You are at the Pacesetter tour already, after a few hours? Or are you just picking random events that appeal to you? Like
@Mcpartyman suggests though, that is one of the tougher events to get first place in, precisely due to the close matched competition and length of it all on a tight track with terrible weather. Getting to know that track is the key really.
EDIT: most folks don't get to that one until after they've driven it for months
It's also in the Startline Tour and for those who dive into that one first, it can be a bit of a shock. On the Viudeo thread there are at least two runs from this event, but as it can be a slow loading thread, here's a link to my run:
Clean, apart from an unintentional bump on the second corner - also, not ideal as it's all racetrack view and doesn't show gearing or any other info, but it does give you an idea.