Earthquake last night!!

  • Thread starter Kelly
There has been several earthquakes around here in past years...oddly, I, being always aware of my surroundings and alert, have never felt anything. Once my bro said that he felt it, then we asked what time, and he said "11PM or so" and the earthquake happened at 8AM...that's him though...
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie

Speak for yourself love! Some of us can cook!

And what's with the "Seattle :(" location?

We're too far north for the earthquake, although my parents are only a few miles from the epicentre.

:rolleyes: jeez man that was just a bit of dry humour :rolleyes: no need to be so offended Einsley :P and as for the location thing :rolleyes: whats it to you ?:confused: nothing ! :mad:so naff off Giles :D i was gonna call you a Scottish bastard but !! oh well ;) :) laters shirt lifter 😈
yea Doug, and eathquake at my house would be a disaster...even loud booms of thunder have made stuff move(my dad's subwoofer too...several of mom's chachkas(antiques for the non-Yiddish knowing folks(everyone)) have fallen from the bookshelfs and broken(which my dad defends himself with "I didn't cause it" lol)).

My room is like longer just stuff being put horizontally, I've been forced by lack of room to build my civilization upwards to the roof. I estamate that an earthquake above a 2-2.5 could be a national disaster for the Maz kingdom...

Still, I'd like to be on a road or parking lot(with no cars) and just have a huge eathquake, like an 8.5, hit where I'm standing. WEEEEEE!!!!

Or drive across that bridge that was built and destroyed by winds and it would move up and down, side to side by several feet. It was built back in the fourties and shown on TV many times...looked like fun!
Originally posted by Mr P

:rolleyes: jeez man that was just a bit of dry humour :rolleyes: no need to be so offended Einsley :P and as for the location thing :rolleyes: whats it to you ?:confused: nothing ! :mad:so naff off Giles :D i was gonna call you a Scottish bastard but !! oh well ;) :) laters shirt lifter 😈


Usual great entrance from yourself :rolleyes: :P

Originally posted by lotus350
And thanks!! Y2TUSCAN for changing my topic into a pork pie thread! 😈 :lol:

Damn straight! :lol: :P

Still feel like eating a pork pie though!
Havent had one in ages!
Originally posted by Mr P

:rolleyes: jeez man that was just a bit of dry humour :rolleyes: no need to be so offended Einsley :P and as for the location thing :rolleyes: whats it to you ?:confused: nothing ! :mad:so naff off Giles :D i was gonna call you a Scottish bastard but !! oh well ;) :) laters shirt lifter 😈

Excellent! The first time in my 11 years on the internet that I've been flamed! And so much sense too! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie

Excellent! The first time in my 11 years on the internet that I've been flamed! And so much sense too! :rolleyes:

oh :embarrassed: look i've gone and smeared your squeeky clean image SIR GILES :rolleyes: 😈
normally i'm a quiet guy :embarrassed: but you were being very LORD LA DE DA towards my partner :mad: i had to reply , it done my head in ! anyway we can drop this now or i'll have to come all the way back up the road (after leaving it nearly 16 years ago ) jist tae smash yer face in :( but then again ! i can pick up some tattie scones while i'm there and a plain loaf :P :drool: yummy !
Ok Giles ;) seen as you explained to me that your a 60 year old , bed ridden codger with an iron lung , i'll let you off :P was just filling the tank as well :D laters :cool:

Originally posted by boombexus

I have had a desire to live in California again, but it's such an earthquake prone area and that has kept me away from returning there. I think that I'll just stay put here in Colorado so when California finally breaks off and slides out into the Pacific, I will be living in some prime beach front property.
YO Boom! Yo Lotus!

Spent the first eighteen years of my life in Cali. Been thru a handful of quakes. Now I live in Kansas, and fear ending up in OZ! Earthquakes of the minor variety are kinda neat (as long as crap isn't falling off of shelves and walls. But a little shake can be cool.)
This tornado stuff... :eek: I hate running to the basement every time there is a blow. :mad:

Boom I hope you're far enough inland that you don't fall in with Cali. :lol:
Originally posted by Gil

YO Boom! Yo Lotus!

Spent the first eighteen years of my life in Cali. Been thru a handful of quakes. Now I live in Kansas, and fear ending up in OZ! Earthquakes of the minor variety are kinda neat (as long as crap isn't falling off of shelves and walls. But a little shake can be cool.)
This tornado stuff... :eek: I hate running to the basement every time there is a blow. :mad:

Boom I hope you're far enough inland that you don't fall in with Cali. :lol:

Yo Gil :D

:eek: Hurricanes! stuff falling of shelves! Cool!! but then again I don't have to live with that sort of stuff here. A little mini quake is best we get :P
Originally posted by slip2rock

Sush... don't tell him!

Damn i tried to burn the bugger earlier in the year, plan B in operation ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gawd damn Slip, I nearly pissed myself laughing!

Ha! It's gonna take more than fire and earthquakes to get rid of me mate! But your English cooking might be the death of me! :D
Originally posted by Gil

Boom I hope you're far enough inland that you don't fall in with Cali. :lol:

GIL! How ya been?

I live smack dab in the middle of the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of 8150 feet. I think I'll be OK up here.
Boy, it's gonna be nice to go snowboarding and surfing all in the same day!

Hmmmm, time to plan a trip to San Andreas with some TNT and a crowbar!
Bye, Bye California! :D
Originally posted by boombexus

GIL! How ya been?
Hmmmm, time to plan a trip to San Andreas with some TNT and a crowbar!
Bye, Bye California! :D

All's well, working like a dog. Not the lead dog, so the view never changes.

Don't blow up Cali...till my brother moves. :D
Besides, where will the next stoopid car trend come from if CA is gone?
Originally posted by boombexus

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gawd damn Slip, I nearly pissed myself laughing!

Ha! It's gonna take more than fire and earthquakes to get rid of me mate! But your English cooking might be the death of me! :D

So i can't tempt you with a pork pie?

Or a nice B ritish S tandard of E xcellence steak?
Greater Manchester has been hit by a series of 12 earthquakes and aftershocks. :eek:
Four tremors hit the city on Monday while the latest series began at about 0440 BST on Tuesday.

The British Geological Survey (BGS) confirmed a tremor measuring 2.9 on the Richter scale struck at 0439 BST on Tuesday and the second 15 minutes later measured 2.0.

Out of the eight latest shocks six were too small to register, the BGS confirmed.
The first earthquake, measuring 3.2 on the Richter scale, shook the area at 0845 BST on Monday.

Four hours later it was followed by an earthquake 11 times more powerful which shook buildings across the city.

There were then powerful aftershocks.

The BGS said the lunchtime earthquake measured 3.9 on the Richter scale.
Meh. Earthquakes in the UK? That's so last week!

Lotus350, did you get the Dudley Earthquake Appeal e-mail?
Earthquakes aren't my problem in Connecticut. I have to worry about killer ice, snow, and hurricanes.(*notices winter is coming*) oh, crap.
well i live in woukd be awesome 2 shee a hurricane hit here (although 2 already have) and tornados are a posssiblilty but i never seen 1 around here.