Earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
3.9 under Cleethorpes (south side of the Humber, England) at about 22:15 this evening. Spoiled a full 2 mins of the Endeavour repeat for me and Mrs. Ten on the other side of the water. 'Ll be reet.

I now remember that I heard about that one (while drinking) from a colleague who lives where you do (ish). I take it there was no major damage?
There have been 10,263 earthquakes M1.5 or greater over the last 30 days. This is 50% above normal.
The Mayans were off by 6 years.


Yes I know it's a repost

This was a 🤬 shaker, and lasted long. We were in a moving vehicle and it shook bad. We still don't have power in our location and that after shocks are pissing me off.

More links

Those flag stands almost got knocked over!

Seriously though, with a magnitude 7 I'm impressed that much of the stuff in the room stayed put.

People check out Joe Fedewa's 2000 Buick LeSabre amid broken asphalt on Vine Road in the Matanuska Valley on Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. He was northbound in the dark when the 7.0 earthquake hit. (Photo by Joe Fedewa)
I know of one person in the Ridgecrest area, after the first one just had broken glass, after this one I have no idea.
There is a 5% probability of an aftershock or foreshock of 7 in the next 7 days.
Updated to now just 3%
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6.4 magnitude quake in California. I imagine a lot of people are worrying that there could be more to come.
7.1 occurred just now. Pools were making waves in Phoenix too.
I don't recall which day this occurred, or if the day was even me tioned, but my neighbor was saying her daughter in Pleasanton (I think?)--definitely in the northern part of California because the talk was of how far away it was felt--was in the pool when the water started sloshing from end to end, and enough splashed out to make the filler kick on.
I felt both the 6.4 and 7.1 in Ventura, CA which is about 185 miles southwest of Ridgecrest and it was strong. The 7.1 hit and I heard the kids in my complex pool screaming and yes the water was sloshing. I haven't felt something like that since the 1994 Northridge quake which was a 6.7 but much closer to Ventura.
"Let’s say, very hypothetically, that NASA came across evidence suggesting The Big One is coming and coming soon. Would they tell the public and most certainly create panic, chaos, and pandemonium?"

You know, that writer could just look at the NASA Airborne Sciences website to see what that plane was doing:

DC-8 successfully transited to Boise, ID for FIREX-AQ campaign on July 22. The aircraft will operate from Boise until August 19 when it will redeploy to Salina, KS. On the transit flight, data on atmospheric composition was collected over Los Angeles Basin and Central Valley in support of the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Next flight is scheduled for July 24 sampling fires in the Boise, ID area. Due to low level flight on hot day, some instruments experienced thermal issues that interrupted or halted data collection.

Since it's in a FIREX configuration, it's most likely collecting information about smoke from wildfires. The plane is in Boise right now and doing a bunch of flights all over the West. It has several missions over the SHEEP fire that's burned 83k acres near Pocatello. We get smoke from these fires in SLC, so they're covered pretty frequently by the weather service.
Extremely worrying earthquakes proceed in California. No fewer than 24 separate faults have earthquaked since July. It is greatly feared that this spike in smaller earthquakes will make the Big One more likely, not less. Of major concern is the aqueduct system that conveys water collected from the Sierra Nevada Mountains and valleys of Northern and Central California to Southern California.
I'm in Casa Grande Arizona, which is pretty much dead center between Phoenix and Tucson. Just felt my apartment building shake and sway a bit from what I was pretty sure was an earthquake. Searched up the USGS website and it just updated with a 5.5 quake in northern Baja California.

That's great, it starts with an earthquake
Birds and snakes, and aeroplanes
And Lenny Bruce is not afraid

We got hit with a 5.7 magnitude earthquake this morning, the strongest quake in Utah since 1992. Power is out in many places, moderate damage, and the airport is closed.
