Eddy's PVC Rig from start to finish - (Inspired by SIMUL8R) - Now with Insturctions!

  • Thread starter SlowEddy
Ferrari458Italia once you get your rig built do you mind showing us the final result in pictures?

Also could you tell me how stable is the wheel deck with that big heavy T500 RS and sawing at the wheel is going to be. I'm in the process of most likely going the PVC rig route as well.
Ferrari458Italia once you get your rig built do you mind showing us the final result in pictures?

Also could you tell me how stable is the wheel deck with that big heavy T500 RS and sawing at the wheel is going to be. I'm in the process of most likely going the PVC rig route as well.

Yeah bud for sure. Ill take lots of pictures. Im probably going to start a little tomorrow since i get off at work at 4.
As far as sawing the pvc im just going to take it to friends shop and use his electric saw.
And how is the stability of the set, will it move sideways?

No, by no means! There is of course a little (tiny) flexibility, but you will never notice it when playing.
And of course many depends of the design. It looks like Eddy's PVC Rig is a very rock solid one!
If you want, have a look to my designs (here). You can do miracles with PVC. The only problem would be the aesthetic, some people find this constructions unattractive.
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Alright so today is glueing up the pvc rig.
Anyone got any recommendations on what kind of gluee to get??? I want one that takes the longest to get hard so that way I have a little bit of time to make sure it's all straight
Great idea @SlowEddy and very nice build.
I'm thinking of building one and by my calculations the rig will be about 30-50€ (in my country) more expensive than a wheel stand alone, so can you send me the photobucket pics a bit bigger, because I cannot see the PVC piping list properly?
Don't be rushed because I not planning to build it yet this year because of my damn knee.
Thanks for the building tip:sly:
Alright so today is glueing up the pvc rig.
Anyone got any recommendations on what kind of gluee to get??? I want one that takes the longest to get hard so that way I have a little bit of time to make sure it's all straight

In case you are so afraid of making mistakes you could use silicone sealant. It works and is invertible. The only thing is that the joints will become a little more flexible (elastic).
Only thing i recommend is push all yor fittings together, when your happy mark the depth annd twist position with a permanent marker.
That way when you begin to dismantle then glue together you have final positions to go by and should get perfect glued off positions bwhen finished, i drew +'s across my connections.
Only thing i recommend is push all yor fittings together, when your happy mark the depth annd twist position with a permanent marker.
That way when you begin to dismantle then glue together you have final positions to go by and should get perfect glued off positions bwhen finished, i drew +'s across my connections.

ahhhh I see I see, that's a hell of a great idea I will definitely do that. The plus's and marks will definitely help :)

also what kind of glue do I need to use?? would anything that says "PVC Cement" do or what?
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Just an update to the one I built. With the imminent release of GT6, I decided to do some upgrading on my cockpit. I changed out and rotated the springs using the GTEYE spring and just finished a few minutes ago remounting my pedals. Instead of having the board on the top of the pipe, I changed mine out (like many others have already done) so that it hangs off the pipe. This has changed out the angle of the pedals by at least 15-20 degrees. I'll be testing it out today to see how much of an improvement it will be.

Hey guys
Nice job with rigs I remember looking at this design on inside sim forums when gt5 was released. I'm starting my build this weekend and my question is also one about strength. I was in my local hardware pricing everything up and I discovered that if I used 40mm it would be half the price of 50mm. T pieces were $8 alone and with the front half needing 13 the price of fittings is almost the price of a low end retail model. Any ways do you guys who have built one think that 10mm will make much difference in strength. The reason I'm going to build this is for mods such as inverted pedals hand brake, rally wheel on g25. I will mainly be using this for drifting so I will be throwing it around a bit any input or opinions will be much appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread, tons of information to help me start my build. I was planning on building the side bar on both sides but im worried it will be bothersome getting in and out, can anyone relate?
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread, tons of information to help me start my build. I was planning on building the side bar on both sides but im worried it will be bothersome getting in and out, can anyone relate?

Not sure what your thought process might be, but if it was me, I wouldn't. If its because you think you need the added stability, its not necessary (unless you are going with smaller diameter pvc). I know on mine, I leave the seat in place pretty much all the time. If I had bars on both sides, getting in would be 10X more difficult and would require me to move the seat back and forth every time. Not because I'm huge or anything, but this IS just thick plastic. I am careful not to 'plop' into the seat and am careful getting out as well since I really don't want to break anything and have to repair or replace any pieces. I feel like if I had a bar on each side, it would really restrict my ability to get into the seat carefully, and for me that just isn't desirable.

You could always have the additional fittings there so you can add it later, but if it was me, I wouldn't worry about it.

But build it they way you want and enjoy. I know it makes the game 1000X more enjoyable for me.

Not sure what your thought process might be, but if it was me, I wouldn't. If its because you think you need the added stability, its not necessary (unless you are going with smaller diameter pvc). I know on mine, I leave the seat in place pretty much all the time. If I had bars on both sides, getting in would be 10X more difficult and would require me to move the seat back and forth every time. Not because I'm huge or anything, but this IS just thick plastic. I am careful not to 'plop' into the seat and am careful getting out as well since I really don't want to break anything and have to repair or replace any pieces. I feel like if I had a bar on each side, it would really restrict my ability to get into the seat carefully, and for me that just isn't desirable.

You could always have the additional fittings there so you can add it later, but if it was me, I wouldn't worry about it.

But build it they way you want and enjoy. I know it makes the game 1000X more enjoyable for me.

I don't doubt the structural rigidity of the rig. I wanted to add the bar on both sides to be able to mount the shifter on both sides strictly for fun (I've always wanted to drive right handed just to experience it). I think my best bet would be just to make it universal like you said and if I ever want to use it again right hand drive I still have the option.

Thank you for your feedback
Hey guys,

I completed my ring few weeks ago but i had loads of problems due to my country's pvc pipe standarts. I'm living in turkey and main problem is we dont have that elbows or T's u have in your country. Let me explain with sample foto;


As you can see it has two diffrent sizes for connecting points. It made it really hard to get it all together cause i had to use extra pieces to get them together and it didn't solve my problem due to empty spaces on connectors. I had to use diffrent type of glue (it has mastic feel when u apply but after 24 hours it became rockish). The problem was if u do not apply that glue perfectly it does nothing. While half of my rig is rock solid other half feels really crap. Screws didn't help me either, they are holding it well but not tight enough.

Other mistake i did was appliyng paint job before using sand paper on pipes. Whenever u try to move the rig or touching it without care its falling apart. The glue i mentioned before, i had to apply it after paintin cause the glue i tried before paint didnt make the cut. By that mean, it became more crappy paint job while i'm applying glue. I thought i could handle it with just screws all over the rig but no, i had to use something else.

I'll do another glue job in next few days with new paint job but i have no idea how can i make painting more durable since i already did 2 or 3 times coat work on it. I cant use sand paper now because it will be harder than making a complete new rig, lol.

I'll try to upload photos when i get back to home from work. If you have any ideas how can i make it better, please share your thoughts, i'm really in need of some help :)

Hey guys,

I completed my ring few weeks ago but i had loads of problems due to my country's pvc pipe standarts. I'm living in turkey and main problem is we dont have that elbows or T's u have in your country...
I'll try to upload photos when i get back to home from work. If you have any ideas how can i make it better, please share your thoughts, i'm really in need of some help :)


I would recommend drilling a hole straight through the joints and then using a nut and bolt to hold the joint tight. Combined with some silicone glue, it should hold pretty tight. A google search got me this photo to help explain:

For the painting, try using Acetone to take off the layer of gloss and use a spray paint that is designed for plastic. Definitely paint it after it's assembled. You can still scuff the pipe down with some fine grained sand paper and then use spray paint to coat it. The sand paper needs to be real fine (240 grain, IIRC) and you should use WET sandpaper, so keep a mop bucket handy.
Are any of these PVC pipe rigs adjustable (move pedals back/forth independently and move the wheel up/down independently), or just build it to suit only yourself?

Are any of these PVC pipe rigs adjustable (move pedals back/forth independently and move the wheel up/down independently), or just build it to suit only yourself?


I actually built a height adjustable table (it's a bit wierd and position is odd, but I have a solution). But PVC is rigid and it's cut to yourself. The seat can be adjusted fowards and backwards. And there are ways of putting pedals fowards and backwards.

Check my DIY in my sig for ideas of height adjustable table
Are any of these PVC pipe rigs adjustable (move pedals back/forth independently and move the wheel up/down independently), or just build it to suit only yourself?


I pulled my seat, rails and all, out of a used car. This allows for fully adjustable seat position. The pedals I reverse mounted measuring the distance from the center of the wheel and the height difference from the seat/ground. To me, this created the most "realistic" driving experience, though my angle of attack on the pedals was a little off. I thought long and hard about making the steering wheel adjustable but ultimately decided to go for stability instead of adjustability. The wheel is locked into a comfortable position for me and the other people using my rig will have to make due with just adjusting the seat.
Yeah I set my rig up to fit me anyone who comes over to race has to make do with just the seat being adjustable. I can adjust the seat, pedals and wheel, but don't want the hassel of putting it all back when they leave. Now if its the other half using the rig, well you know what you gotta do.
[Quote = "SlowEddy, post: 4252864, miembro: 147048"] *** Editar clic aquí si mis fotos no aparecen ====> http://s12.photobucket.com/albums/a206/edguna1/ GT5% 20Project /? start = 0

Así que aquí es el principio hasta el final de construcción de mi aparejo PVC - ver post número 2 para dibujos e instrucciones Bricolaje - Estaré actualizando con el tiempo ya que no estoy 100% terminado con los dibujos

Originalmente iba a construir algo fuera de extrusionado de aluminio / 8020 cosas pero tropecé con PVC vaina de carreras juegos de SIMUL8R que se puede encontrar aquí.

así que fui la ruta de PVC e hice algunos cambios en el diseño de mi propio. Me tomó aproximadamente 2 meses para terminar de principio a fin - me tomé mi tiempo ya GT5 se retrasó

Todavía estoy pensando en añadir un pateador culo y el Fanatec palanca de cambios deportiva del club cada vez que sale

Empezó, la creación de un modelo 3D con el diseño original de SIMUL8R

Terminado y foto prestados

Quería hacerlo más portable y más fácil de moverse por la casa de enfrente lo creado y las secciones posteriores del marco

Delantera + trasera

Asamblea completa

Foto render 1

Foto render 2

Empecé a fabricar componentes utilizando una sierra, caja de ingletes y Dremmel

Asamblea de construcción a Spec


Progreso !!!

El progreso en el conjunto trasero

Delantero y asambleas traseras

Con asiento y montar la rueda

Me di cuenta de la sede era demasiado alto con el que mi diseño inicial así que tuve que cambiarlo

haciendo uso de los libros de texto antiguos de averiguar aa mejor altura del asiento

También decidí envolver todo en 3M-Di-Noc película de fibra de carbono. Su material bastante caro, pero bastante agradable
Real CF de la izquierda y la derecha, 3M cosas en el medio

Montaje de ruedas - hecha de MDF - se usa la plantilla de la fábrica de totalidades de montaje


Envuelto en fibra de carbono 3M

Con montado mi rueda


La trama completa envuelto con fibra de carbono 3M

Montajes Pedal hechas de madera de 3/8 "de espesor escarpa de prensa que encontré


Montado a la asamblea delante usando 2X pernos en U

Ruedas y Pedales

Montar asiento - también hizo a partir de chatarra de 3/8 "de prensa de madera

atornillado en el conjunto trasero

Montado Asiento

hay un montón de habitación en la parte posterior para una extremo-golpeador

Esto es por qué odio a pegar !!! - Piezas no encajaban - por lo que la parte trasera se pegan juntos y la mayoría de la parte delantera se atornillan con tornillos de 1/4 "

después de la re-corte / pegamento / pintura y montaje de su finialy Completado!


He estado jugando bastante tiempo con él en GT5 ahora - es genial! : astuto:

gracias por mirar! [/ quote]
Hola mi amigo, buenas noches muy ... Quisiera por mí favorecer ayudaras con las INSTRUCCIONES y con La Lista y Medidas de los Materiales Necesarios párrafo crearlo por favor, ya Que Soy de Venezuela y tus imagenes salen en ingles y no las comprendo, y AUNQUE él intentado translate los planos los traductores no me Ayudan ... Te lo Agradezco por favor ...


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Thank you everybody for contributing to this thread.
Thank you very much in the first place to Eddy for sharing his plans!!
I am planning to start building my rig soon based on your plans.
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I'm only now catching up and finding so many dead links. Can someone please post or send me a link to the plans and parts list?
Hello My name is Jeffrey Velez. I just build one PVC Rig using your prints. I want to say thanks you so much for the drawings was so helpful even that I did a couple modification and change some stuff. But everything came out perfect. My Steam is jeffreyvelez - or Jeff_STI. Also Instagram Jeff_STI just in case want to see more about my rig. Here is a couple pictures of how it came out. Feel free to contact with me if need any suggestion or help. Thanks you.


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Hello My name is Jeffrey Velez. I just build one PVC Rig using your prints. I want to say thanks you so much for the drawings was so helpful even that I did a couple modification and change some stuff. But everything came out perfect. My Steam is jeffreyvelez - or Jeff_STI. Also Instagram Jeff_STI just in case want to see more about my rig. Here is a couple pictures of how it came out. Feel free to contact with me if need any suggestion or help. Thanks you.


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Great build there bud, i have the same pedals though, god they are the most unreliable things in the world. Waiting for my HE pedals.