
  • Thread starter Waheed
which becomes less acceptable when we're paying monthly fees, agree with you there.
True, I'm sure everyone/most people would sacrifice free games for better servers!

on a PS4 has arrived! Had a quick look to make sure everything was okay(the cardboard overlay was ripped a bit so I became anxious, that also 🤬 me off because I like collecting all my boxes for consoles and the like) and now it's hidden away in the back of my wardrobe. :( Gonna be a long 70-odd days.
I know you said it is a Christmas present...but how can you do that to yourself...?
Since my parents put 100 toward it(They wanted to buy me it in full, but I don't feel comfortable with that now I am 21.) I decided it would be best to leave it to Christmas day, since there's nothing quite like the buzz of a new console on Christmas day alongside the smaller gifts I will receive. Also, in a way it works out because I need to complete Bayonetta 1 and 2 on the Wii U and also get a ton of time out of Smash Bros in the next few months and then I have the new Pokemon games on 3DS. I'll be pretty busy playing the games I have been most excited about this year!

It'll be tough obviously, especially once the weather update appears, but it'll be worth it when I get to add all you guys on PSN and play some Driveclub!
True, I'm sure everyone/most people would sacrifice free games for better servers!

on a PS4 has arrived! Had a quick look to make sure everything was okay(the cardboard overlay was ripped a bit so I became anxious, that also 🤬 me off because I like collecting all my boxes for consoles and the like) and now it's hidden away in the back of my wardrobe. :( Gonna be a long 70-odd days.

You're a brave man indeed (did the same with my PS4 (half me and my brother and half my parents to split the purchase evenly).
Ariel Atom handling in this game is complete 🤬

It's like the Deltawing before the patch allover again. I'll have a few more runs with the car to see if i find a way to control it.

This review is worth reading...great game if they can iron out some ai stuff. This game can grow if they support it. Also, dont judge it the first hour or two, seems like it gets better with the faster cars.
Yes have had game for 1 day.
I'd say it's a combination of GT6 and GAS. Easy with a controller,haven't used a controller in 15 years,bit getting used to,but enjoyable. Give them a week get things ironed out.
Rate it now 7.5 out of 10. Few weeks we'll see.
Ariel Atom handling in this game is complete 🤬

It's like the Deltawing before the patch allover again. I'll have a few more runs with the car to see if i find a way to control it.

How did you get the game working in the UK?
Other than the tire screeching which sounds awful, but not quite as bad as GT in that regard.
Those tyre sounds are gone, or ameliorated in GT6 now.

How did you get the game working in the UK?
Judging by Shirrrako's past here, I'm guessing it's operating on a US or EU account - but of course, I could be very, very wrong.
My son @peetsuh surprised me tonight!!!

Good to know you guys are enjoying Drive Club. Wish the physics were at least on par with Horizon. Looks like DC is for the casual gamer.

Not my kind of game then. Eagerly awaiting GT7 and PCARS.
Good to know you guys are enjoying Drive Club. Wish the physics were at least on par with Horizon. Looks like DC is for the casual gamer.

Not my kind of game then. Eagerly awaiting GT7 and PCARS.
It is a lot of fun, and I personally think you will be missing out on that if you just go on the reviews you mentioned. It is also not so much for the casual gamer, though they are a part of the demographic, clearly. It is pick up and play, true, but you can make so much more of it if you choose to.
Good to know you guys are enjoying Drive Club. Wish the physics were at least on par with Horizon. Looks like DC is for the casual gamer.

Not my kind of game then. Eagerly awaiting GT7 and PCARS.

As the Elven one said it is more pick up and play but definitley worth trying the PS+ version once available. As a comparison before starting on Driveclub I tried NFS Rivals (PS4). DC handles a lot better.

Having now seen a pretty decent racer on PS4, like you I can't wait for Project Cars (in particular) and GT7.
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Was anybody here actually successful in creating or joining a club yet? Even when I m connected to the server, I get the same "cant connect to server" error when trying anything club-related. :guilty:
Not tried properly yet. I thought it probably wouldn't be worthwhile until things have been fully nailed down. The 24-hr testing period is due to end in about four hours or so...besides, I couldn't think of a name...
Possible names, huh?

GTPooowwweeeeerrrrrr *imagine Clarkson voice*


I should probably stop. :D
this might be an obvious answer but are the servers up? i haven't been able to play my ps4 for a couple days.