
  • Thread starter Waheed
Nothing is working for me.

Still couldn't drive a single online race until today.

I accept release problems. But it has to work till this weekend. If not it would be pathetic by Evolution Studios.
It's always at night around the observatory.
Not really ;) Go into TT or Race and you can select the track option for whatever time of day you fancy.
does your lobby stay together race after race ?
It does indeed.
Are there private lobbies? are all races presets?
I didn't see any options for that, but I don't think all options have been switched on yet. Still waiting on the new update to firm things up.

I must say that when it is working, the whole 'club' idea is quite a lot of fun.
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Hi guys, is there anybody that can use another person in their club?
I cannot promise anything regarding multiplayer, but I will certainly play this game a lot :)

(Finally got online for the first time now :embarrassed:)

Edit: found a belgian club in the meantime
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How are the Scotland tracks people?
The lighting is excellent for atmosphere i.e. dour Scottish winters. I used to live in a place called Kinlochard, don't know if that is what they took their modelling from for Kinloch, and was surprised at how early the sun used to set during winter. Would barely get 6 hours daylight. But the roads are way too wide, almost like motorways when in reality you'd be lucky to get two vehicles side by side AFAIR. Even so still made me feel a bit of nostalgia.
It worked! It actually worked, both the update and the connection to the server! Heureka! Now my club is level 6 and 🤬 me running, the game is even more fun at Supercars and above! Such a hoot to throw that b:censored: a:censored: Huayra round corners with a Zonda R on your rear end! :D
Yeah, had a real day of fun today and that's without full functionality still. In 24-hours our club has gone from lvl 1 to 12. It's getting there...!
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It looks very good and funny.
Since I won't be buying a ps4 until November, I'm waiting for the PS Plus edition so I can try it on my friend's console.
This Venom hot lap is starting to annoy me... Can't seem to beat that time. Everything else has gone rather smooth.

Took me 50+ tries as well, but I finally beat it by about 0.05 seconds and it felt so good! I actually have potential for over half a second left, dont think I ll try again unless one of my friends beats my time tho...

The Venom is my biggest srprise in the game anyway, normally I cant stand to drive those kinda cars in games, but I had so much fun with this straight up mental monster of a car last night. Somehow hustling this beast through corners, tippitoe... eh -thumbing the throttle until it stops smoking its rear tires and then munching P1s for breakfast on straights is just hilarious fun! :D
If venom give you trouble then try Pagani Huayra Drifft, it's so painfull.

Best Car in game for me is Gumpert Apollo. It's just have it all, and bring back Shift 2 memories ;)
Shot in the face for a bad design decision, huh? Do you realize how a) stupid and b) psychopathic that sounds? People really lose all sense of moderation on the internet these days. :banghead:

I know right, someone Murder Gtuned this instance. Honestly he didn't mean someone actually shoot him, it's an expression :lol:
They can literally run you over online and get away with it

Hello. cant get full screen on my tv when playing Drive Club.Moto Gp 14 no probs full screen.Any tip why. Thanks
This game is so broke. It's released at least 2 years too early. I feel like I'm playing an Alpha Demo.

Drifting is the worst I ever experienced in a racing game. Your drift dies at slow speeds in a car having over 1000nm. It's ridiculous.
This game is so broke. It's released at least 2 years too early. I feel like I'm playing an Alpha Demo...
I know that is your opinion, but I do feel compelled to suggest that 'broke' is a much used cliché phrase, and one that also happens to use the wrong word. The game actually functions, nothing stops you from completing it; therefore it functions according to its purpose.

You may wish for certain aspects to be different, but that doesn't make it broken - sorry, it's not just you but too many people misuse that word in a gaming context.

It is absoluetly destruction derby. If you cant play with friends(which is not possible 2 weeks after release), it is absolutely unplayable.

I know that is your opinion, but I do feel compelled to suggest that 'broke' is a much used cliché phrase, and one that also happens to use the wrong word. The game actually functions, nothing stops you from completing it; therefore it functions according to its purpose.

You may wish for certain aspects to be different, but that doesn't make it broken - sorry, it's not just you but too many people misuse that word in a gaming context.

The essence of DC was, driving online with clubs against each other. What do we get? Nothing. Yesterday i've tried to race with 2 friends. 2 goddamn hours of failures and we achieved 1 race. In a game where the MP is essential and it doesen't work how it should be, this means it is broke.

The fact that I can complete the SP means nothing. The days where SP is 100% of the game are over since 10 years. First of all the SP is pathetic. I finished all races with all stars in 1,5 days. Great work evolution studios, you just needed 10 years to produce this? :lol:
Secondly, the punishment system and the AI is horrible. I get rammed from behind/side and I get the punishment, online its the same thing. Good for crashkiddies, bad for clean drivers. I drive with a huge gap on a straight line with the Continental V12 and got passed by a A45.:lol:

The challenges still dont work. Online MP dont work. Freezes. Wallriding is faster than clean driving.
The game was released half-finished. But thats what you get when you want to compete with ForzaHorizon.
online reminds me destruction derby on ps1. I hope this trend of online playing will die soon, good old times when games had proper offline experience.
Unfortunately, online has and always will attract the kind of players who enjoy smashing others out of the way by default. Some are just unskilled, others do it on purpose because that's the way they are.

To be honest, the only games I have encountered that didn't have this were the Milestone WRC titles where every other player was a ghost to each other. Trouble is, with a competitive racing game where it should be all about the skill, that won't work. Usually that element gets bored after a few weeks and find another game to troll.
...If you cant play with friends(which is not possible 2 weeks after release), it is absolutely unplayable.

The essence of DC was, driving online with clubs against each other. What do we get? Nothing. Yesterday i've tried to race with 2 friends. 2 goddamn hours of failures and we achieved 1 race. In a game where the MP is essential and it doesen't work how it should be, this means it is broke.

The fact that I can complete the SP means nothing. The days where SP is 100% of the game are over since 10 years. First of all the SP is pathetic. I finished all races with all stars in 1,5 days. Great work evolution studios, you just needed 10 years to produce this? :lol:
Secondly, the punishment system and the AI is horrible. I get rammed from behind/side and I get the punishment, online its the same thing. Good for crashkiddies, bad for clean drivers. I drive with a huge gap on a straight line with the Continental V12 and got passed by a A45.:lol:

The challenges still dont work. Online MP dont work. Freezes. Wallriding is faster than clean driving.
The game was released half-finished. But thats what you get when you want to compete with ForzaHorizon.
Yes, I understand that the online should be working and it is a very big part of the game - that still doesn't mean the game is actually broken, just not functioning fully or is doing so intermittently at present. Online has been there, the challenges have been appearing, addmittedly not the 'set a challenge' part. So at worse, I say the full functionality is at worse intermittent and it really should be solid - but I do trust that they are working on that.

Your second point is purely subjective though and has nothing to do with a game being broken or not.

I had heard that the devs were looking at changing the punishment situation, expecially when being hit from behind and I must say, I thought that had already been changed because I haven't encounterd it very much since the first few days of playing.

Walriding, I do agree needs to be looked at...but that still is a gripe and has nothing to do with the game being broken. Broken means you cannot proceed past a certain point due to the game not working/freezing/trapping you in a certain I said earlier, the word gets misused.

And I'm just sitting here like "Should have made another MotorStorm".
I think they should be commended for making such a leap - yeah, I know that's another comment that likely won't be popular here ;)

I say that though because it would be a fairly dull world if the creative types just stuck with what they knew sells. I think it was ballsy and quite a successful move; all said and considered.
Im happy they tried something else, theres too many sequels in gaming. Makes Hollywood look like the kings of originality.

I dont know if Evolution will survive this. Just when I thought a game couldnt launch with an online mode more broken then Battlefield 4 I was wrong. I will never buy another Evolution game and I wish there was a way I could get my money back because only half the game works. It was sold as an online racer so much so that people wondered if it even had a singleplayer. So when the online doesnt work -

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