Elite: Dangerous

  • Thread starter marky5244
I did the update and it was also 13GB for me. I don't have the motivation to play much since I got to the core, I'm now trying to get to Colonia. I used the new plotting options and mixed with the effects on neutron and white dwarfs its terrifying.
The neutron stars are very dangerous now! Have you found any of the ones that spin really quickly yet?
Not yet luckily I was ejected out of hyperspace into one of the ejection jets once though.

Ran into a White Dwarf star last night they are terrifying and beautiful at the same time, I didn't try charging my FSD following one but you can get 160-170 ly jumps if you do, I'm not even sure how to go about that, do you avoid the cones and follow it?

Love the new station interiors, they are great. I've seen 4 different ones including Agricultural, Hightech and Tourism, they were all very well done. Had a great time outfitting my Gunship with not one but two Fighters! Right now I'm carrying a F63 Condor and a Taipan Fighter. I've flown both but I'm more partial to the Condor. I still need to hire one more pilot so I can deploy both. SLF's are so much fun and add a really cool dynamic to an already great game. Next thing I want to try is going into a Conflict Zone deploying both fighters with my Gunship and see how well it does.
Ran into a White Dwarf star last night they are terrifying and beautiful at the same time, I didn't try charging my FSD following one but you can get 160-170 ly jumps if you do, I'm not even sure how to go about that, do you avoid the cones and follow it?
i think the cones charge the FSD but I don't wanna try since I have a few months of exploration data on me lol. I say I person on Reddit who had a jump nearly 300LY!
i think the cones charge the FSD but I don't wanna try since I have a few months of exploration data on me lol. I say I person on Reddit who had a jump nearly 300LY!

The cones supercharge your FSD and can triple or quadruple the jump range of your ship. You might have to spend several seconds in the beam for it to work, and it is dangerous because your controls get disrupted. Also don't drop out of supercruise inside one because you'll be in a world of pain!

EDIT: A bit more info can be found here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/298824-How-to-Escape-from-Neutron-Star-White-Dwarf-Jets
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I begin to wonder, if there still is a PS4 version in the making. I crawled the frontier forums for any word about it, but FD remains silent.

It's over a year on the box, now. I really hope to hear something about the PS4 version, soon.
MS May have them locked in. Could also be that they just don't want to take the time to try and develop and implement the game for the PS store/PSN, or ps4. I know that is why War Thunder hasn't made it to Xbox.
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It was stated by David Braben amongst other developers several times that they are working on it for PS4. They'd better be. The laptop I used to play on is not working. I want my Elite Dangerous back. :banghead:
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Last I heard they are still working on the PS4 version but it won't be done this year, the 2.2 update was about 1.5 to 2 months behind. Where that puts the PS4 project I don't know, it would be nice to get an update but Frontier has been quiet on the subject lately.

I'm currently still working on my Imperial Rank, I made it to Squire the other day but I'm almost a Knight, at about 73% right now. Then Aditi got stricken with Civil unrest, of course, and missions were replaced by wartime supply missions. I headed out of there for now until things go back to normal. One of these days I'll have a Clipper....

Lot's of new paints in the store, I'm hoping for a Black Friday sale, but for now I bought a Ship Kit for my AspX, and I also picked a Weapon Color Mod, Blue, love it!



I also ventured out to the Alien Ruins, that was interesting... to me it looks like a buried mother ship or Planetary base, something is definitely underneath there, after freeing up a tablet surrounded by rocks you can blast, I scooped the Tablet with my SRV and then I saw this underneath the soil.....Mysterious




Just a heads up, Frontier is having a massive Black Friday sale on Paint jobs, just about everything in the store is 40% off.

Here is a link to the PC store offerings, though Xbox users will have to purchase these 'in game' since the PC store does not work with out Xboxs.


I'm going to load up on paints for my Anaconda, Federal Assault Ship, Python and possibly my Asp Explorer tonight when I get home!!
Awesome you PS4 owners will finally get to play Elite Dangerous. It's a great game, it's like No Mans Sky for Adults. :lol:

Seriously, there's so much to do though. I have 700+ hours in it, and I haven't even really played much in the last few months.
2nd Qtr 2017- for PS4 release....I'm calling June 2017 right now, a bit of a wait still ahead but at least something official has been announced.

I don't think XB1 will ever be getting NMS, or if we even want it anymore. I would gladly take Empyrion instead, that game looks amazing and it's still in Alpha!

I made Baron last night and bought a Clipper, I'm still outfitting it and haven't flown it yet. I'm wondering which direction I should take it, I've heard it makes a great pirate ship but I'm not into that sort of thing. Maybe I'll try to Mine with hit....no idea how that would work out.

Some quick screen shots of the new paints I picked up:




2nd Qtr 2017- for PS4 release....I'm calling June 2017 right now, a bit of a wait still ahead but at least something official has been announced.

I don't think XB1 will ever be getting NMS, or if we even want it anymore. I would gladly take Empyrion instead, that game looks amazing and it's still in Alpha!

I made Baron last night and bought a Clipper, I'm still outfitting it and haven't flown it yet. I'm wondering which direction I should take it, I've heard it makes a great pirate ship but I'm not into that sort of thing. Maybe I'll try to Mine with hit....no idea how that would work out.

Some quick screen shots of the new paints I picked up:





I really like the first one. Nice clean white and blue. 👍

Announcement trailer. Pretty epic. :bowdown:
:banghead: PC gaming. 🤬 I got my laptop working again, played Elite for 8 or so hours this weekend and then I find Windows 10 has updated itself and messed up my steam install. :banghead: Anyone want to lend me a time machine? I only want to jump forward to 2nd quarter 2017. :lol:
:banghead: PC gaming. 🤬 I got my laptop working again, played Elite for 8 or so hours this weekend and then I find Windows 10 has updated itself and messed up my steam install. :banghead: Anyone want to lend me a time machine? I only want to jump forward to 2nd quarter 2017. :lol:

Have you tried deleting everything in your Steam directory except for steamapps and Steam.exe? Do that and run the exe and it should be fixed, at least that fixes most problems.

I played Elite for a good few hours last week, I did some introductory tasks so I can visit engineers and I signed up with Arissa Lavigny-Duval but died twice while in a crime sweep - dangerous Asps are dangerous even to Vultures, who knew?
Unless you are going to get really into it, don't sign up with Powerplay, it'll just put a great big target on your back. I'm about to leave Zachary Hudson's faction, I would rather be independent anyway.

My Clipper is now a converted VIP passenger transport service! There is one first class cabin installed in the class 6 spot, and the Shield Generator has been moved to the Class 7 spot, most things are D-rated except the FSD to increase the jump range. I did engineer the thrusters, powerplant and the FSD at Farseer inc, got a great roll on the FDS extended range mod and now my Clipper has a 29.33 jump range unladen, 28.something laden. Even bone stock, the Clipper is a very fast ship, almost as fast as my Asp Explorer, it's really close, so the clipper can also double as a great Smuggler too.

I used one class 3 spot for an extra 3c fuel tank which goes a long way towards boosting the smallish stock fuel tank. It now has much better fuel range. An SRV is installed so I can visits those great tourist beacons (that are mission destinations) on the ground.


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@DDastardly00 I just want to try it out for a while, I keep meaning to find a wing to join (there must be a group somewhere looking to do crime sweeps) but I'm primarily interested in the massively increased bounty payout. I don't mind combat, obviously, but I feel like my loadout isn't the best so I should probably work it out, I may also go back to my FdL so I can always just run away when I get into trouble!
@DDastardly00 I just want to try it out for a while, I keep meaning to find a wing to join (there must be a group somewhere looking to do crime sweeps) but I'm primarily interested in the massively increased bounty payout. I don't mind combat, obviously, but I feel like my loadout isn't the best so I should probably work it out, I may also go back to my FdL so I can always just run away when I get into trouble!

Never bought a FDL but they are supposedly one of the best combat ships in the game. My Python is the closest thing I have to it, I destroy wings at a time with that ship, love it.
@DDastardly00 I had a Python shortly before I got my FdL, I swapped because it seems like unless you have enough to upgrade it when you buy it, it's a pretty sluggish and useless ship... How much have you put into it? I'm curious to know what they're like when they're fully upgraded. The other thing the FdL has going for it is a full set of A-grade modules is very cheap, I think I had mine fully equipped (minus fancy bulkheads) for 25M, my current Vulture is at ~20M with military composites... The biggest difference is the Vulture has an 800k rebuy, the FdL is like 3M! Something I've had to pay a few too many times because of an accidental boost in a RES, that thing is astonishingly hard to stop or even turn when it gets up to speed.
Yay. I've got it working again. Nay. Altair's boom is over and now I can't fill my cobra's hold with rares. Back to imperial slave running then. Thinking about my next ship. Asp Explorer any good?
Yay. I've got it working again. Nay. Altair's boom is over and now I can't fill my cobra's hold with rares. Back to imperial slave running then. Thinking about my next ship. Asp Explorer any good?
The asp is one of the best ships I had, most other ships after it felt underwhelming in one way or another. Great Jump range and it can be fitted to do anything. Also loved having two medium beams and four multicannons. The sound of four multi cannons is satisfying.
@neema_t My Python is a weird mix of modules, I mostly A-rated everything that matters, Shield, Thrusters, Power Plant, though I think I'm still running a B rated FSD, I'll have to check again when I back to the bubble. What I do know for sure is my sell value is 82 million and it's engineered, which ups the value, I bet I spent at least 60 million on it (ship plus modules). I could easily sink more money into it but I haven't found it necessary.

The Python handles terrific with A-rated Thrusters and that Shield has to be one of the best in the game. It's the only ship I have ever rammed an enemy ship with, only lost one ring while completely disabling the other ship's shield entirely. It has loads of fire power too, maybe nor quite as much as the FDL but it has to bee close. I run all engineered multi-cannons (two of them turreted, set to fire at will) with one medium beam laser for shield stripping and it decimates wings. The Python could aptly be described with one phrase, The Hammer of Justice.

The FDL probably just barely tops it combat-wise and from what you described, the cost sounds lower as well, so I can surmise the FDL wins the battle there too. But the distinct advantage goes to the Python for multi-purpose outfitting, you can configure one for just about anything, mining, armed trader (mine has 212t cargo capacity), and of course bounty hunting.
The asp is one of the best ships I had, most other ships after it felt underwhelming in one way or another. Great Jump range and it can be fitted to do anything. Also loved having two medium beams and four multicannons. The sound of four multi cannons is satisfying.

The Asp Explorer is hands down my favorite ship in the game, it can doing anything. I personally think it's the best ship in the game too. I have done every profession in the game with it except mining but I know the AspX can do that too. It is the best smuggling ship in the game, best exploring ship, Passenger mission are great with it, can also be configured to hold 80t of cargo too. If the AspX had a weak point, then it would be combat, but even that can be adjusted with proper outfitting and engineering. Mine has full military armor, a full weapons loadout, A-rated just about everything and it still has over 30 ly jump range
@neema_t My Python is a weird mix of modules, I mostly A-rated everything that matters, Shield, Thrusters, Power Plant, though I think I'm still running a B rated FSD, I'll have to check again when I back to the bubble. What I do know for sure is my sell value is 82 million and it's engineered, which ups the value, I bet I spent at least 60 million on it (ship plus modules). I could easily sink more money into it but I haven't found it necessary.

The Python handles terrific with A-rated Thrusters and that Shield has to be one of the best in the game. It's the only ship I have ever rammed an enemy ship with, only lost one ring while completely disabling the other ship's shield entirely. It has loads of fire power too, maybe nor quite as much as the FDL but it has to bee close. I run all engineered multi-cannons (two of them turreted, set to fire at will) with one medium beam laser for shield stripping and it decimates wings. The Python could aptly be described with one phrase, The Hammer of Justice.

The FDL probably just barely tops it combat-wise and from what you described, the cost sounds lower as well, so I can surmise the FDL wins the battle there too. But the distinct advantage goes to the Python for multi-purpose outfitting, you can configure one for just about anything, mining, armed trader (mine has 212t cargo capacity), and of course bounty hunting.

The Asp Explorer is hands down my favorite ship in the game, it can doing anything. I personally think it's the best ship in the game too. I have done every profession in the game with it except mining but I know the AspX can do that too. It is the best smuggling ship in the game, best exploring ship, Passenger mission are great with it, can also be configured to hold 80t of cargo too. If the AspX had a weak point, then it would be combat, but even that can be adjusted with proper outfitting and engineering. Mine has full military armor, a full weapons loadout, A-rated just about everything and it still has over 30 ly jump range

I used to go one on one with NPC elite Anacondas and beat them most of the time because it's got decent maneuverability, but that was before 2.2. I got over 50 LY jump range out of my Asp when I set it up to go for a trip to the Lagoon nebula, even though my Anaconda can do more, because I got a great roll with it's FSD of about 54%, I still used the Asp for the supercruise maneuverability and it's got the best view too, if you have head tracking or VR you can see your surroundings better than any other ship that I can remember. It was also great for mining when having to travel far to find the materials. The only bad point I can think of is it takes a while to slow down, you have to be careful not to overshoot your landing pad.