Elite: Dangerous

  • Thread starter marky5244
Ah mining....that is what I am going to start doing once I get back from my mini-trip from the Witch Head Nebula and Spirograph Nebula (which I just finished up scanning last night). I need to mine to meet the next engineering requirement. It's the only profession I haven't tried yet.

Some pics from my journey out to both Nebulas:

Ringed-Water World




I am playing ED again some this weekend. I really enjoy some of the new features. The module storage feature is excellent, because now I can take all my engineered parts off my battle Conda, and set it up for exploration. I got it up to 48ly or so, I can get more if I take extra fuel storage and some other things off. I just don't know if I want to go really far out with it or not, I get bored exploring easily.

I spent some time messing around with my FDL and Python. Both are A rated and engineered up. I could put level 5 reinforced shield gen on my FDL yet, but i really don't need it. It would drop my speed. Right now I'm boosting around 500 in it, and my shields hardly ever drop because of the engineered shield boosters. I was interdicted by a Dangerous Anaconda yesterday, and it only knocked one ring off my shields before I destroyed it.

As far as FDLvsPython goes, I would say the FDL is probably the funnest ship in the game to dogfight with, and the best dogfighter. That being said, I'd still rather have my Python if I was going into a hairy battle. The shields on the FDL are great, but the thing is paper once the shields drop. I can take a ton more damage in my Python, and Also use it to Ram. I'd say my Python can kill faster too. FDL is a great ship, it's just a shame it's internals are so limited, and gas/jumprange/fuelscooop is always an issue. To me an A-rated fully engineered Python is the best ship in the game, it's not even really close.

I still have an A rated Vulture, Cutter, and FAS, and Cobra. I may sell the Vulture and FAS though, I just never fly them. I thought about grinding federation ranks to get a Corvette, I'm lieutenant now. I just don't think it's worth it, and wouldn't do much with it when I did get it.

That's one of the biggest things that keeps me from playing this game as much as I used to, is the grind. It seems like everytime I want to go do something, it involves a huge grind then I decide against it. I guess I did the grind so much, I just got tired of it. That and with my new job, I don't have nearly the time to play as I used to. Also having pretty much all the ships I want all maxed out. Once I did that, I didn't really have anything left to do that didn't involve mindless grinding.

They really do need to fix the mission board, they are still the same ole boring delivery and fetch missions. With one of those huge updates last year, I think when they changed the mission board layout, they took away most of the fun combat missions. There used to be a pretty decent selection of combat missions, now I can't hardly find any.

It's still a great game, I just wish they would add some things to make it more involved, interesting and fun. Every new thing that comes out, it's cool for the first couple hours. Then once the novelty wears off, it's just another mindless activity it seems.
Speaking of the grind, one thing I'm happy about that was added in the latest update is the changes to Engineers, they removed all commodities from the recipes, now it's only materials you have to obtain. This took a good chunk of the grind out of Engineers. Since the update I was able to level up three engineers very quickly.

I'm currently working on Marco Qwent. You have to be allied with Sirius Corp, which I am (after doing a bunch of Sothis data missions for them). I wondered why I didn't have a Sirius permit after all this time. Then I read that you need to fly to a neighboring system like Avik or Luyten, find a station and check the mission board an the Sirius permit should be there waiting for you, a little clunky but what can you do. Then I flew into Sirius, received another invitation from Qwent and now I am working obtaining the 25 Modular Terminals to get into his good graces.

Somehow in the process of all of this, I obtained my first Elite ranking doing a trading mission, I now have access to the Founder's World which I still have to visit. For now I decided to visit Col 285 Sector YF-M C8-8 and Nui Hsing (to work on getting to Rear Admiral and a Corvette) because it is currently in a Boom and these booms are usually short-lived. For fast Federation ranking pay attention to this next part. Take ship that can land on a medium pad (I'm using my Asp Explorer) and Go to Col 285 Sector YF-M C8-8 and dock at Lebedev Installation, accept as may missions to Gorbatko Terminal and Cabrera's Claim as you can. You may board flip if you want to but there are usually so many missions that you may not even need to. Fly to Gorbatko first, deliver all of them, then accept as many as you can back to Lebedev while ignoring any of them that go to a different system. Next go to Cabrera's Claim and deliver the rest of the missions while again accepting as many missions back to Lebedev as you can. If you have less than 14 missions stacked then board flip until you get to 20 (the maximum allowed). Rise and repeat until you have your desired ranking. Even as fast as it is, this is still a major grind, but this is by far the fastest method to rank up in the Federation that I have seen.

I went from Ensign to Post Commander in 2.5 days in my first run doing this a few weeks ago. Yesterday I noticed the system was in another Boom so I flew back out there and finished up the post Commander rank. I am now 15% into Post Captain and I should reach Rear Admiral tonight or tomorrow and be able to purchase the Corvette. Plus I now have the Modular Terminals I needed for Qwent, win-win. If you decide to do this, do it quickly. These two systems do not stay in boom long, maybe a week tops, maybe even less. Good luck Commanders.
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Speaking of the grind, one thing I'm happy about that was added in the latest update is the changes to Engineers, they removed all commodities from the recipes, now it's only materials you have to obtain. This took a good chunk of the grind out of Engineers. Since the update I was able to level up three engineers very quickly.

I'm currently working on Marco Qwent. You have to be allied with Sirius Corp, which I am (after doing a bunch of Sothis data missions for them). I wondered why I didn't have a Sirius permit after all this time. Then I read that you need to fly to a neighboring system like Avik or Luyten, find a station and check the mission board an the Sirius permit should be there waiting for you, a little clunky but what can you do. Then I fly into Sirius, received another invitation from Qwent and now I am working obtain the 25 Modular Terminals to get into his good graces.

Some in the process of all of this I obtained my first Elite ranking doing a trading mission, I now have access to the Founder's World which I still have to visit. For now I decided to visit Col 285 Sector YF-M C8-8 and Nui Hsing (to work on getting to Rear Admiral and a Corvette) because it is currently in a Boom and these booms are usually short-lived. For fast Federation ranking pay attention to this next part. Take ship that can land on a medium pad (I'm using my Asp Explorer) and Go to Col 285 Sector YF-M C8-8 and dock at Lebedev Installation, accept as may missions to Gorbatko Terminal and Cabrera's Claim as you can. You may board flip if you want to but there are usually so many missions that you may not even need to. Fly to Gorbatko first, deliver all of them, then accept as many as you can back to Lebedev while ignoring any of them that go to a different system. Next go to Cabrera's Claim and deliver the rest of the missions while again accepting as many mission back to Lebedev as you can. If you have less than 14 mission stacked then board flip until you get to 20 (the maximum allowed). Rise and repeat until you have your desired ranking.

I went from Ensign to Post Commander in 2.5 days in my first run doing this a few weeks ago. Yesterday I noticed the system was in another Boom so I flew back out there and finished up the post Commander rank. I am now 15% into Post Captain and I should reach Rear Admiral tonight or tomorrow and be able to purchase the Corvette. This is by far the fastest method to ranking up in the Federation that I have seen. If you decide to do this, do it quickly. these systems do not stay in boom long, maybe a week tops, maybe even less. Good luck Commanders.
Holy smoke, thanks for that tip my friend, doing the federation grind right now, and have only gained 20% of lieutenant since yesterday!

I want that Corvette, the only ship I need yet. I have Cutter for heavy trading/mining, Anaconda is now set up for exploration/passengers/long range. I took all my engineered/battle parts of it and put it into storage, and have a 50ly jump. I can get it to 55ly if I go more bare bones. The cool thing is most of those parts I can put on my Corvette, and it will be good to go.

Also congrats on Elite, get your ass to Shinrata Dezhra(Founders World), and make Jameson Memorial your home station. Best station in the game, it has every single ship and module in the game, all at a 10% discount. 👍 I parked all my ships there as soon as I made Elite.

Also here's a cool video I thought was really well Done, I found on you tube. I never get tired of David Bowie Elite Dangerous videos. :)

Edit: do I need a lot of storeage space for these fed missions?
Holy smoke, thanks for that tip my friend, doing the federation grind right now, and have only gained 20% of lieutenant since yesterday!

I want that Corvette, the only ship I need yet. I have Cutter for heavy trading/mining, Anaconda is now set up for exploration/passengers/long range. I took all my engineered/battle parts of it and put it into storage, and have a 50ly jump. I can get it to 55ly if I go more bare bones. The cool thing is most of those parts I can put on my Corvette, and it will be good to go.

Also congrats on Elite, get your ass to Shinrata Dezhra(Founders World), and make Jameson Memorial your home station. Best station in the game, it has every single ship and module in the game, all at a 10% discount. 👍 I parked all my ships there as soon as I made Elite.

Also here's a cool video I thought was really well Done, I found on you tube. I never get tired of David Bowie Elite Dangerous videos. :)

Edit: do I need a lot of storeage space for these fed missions?

Not really, the bulk of the missions are Data missions, I have 72t cargo in my Asp and that is fine. Occasionally a mission comes up to carry 12t or 30t to the neighboring system so it is nice to have some cargo capacity. I don't know if a Python is necessary but you could use that instead. These systems are located just over the top of the bubble.
@DDastardly00 I'm at Lebedev, but the faction that gives most of the data deliveries is alliance? :confused:

Edit: nevermind I thin I got it. The other system is where most the fed missions are
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@DDastardly00 I'm at Lebedev, but the faction that gives most of the data deliveries is alliance? :confused:

Edit: nevermind I thin I got it. The other system is where most the fed missions are

You can also flip the boards at Lebedev if you want to, I've gotten up to 20 missions there also, most the time if you get 10 then that's fine if you want to move more quickly and move on to Nui Hsing.
You can also flip the boards at Lebedev if you want to, I've gotten up to 20 missions there also, most the time if you get 10 then that's fine if you want to move more quickly and move on to Nui Hsing.
I'm not hardly getting any fed missions in Lebedev, I flip the boards a couple times and maybe get one or two, they are 90% alliance missions. I was getting a bunch in Nui Hsing, but the last couple times I went I wasn't getting nearly as much, just 5-6 and that was flipping boards at both stations. The dang alliance has 18-20 each time it seems. There's a bunch to Wirao, I think it's spelled. It's station is 40-50k Ls out though. I had twenty missions to take there, but no returns.
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I'm not hardly getting any fed missions in Lebedev, I flip the boards a couple times and maybe get one or two, they are 90% alliance missions. I was getting a bunch in Nui Hsing, but the last couple times I went I wasn't getting nearly as much, just 5-6 and that was flipping boards at both stations. The dang alliance has 18-20 each time it seems. There's a bunch to Wirao, I think it's spelled. It's station is 40-50k Ls out though. I had twenty missions to take there, but no returns.

I got about 9 missions flipping the boards but then it died soon after. I read the system status report and it said 3 different wars were starting. The State currently says: None, so the Boom must have ended already, wow that was fast, I though we had at least two more days. The one thing I know about this system is that the State cycles fast from war, civil unrest, famine, none, then back to boom very quickly. The best thing to do is bookmark the system, check it every few days and when it returns to a Boom then you have about 2.5-3 days to rake in all of the missions before it returns to war,the cycle is complete and it begins anew.
I got about 9 missions flipping the boards but then it died soon after. I read the system status report and it said 3 different wars were starting. The State currently says: None, so the Boom must have ended already, wow that was fast, I though we had at least two more days. The one thing I know about this system is that the State cycles fast from war, civil unrest, famine, none, then back to boom very quickly. The best thing to do is bookmark the system, check it every few days and when it returns to a Boom then you have about 2.5-3 days to rake in all of the missions before it returns to war,the cycle is complete and it begins anew.
Thanks for the tip though, I did get in on it some. I checked again this morning, and the fed factions hardly have any missions at all. The alliance one in both systems is loaded with 16-20 missions each time. I have it bookmarked and will check it regularly. It's definitely the best option for fed ranking.
Thanks for the tip though, I did get in on it some. I checked again this morning, and the fed factions hardly have any missions at all. The alliance one in both systems is loaded with 16-20 missions each time. I have it bookmarked and will check it regularly. It's definitely the best option for fed ranking.

Glad you got some of them before it ended. I bet it went into boom on Friday and I just didn't notice because I was wrapped up with doing Engineers stuff (and watching the playoffs). It's back to Marco Qwent for me, I have some cargo to deliver. The Corvette will have to wait a little bit longer.
Glad you got some of them before it ended. I bet it went into boom on Friday and I just didn't notice because I was wrapped up with doing Engineers stuff (and watching the playoffs). It's back to Marco Qwent for me, I have some cargo to deliver. The Corvette will have to wait a little bit longer.
I was checking out some of the new engineers, nothing too impressive lol. I do like how they dropped the commodity requirement for now. I may take my FDL and get a level 5 overpowered engineered mod on my MC, and force the effect so it's incendiary. That's about the only thing I really need, maybe try for better rolls on a couple items.
Well, she's 95% complete with what I want to do. With 4,137 shields and 6,164 armor, can you say Battleship?




I can get my armor over 7k if I swap out my fuel scoop and deplorable fighters, but there is absolutely no reason too. I haven't lost shields in this thing yet. Running all overcharged MC's, I can keep max pips in system and just one in weapons, and my distributor holds up. I can ditch the kill warrant scanner for another shield booster, but I don't need to.

The only thing I want to do, is make the rest of my MCs incendiary. I have my two huge MC's incendiary already. This thing absolutely shreds ships, it's not even a battle. I'm talking Dangerous and Elite condas etc in HAZ Res sites. This thing is way more of a killing machine than the conda. The hardpoints are better placed I think. It's a money making machine off of bounties, my new favorite ship by far.

Special thanks to @DDastardly00 for the heads up on ranking, I've been wanting a Federal Corvette for awhile now, and that method he gave for ranking up works like a charm. 👍

Edit: this is only an expert Anaconda, but look how fast the Corvette shreds it:

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The Beta for Commanders is coming on February 26th, Multi-crew is right around the corner!

Select players will be able to get a head-start on getting to grips with the Elite: Dangerous commander creator soon, as the beta for The Commanders update is landing on February 26.

For the first time ever in Elite: Dangerous, players will have a face. It’s kind of a big deal to have a face when you want to be the most feared pilot in the galaxy.

The commander creator will let players sculpt their very own Captain Kirk before heading into the black, choosing their look from a selection of available options.


So excited for this! I'm sure the beta will be PC only but any news is good news for us Xbox owners! Hopefully 2.3 will release by the end of March.


Congrats on the new ship prousonhairy

It's looking great, nothing can mess with that thing! Well.....except maybe the Thargoids lol.
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More details on the 2.3 Update and Multi-Crew:

2.3 Dev Update
Hi everyone,

As mentioned in a previous news and updates post confirming the release date for beta, we've got a new Dev Update for you today from Lead Designer, Sandro Sammarco. Read on to find out more about what's coming in 2.3.


Hello Commanders!
Now that the dust is settling on the interim update, I wanted to give you a more detailed heads up on what we’re currently working on next.

The first feature I want to discuss for 2.3 is Multicrew – the ability to join up with Commanders on the same ship and enjoy space adventures as a crew. In this post, I’ll summarise what you can expect from this exciting new update, in terms of structure and supporting features.
Please note that before now and release, some details may still change, as we’re currently in the thick of implementing this feature!

Setting up Multicrew
Fundamentally, Multicrew is about having fun with friends, so we want to make sure there are as few barriers to enjoying this feature as possible, starting with the crew formation process. We want to make it as easy as possible to start having fun on a multicrew ship.

As long as their ship has enough seats (different ships have different multicrew capabilities) a Commander can directly invite players, or can set their vessel to allow multicrew access. Commanders looking to play as crew can either accept direct invites, or activate a new “looking for ship” feature, which will automatically place them as crew on a suitable vessel with multicrew access allowed, making the process quick and painless.

When joining a crew, a Commander will log out of their current vessel and transfer to the multicrew vessel, regardless of distance. They can also leave at any time (or be evicted by the ship’s owner) at which point they can return to where their ship was last, making the whole affair a very friendly, drop in – drop out procedure.

Helm, Gunner and Fighter Con Roles
The ship’s owner always takes the role of helm, piloting the vessel and operating fixed and gimballed weaponry. They also control NPC fighter pilots. There can be up to two additional crewmembers, depending on the vessel, who can perform roles to enhance the ability of the ship. Players can also simply come along for the ride, with the pilot in a mentoring role. The helm also retains control over distribution of power, navigation, and synthesis.

The gunner role allows a crewmember to take control of all turreted weapons on the ship. They do not need to jump between turret views though. Using a third person interface, they control a reticule that all turrets within their arc will automatically follow; giving them improved spatial awareness and easy control of all turreted weapons. They also have access to two “quick slot” fire buttons, in addition to normal fire groups, that they can customize with modules, allowing them more options for activating weapons and scanners.

Furthermore, the gunner has access to advanced sensor systems, allowing them three hundred and sixty degree tracking arcs. This lets them activate advanced scanners (such as the kill warrant scanner) and missile launchers in any direction.

The fighter con role lets a crewmember launch and control a fighter, even if the helm has already launched a fighter using NPC crew. This allows multicrew ships to have two fighters active at a time. In addition, if the ship has enough fighters, both crewmembers can take on the fighter con role, meaning three human controlled ships can be flying at the same time.

Crewmembers can switch roles dynamically as they see fit. The ship owner is always the helmsman.

Additional Multicrew Benefits and Rules
Every crewmember also has access to a power distributor pip that they can assign dynamically. This is in addition to the standard pips that the helm controls. This extra power distribution allows the ship to operate more effectively, increasing its capabilities in combat.

Ship re-buy premiums are also reduced for each crewmember. Again, the purpose with this is to lower the bar to access and ease of use, especially when dealing with vessels that can cost a lot of credits.

All bounties and vouchers that the helmsman (ship owner) receives are duplicated for each crewmember, making multicrew a great way to have fun with friends without missing out on money-making opportunities.

However, as they share the benefits, so too do they share the punishments. Any crime that the ship suffers is applied to all crewmembers equally. But when a Commander leaves or ends a session, the crew will have the option of avoiding taking the crimes with them, but in doing so, will lose all credits earned. It will be their choice.

Commander Creator

And supporting multicrew in 2.3 is the Commander Creator. Commanders will be able to create a unique avatar using a wide variety of options, finally putting a face and character to their name. And with a new, fully-fledged camera system, they’ll be able to view themselves and their crew in real time as they adventure across the galaxy.

Yesterday's Livestream was awesome, that is perhaps the most in-depth character creator I've ever seen. I loved the new footage of the Dolphin and the mega-ship, Fisher's Rest as well. The new camera modes look great, making clips and taking screen shots will be so much more intuitive now. And they didn't even cover the Multi-Crew stuff yet, that's coming in Thursday's livestream.

Tuesday live stream can be found here:

Friday they announced that 2.3 will be released on the week ending April 16th. I'm thinking it will be the 11th since that is a Tuesday.

No word on when the PS4 version is releasing but AFAIK it isn't supposed to be far behind the 2.3 update.
Still trying to decide if I want to pick up ED for the PS4, recently got a Cutter and minus the thrusters I have it setup where I want it. But being able to use a HOTAS and maybe a button box with possibly PSVR and not needing to buy a computer in addition to those is a huge bonus.... I've heard that FDev will or did before allow you to move the credit from one platform to another once.
Nice @Moglet do you play on Xbox?

Thanks! Yes, I play on Xbox, but right now I can only play at work on lunch due to not having an internet connection at home! I do also have it on PC but I don't have much of a save on there yet.
Finally got back yesterday after being gone for over a week (left early Saturday morning on the 8th). No idea when the update was released, I was pretty unplugged from things which was kind of nice actually. I did the 2.3 update and created my Commander, still tweaking his appearance, not quite where I want it yet but getting close. Then I jumped into my Diamondback Explorer that I had A-rated and shelved until the update. I took it on an engineering tour, was able to pull 53ly jump range out of it after modding my FSD and making other components lighter (this is with a SRV installed). After Dirty Drive grade 5 tuning, my speed is 335 km/s, boost is 438 km/s. I'm loving this ship, very fun and a lot more agile now.

I went out to T Taurini system and to Hind Mines to check out an asteroid base, docked there, it does have a ship yard and outfitting. I also had no idea there was a Nebula there, it didn't show up on the galaxy map. I took some quick shots of it.



Loving this update so far, everything runs so much faster and smoother now, I can't wait to really dig into to it (didn't have much timer yesterday).

Love the pics posted above by Moglet, can't wait to really try out the new camera system, I just gave it a quick go last night, barely scratched the surface of the possibilities. Next on the list is to find a Dolphin and outfit it, looks like a fun ship.
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