting' in this game.

Time trials are very rewarding, extremely challenging and I love the ghost car setup which is easily the best I have come across in any racing game. I've found a few events though, where the best time will be set with a faster car which I'm far from unlocking so it can feel a bit artificial and adds to the frustration when you're trying to chase a ghost down only for it to out accelerate you down a long straight. I'd prefer it if the times were set with cars I'd be guaranteed to have unlocked at that point and have them be a bit harder to obtain.

Photomode - Great. The advanced camera options are fantastic so I can get some beautiful shots from this game. I'm hoping that when replays are added that we'll be able to enter photomode through that just because it's a bit annoying to have to pause a race just to get a get a nice photo.

I can't really comment on the multiplayer because I haven't actually delved into it yet. But I'm a bit bummed out by the club member limit.

So, like I said, great game but there are some things that I'd like to change for me to get the maximum enjoyment out of the game.
How do we take the photos in photomode? I can find a button for everything but that final click.

^ I beg to differ on the physics, especially for the very fast cars. Have you even unlocked them yet ?

I just unlocked the Marussia and I'm starting to feel something a bit more engaging.

Customisation - The livery customisation is a bit of a let down, most of the designs are terrible, so far I've only come across a few that I kind of like but I'm still not 100% happy with them. Only having one manufacturer paint per car is a bummer too.

I somehow can't get a uniform body color despite choosing the same color and type for each layer. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I can only get rid of the livery if select the factory color.
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How do we take the photos in photomode? I can find a button for everything but that final click.
Once you've set your photo up, press the 'share' button on your controller. It took me some research to work that one out too. 👍
I somehow can't get a uniform body color despite choosing the same color and type for each layer. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I can only get rid of the livery if select the factory color.

Make sure each layer that you paint is the same colour and same type of paint Metallic, Matte, Gloss etc.
Done right and it will be seamless, you won't be able to tell it is actually layers.

Look in the photo mode section of this thread, alot of the guys have down just that and achieved some nice results.

Actually I think I saw something that they plan to add more factory colours anyway.
Make sure each layer that you paint is the same colour and same type of paint Metallic, Matte, Gloss etc.
Done right and it will be seamless, you won't be able to tell it is actually layers.

Look in the photo mode section of this thread, alot of the guys have down just that and achieved some nice results.

Actually I think I saw something that they plan to add more factory colours anyway.

I figured that it's possible to have just one layer instead of four. That does the job for me.