Driveclub First Impressions

  • Thread starter Blkout
How can you fellas say that. For me, having started with 8-bit games back in the 70s I've lived through the slow progression to see the progression to 3-D representation and now virtual photorealism in games; I am just astounded at what they can do.

Don't get me wrong. I think the graphics are good but I was expecting more, it's a case of poor quality video compression or videos hid the poor AA plus the simple dull look.

I understand they were going for a realistic colour palette but it jars with the feel of what they wanted to achieve with the gameplay.

I think in my mind I hyped up a truly amazing looking game and it didn't live up to my own mental hype.
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...That AI really needs to get off its rails and react properly when alongside.
I don't know, I've seen them waver from an intended line when alongside, swerving back out to avoid hitting me. Then of course I'll get punted off the track at the next sharp corner by a different car. There always seems to be one in each pack - but learn their characteristics and you can get past them without getting hurt.
I don't know, I've seen them waver from an intended line when alongside, swerving back out to avoid hitting me. Then of course I'll get punted off the track at the next sharp corner by a different car. There always seems to be one in each pack - but learn their characteristics and you can get past them without getting hurt.

I've only ran a handful of races, and badly too may I add :), so I'm hoping today I can run some more and see how I get on. Admittedly though it can be fun exchanging paint :)
Had the game since saturday and can't make up my mind. The only real fun so far was doing a time trial and ghosts from other real players were on the road to compete with. i.e suddenly the networking connected. Only happened once yesterday tho. Apart from that it's very pretty but not very inspiring and I don't like the AI. It's not fun having someone pull in front of you separated by two inches and blocking your (dashboard) view, nor having them just bang hard into your side. That video someone posted showing the AI going around a stationary car on the track does not show the truth of when racing with these road rage inducing bots.
I have been playing DC since Saturday and IMO it had great potential but has been outclassed by Forza Horizon 2.

*Limited Cars
*Online Issues
*No customisation or modding cars
*AI issues
*Poor handling - more like a Ridge Racer
*Only racer on PS4 nothing to compare to until GT7

Lets hope that Evolution Studios release FREE DLC to help us who have persisted.

Bring on GT7....
Now I'm quite a bit into the game I am becoming increasingly frustrated. The AI is just too aggressive, and just seems able to brake later, corner faster and straight line quicker. I know I'm not that bad at this game but... oh well, it'll pass a few hours until Project Cars arrives and never leaves my PS4 :)
At this moment in time I'm just treating it like a break from GT6 for a quick aggressive blast.
Now I'm quite a bit into the game I am becoming increasingly frustrated. The AI is just too aggressive, and just seems able to brake later, corner faster and straight line quicker. I know I'm not that bad at this game but... oh well, it'll pass a few hours until Project Cars arrives and never leaves my PS4 :)
At this moment in time I'm just treating it like a break from GT6 for a quick aggressive blast.

yeh doing exactly the same here. Although the multiplayer challenge aspect is fun, but it seems to come in when doing an event and sometimes I don't even notice, like during a TT, pity they don't put a red border around the whole screen to make it more obvious. Also got a build em up knock em down trophy the other night just because I happened to stay on the track and beat several competitor times put up in succession, but it happened by chance. Could do with more info.

In fairness, they only seem to go over onto the attack once they have been hit themselves.
I don't agree with that, but I could be mistaken. It certainly doesn't seem that way so will have to pay closer attention. It all begins off the start line down to the first corner and finding a car behind banging into my side trying to take the driving line.
...I don't agree with that, but I could be mistaken. It certainly doesn't seem that way so will have to pay closer attention. It all begins off the start line down to the first corner and finding a car behind banging into my side trying to take the driving line.
Certain races have their own rules, it seems, like the Scotland Open where you need to complete a clean lap as one of the challenges - the AI of course are busy doing all they can to ensure that you don't achieve that.

I will keep an eye on their behaviour, and I was thinking about this today, whilst on the track. I still think that on balance they are aware of us...some however are the exceptions causing problems, I do agree.
QUITE unfortunate, the super bright sunlight in your face does not seem to affect the AI whatsoever. Some of these races, I can't see the track at all! Kinda ridiculous. Going from dark shadows into bright headon light is INCREDIBLY frustrating. Of course there is no lighting adjustments in the game.

The AI seems to have the same "targeting" mentality that the MotorStorm AI had.
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My final thoughts, or review of the game. Very long.

The graphics are all I could have hoped for. They're somewhat inconsistent, one moment the game looks grand the next it looks average, but it never really looks bad.

Driving physics can be good, but unfortunately the handling of some cars is very difficult. Those cars can still be driven quickly, but it takes much more effort then a better handling car. The differences in the handling of the cars is really about how much oversteer each has and when the car exhibits oversteer. Some will oversteer in corner entry, others mid corner, others on exit.

Some like the Ariel Atom will oversteer the whole way. But then there are the 'good' handling cars that are neutral in the way they handle, cars like the Ferrari 458 and BMW M5 feature only slight levels of oversteer making them very easy to drive fast.

Also the balance in the car classes is not very good. There is hot hatch, sports, performance, super, and hyper car classes. Yet in each class there is a car or two that outshines the others. People are catching onto this quickly so in more and more online races everyone is picking the same car. For example the GT Spano is in the Super car class, yet it is several seconds faster then the Ferrari 458 which is also in the Super car class.

The tracks were just another area of Driveclub that frustrated me. Most of the funnest tracks, that make you feel like your actually going somewhere, are unfortunately all point to point. And they're rather short point to point courses too, most only take 3 or less minutes to finish.

The problem with this is whenever you feel like just driving around and logging laps trying to enjoy the car, graphics, sound etc, you end up having to restart every 3 minutes. Why couldnt these point to point courses get converted into a traditional layout so we could log as many laps in a row as we wanted without interruption? For years I had the fantasy of just cruising around a fun arcade track like the Outback in NFS II with modern graphics, but that dream will have to wait.

Theres the disturbing lack of true 'easy' or 'hard' courses. All the tracks are medium-medium/hard in difficulty. Even the easiest courses in the game will keep on your toes, and will punish slight errors in racing line or throttle by sending you into the guardrail hard. Theres devishly placed bumps, curbs, drops and more placed at almost every track trying to get you to fly off course. I dont mind such things, but when theres no easy track to take a breather on, it can get tiresome.

Which brings me to my next point, the disturbing lack of freedom in the game, enforced by super strict invisible walls lining every course. Is it really so wrong to let us hit that rock or tree sitting there 1 yard from the side of the road? You know watching my car slide off the embankment could be pretty cool. Maybe I just want to drive around there between those trees? But anytime you think of anything fun Driveclub is there like some strict Librarian swatting your hand with a ruler telling you that you cant do these fun things.

This is never more evident then with the ridiculous off track timer. The game already has narrow courses with invisible walls everywhere, but to make it worse if you drive onto the grass a timer instantly appears attempting to reset you back onto the course. Are you serious....

Driveclub is a 'corridor' racer, and it didnt have to be. If it moved the dang barriers back off the track 10 or so yards the game would have been much better for it. All the awful online driving of people just running through corners full throttle with little consequence would change in a hurry maybe the 2nd time they ended up at the bottom of a 100 foot chasm thanks to no invisible walls keeping them on the track.

Need for Speed II (PS1) realized you had to give some freedom...that game could be narrow at times, but it also featured at times lots of runoff room, and even some open areas that you could explore, not all of them shortcuts.

Theres been lots of talk about the penalties and AI, but outside of the rubberbanding I like the AI. They're aggressive, smart, they make mistakes. I feel the gripe about the whole penalty system is overblown. So what if I lose 200 fame points when an AI driver rams me? The later levels in the game require hundreds of thousands of points to level up, 200 points doesnt matter. The penalty system can be improved yes, but is no that big of a deal to me.

Online barely works. The game loses connection with the servers randomly. 1/20 online races I try to join actually work. And when you do race its Motorstorm all over again. Bullies in huge Bentleys will toss your Lotus across the track like it wasnt even there. Some of the carnage is so outrageous it resembles a destruction derby more then a race. But it wouldnt be happening if they didnt have invisible barriers to keep them on the course. Theres nothing more frustrating then taking a corner properly while the guy ahead of you just wall surfs it without braking and you only close in on him by 1 car length. And then in the next turn your given a 4 second penalty for cutting the course by 5 feet. But of course the wall surfer never gets a penalty.

There are a few good races to be found online. But the experience will always mostly bad until they patch in private rooms.

10 or so days after launch and Im pretty much bored with the game. Private online lobbies, photomode, and a working online mode could help fix that alot. But the single player 'tour' was so very average. It amounts to nothing more then a few 2-3 lap races, 1 lap time trials and drift trials. Yawn. How about something fun like a 10 lap day into night endurance race? They have those types of events online but not offline? The offline events are so incredibly lackluster. Ive had zero interest in doing any of them twice.

If theres one thing Driveclub is sorely missing its fun. Its got the adrenaline factor in the form of a great sense of speed and challenging fast tracks, but the game is hell bent on preventing you from having any real sort of zany fun other arcade racers like modern NFS or Burnout have. The gameplay desperately needed a 'xfactor'. The clubs and all the mini challenges like speed and driving line face offs arent it. Something like civilian AI traffic, pink slip racing, etc etc.

At the moment Driveclub just exists in the realm of thorough mediocrity. Delayed 1 year, but still feels like a launch title complete with missing features to be patched in at a later date. Those features will make the game better, but its hard to reason why a 12 month long delay couldnt make basics like a photomode or private lobbies ready at launch. How did so many features not make the game on release?

Its unforunate because at the moment Driveclub is a terribly dry game with not alot to do. At least with photomode and private lobbies we could be planning events and having photomode competitions. I guess that will have to wait until a further time. With Project CARS being delayed Im glad I'll get the chance to test out the new features, which hopefully will arrive soon.
I spent my first hours with this game today, and I must say I rather like it. It remembers me of the very first Need for Speed game: racing street cars along roads or tracks, without any form of background story. Also the physics: pretty simple arcade physics, but without the ridiculous drifting mechanics that seem to be the norm these days in arcade racers. On the other they're in depth enough to make each type of car behave as you'd expect. A hot hatch will give you lift of oversteer, while a powerful rear wheel drive vehicle will have its back step out every once in a while. Also the steering is nice and direct, no tricycle kind of feeling like in some other games.

On the negative side, I thought that the graphics would be a bit more polished after such a delay. They're looking nice, but too many rough edges, low res textures and all that. The first hour I also had to adapt to the 30fps, which made it look a bit choppy. I'm kind of used to it now, but I'll need a break-in period every time I've played i-racing earlier on I guess :).
The AI seems to have the same "targeting" mentality that the MotorStorm AI had.

That's it! Here I was stirring my brain, trying to express how I feel about the AI and you just perfectly described it. Perhaps DriveClub is merely using a modified version of the same AI from Motorstorm?

My first impresses are all positive. The atmosphere, the colors used for presentation, the whole club idea (instead of some kind of team) it all comes together nicely.

Only thing bugging me is the AI, as mentioned above.
As for the online problems...can't complain. Only I lost connection once, but got it back almost immediately. Haven't done a single online race though, then again, I rarely do even on more reliable games.
Nice review Earth. I would like to add could someone tell the developers that on really dull days, when the light is bad and the road is difficult to see, cars have something called headlights. :ouch:

I will state again, it is not supposed to be a test of my eyesight, but my driving skills.:banghead:

Oh the cars have headlights of course, but Evolution has made the decision to turn them on or off for you so you don't get to pick and choose yourself which is silly when the game features time of day scaling. Why do they get to choose for me when I want to turn on my headlights? There's been several cases like you mentioned where I needed my headlights sooner than they felt like I do. Admittedly my eye sight isn't want it used to be in my younger day, but I shouldn't be penalized for that.
I do like the game actually. If you are not sure how it is, I have recently strarted a walkthrough about it. The game is pretty simple. The AI is very competitive but it is also more agressive the further you progress in the game. I suggest the Legend Stage will be extremely difficult. Clean driving would be impossible in that case :P

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Is anyone using the T500 with this? how is the FFB?
Yes, I'm using the T500. When I can see where I'm going, the FFB is excellent, which is a shame because a dire lack of definition in some events means I can't see the track which is ruining this game for me.:grumpy:
Solution: Turn up the brightness of your TV slightly! 💡

(I have to deactivate eco-mode of my LG everytime I play)
It is not a solution, the solution is to have people who design software have a little imagination instead of this brain-dead block the view to make it more difficult mind-set and this is by no means the only game doing this...
Solution: Turn up the brightness of your TV slightly! 💡

(I have to deactivate eco-mode of my LG everytime I play)

Wait, that eco-mode does something, I've had a LG LCD for years and never touched it :lol:
It is not a solution, the solution is to have people who design software have a little imagination instead of this brain-dead block the view to make it more difficult mind-set and this is by no means the only game doing this...
Not so sure it's that simple. Bear in mind that Scotland can be pretty dark and tonally quite similar unless it is full on summer. Chile and Norway too can suffer in the same way.

I think Canada (especially BC where most of the stages and tracks seem to be) and India are naturally brighter - but wait until we get the weather and all of that will change there too - it will be a lot darker at times.

I think it's all been a design choice, 'realism' over the easier but clearly 'altered' lighting that can be a result. As everyone has a different level of visibility (there are no standard visibility levels in nature, everyone is a little bit different) I think FLX1981's suggestion has good merit if you are having difficulty. I on the other hand have more problems with driving into the low sun, but it's never for long and I've learned those bits now :)
Not exactly first impressions from me, well not after two weeks ;)

For me it's a really good game, frustrating in parts, but hey, which game in the past hasn't had its moments. Perhaps I should qualify my impression. Ever since I was a little lad, I enjoyed cars purely from an imaginitive stand-point. I had a plastic steering wheel with column gearshift that I could stick to the wall, and everything after that has been a search for a revisitation to that wonderment.

I came back to consoles after seeing GT4 being played. I enjoyed GT4, then 3 (I know...) then 5 and 6 as these games game me a lot of that wonder back I had experienced as a kid.

DC I didn't really expect to be anything more than an extremely pretty road racer, something in the vein of NFS. I am quite surprised after these two weeks how much better it came out than what I initially thought. I'm not too bothered by online racing, as I have no real need to prove myself in any way. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a bit of friendly competition, but I just don't have the focus for consistent, fast laps.

So I have been doing a few of the career events instead, taking my time but mostly running laps, stages with all parameters set to random, so it's a surprise each time. And that is what has really caught my imagination...

This game matches what I have been seeking since all those years ago - in fact it's better really, as the game takes me to a far wider palette of countries than I could ever have conceived of back then; and soon we will have dynamic weather to mix it all up even further with.

I aprecaiate that others have entirely different parameters that guide their choices, and I'm sure that the game for them will turn up one day.nI though, am very happy with what I now have. Thank you Evoloution Studios for taking that leap into new waters - much appreciated fellas 👍