DS3 NASCAR "twitch"@ daytona

  • Thread starter zodicus
Zodicus / GTP_Zodicus
Xbox me no like
This twitchy on off-ness to the steering of the NASCAR's is killing me at daytona, has anyone found a way to make them stop this? I added some pos toe to the front and that seamed to help a bit but it still dose it. Turn just a little to much and it takes off to the inside, back off the sterring and its not enuf and it flys to the out side. I'm not saying i cant ever hold a line but its very very hard to do so over and over lap after lap.

Note- GET a wheel is non helpfull, as its not possable at this time. I have no where to mount it nor the space for such a mounting device.
What set up are you using.
If you can't hold the line due to the tune, we can fix it.
If you can't hold the line due to DS3, then there's nothing anyone can do to help.
my own set up, i know its the set up i can run other cars at daytona just fine.

AERO minium
ride height max front and rear
spring rate 19.5/17.5
dampers ext 8/7 comp 5/4
aint roll 6/2
toe +.20/0
camber 3.5/1.8
lsd 40/60/30

it runs great solo as i can just turn in and let it go where it goes. but try and hold a line and you have to kind of tap steer it, and one slip up and you wreck they guys around you :(
Try someone else's setup and see if it gets better or not.
If it does, it's the set up, if it doesn't... it's you.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say try steering with the d-pad instead of analog.

It's actually a bit easier to modulate inputs to (pressure sensitive + slight "delay" to inputs) so...
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say try steering with the d-pad instead of analog.
Wow, that is going out on a limb!!

I had the same problem, try
- reduce controller input sensitivity (under Driving Options)
- chassis refresh and stiffness increase

The main thing I learned was that trying to fix it by increasing understeer is a waste of time. The car can still be very twitchy to small steering inputs even when it is set up to heavily understeer around corners. The worst of both worlds!
yeah thats basically where i was headded with the set up. I have gotten it better. added a little pos toe to the rear and came way down on my spring rates and rebound. i kept the compression setting on the shock high because i didnt want to start bottoming out on the bumps. I think right now im at 14/13 for the spring rates and dampers are at ext 4/3 comp 8/8 this seams to have calmed it down a bit and its not bottoming out.
I'm using a controller as well and I think I found a solution. I'm currently using one of the tuning setups posted here in GTPlanet although it did not completely eliminate the twitching while cornering. So I decided to add weight to my car. I added about +35 (total 1600kg) and put the ballast position to -35. I'm still experimenting with this but it has helped me a lot as I can easily make turns without the unintentional swerving or that twitching.

Also I use controller sensitivity 0 and have all assists turned off except for ABS which is 1.

Anyway I hope this helps you out and let me know if it works for you. It will not affect your car's performance whatsoever. Oh yeah, if you tend to draft from another player in front of you, you may twitch but then again there's a flow that goes on what's in front of you. In other words, the player in front of you affects your cornering. For instance, if the player in front of you swerves or twitches while cornering, you might twitch as well.
thats interesting that putting the weight in the back helped. Thats seams to mean the insability is in the back and not the front. its possable just lowering the dampers and or spring rates in the rear could help. I might try running a large differance between the front and rear and see if that helps as well. I'll try the weight to even if it did slow me down a bit i dont care. Id rather the car be stable than fast at daytona.

Roteryjunkie- i get what youre saying. I used to switch to the D pad at the testring in gt4 because it was hard to turn so little with the analog stick. might be worth a try?
another intresting thing is this is only a problem at daytona. Ive been working on my indy set up and the car drives just fine there. This got me thinking it was because of the high banking and speeds reached at daytona. So i went to the high speed ring. Turn one has a lot of banking and you can enter it pretty fast. However the car also did not display this twitchy on/off habbit in its sterring response? hmmmmmm
another intresting thing is this is only a problem at daytona. Ive been working on my indy set up and the car drives just fine there. This got me thinking it was because of the high banking and speeds reached at daytona. So i went to the high speed ring. Turn one has a lot of banking and you can enter it pretty fast. However the car also did not display this twitchy on/off habbit in its sterring response? hmmmmmm

Daytona is way more bumpy, that's probably why...
positive toe in the front will help, prokka you still have yet to add me lol. And I just ran a 41.590 solo. As for your twitchiness i'd say try the toe, then increase your front spring rate, I run 19.0 in the front and 20 in the rear. I use a DS3 and have no problems. You can try like a 18 for the front and maybe a 15 or 16 for the rear should help. If not it's more then likely your not used to the handling yet, over time you will adapt.