E3 2011: What Are You Expecting? [56k BEWARE!!!]

^Yeah I agree so many FPS's all lined up next to each other. Dust looked pretty slick.

I'm so looking forward to the Star Trek game based on the Abrams universe.
I think that suit jacket is slightly too big Kaz :lol:

Blu Ray is really good for getting all these extras like full bonus games on the disk, good to see this year that they are really making and effort to secure more exclusive content from 3rd party dev's.
New from Sony:
The reaction to the AT&T partnership was hilarious! :lol: and the equally funny 'what did he just say silence' when he said near!
Does anyone think looking at people playing the Vita on screen that it would have been more comfortable if they had put both analogue sticks above the d-pads? Everyone is having to bend their thumbs down quite a lot.
"A stranger you don't even know can help or hinder the player." I see the Ruin developers played them some Demon's Souls ;).
Gotta love it though, they should know what a bad rap AT&T wireless has.
They almost certainly knew. And they probably pocketed the same pile of money that AT&T gave Apple all the same.

Sony's going to have to do something about that, or the 3G model is going to be a failure of 32X proportions.
They almost certainly knew. And they probably pocketed the same pile of money that AT&T gave Apple all the same.

Sony's going to have to do something about that, or the 3G model is going to be a failure of 32X proportions.

Understood and agreed. However the die is cast as they say.
NFS: The Run looks pretty lame TBH. Far Cry 3 looks pretty interesting since it's looks more like the original Far Cry which is good. Mass Effect 3 looks the same as Mass Effect 2 with different environments and apparently it's supposed to have kinect support :yuck:. Forza 4, i want to see real gameplay before i judge. Assassin's Creed Revelations, trailer looks interesting but gameplay is the same as the other games. I like the Halo: CE remake. Resistance 3, looks decent. I hope it doesn't turn into the mess that was Resistance 2. MW3, same **** as the other games. Nothing special. I lol'd at the Star Wars kinect presentation.
I can't wait until Ninty's conference tomorrow afternoon. Is the Vita stuff still going?
Oh boy. A console exclusive character in a fighting game. Excuse me, but I need to find my eyes now that they've rolled out of my skull.