Driver veteran here. Played Driver 1, 2 and 3 to death, and played Parallel Lines a little. I even played a Nokia cellphone version back in 2004.
I am very dissappointed in the demo, which makes me incredibly sad.
I was expecting to relive some memories, or that the game would at least reminisce of some features in the previous games, but none are to be found. If there's something I always loved from Driver games, it was its physics. The cars felt heavy (like real life heavy), you actually had to slow down to slide into curves, lamp and electricity posts were unmovable and you really needed to have skill to maneuver through the game in general, but in this iteration, the cars feel like driving on ice, there is no longer a burnout button, though you can still burnout if you floor the gas. The characters are physically changed. A lot.
Jericho had brown hair, he now has black hair and is unrecognizable. At the very least I expected to see him shooting his completely ass-kicking dual shotguns in the demo.
Too bad, was really looking forward to this.
*On a side note, and this isn't really the game's fault, I really miss the 80s muscleish cars from the original 2. Alas, times have changed but I was still glad that Tanner drives one.