Elon's Antics

  • Thread starter Danoff
Tesla branded tequila. So will the bottle actually hold the liquid or will the panel gaps cause it to be empty before you open it?
I found the bottle designer:

If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies. That is an unacceptable security violation.

And visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage.
Ed Helms Good Luck GIF by PeacockTV
He can put them in the EMP tent his Cybertruck is probably stored in.

Today, in the NY Times, one J. Bradford DeLong eloquently puts the case for Tesla and (I took it by inference, every company), to concentrate on getting on with their business rather than concentrating on artificially bloating their stock price.

Once a stock's price is full of hot air, the only elegant way out of it is to hope for reality to catch up with the hype over time, but Wall St doesn't see it that way, and will punish a "plateauing" company.

Gift link follows...

I'm looking forward to the day when my wife and I go to pick up our new Tesla Model Y and rather than connect our iPhones to it via Bluetooth, we have to store the phones in a Faraday cage until we drive away.

Tesla Faraday Cage.jpg
Today, in the NY Times, one J. Bradford DeLong eloquently puts the case for Tesla and (I took it by inference, every company), to concentrate on getting on with their business rather than concentrating on artificially bloating their stock price.

Once a stock's price is full of hot air, the only elegant way out of it is to hope for reality to catch up with the hype over time, but Wall St doesn't see it that way, and will punish a "plateauing" company.

Gift link follows...

Executive compensation reform needs to happen.
I'm looking forward to the day when my wife and I go to pick up our new Tesla Model Y and rather than connect our iPhones to it via Bluetooth, we have to store the phones in a Faraday cage until we drive away.

View attachment 1363954
As if Elon isn't itching for the day when he can install TeslAI in all his cars and really ramp up the monitoring of his customers. He's just pissed off that Apple is beating him to it.
Executive compensation reform needs to happen.
I want to see them to roll tax back to 1950's rates, for starters. Tax any income over $5 million at 90+%.

At that point you have enough money to satisfy any reasonable need for yourself, your family and most of your extended family anyway. You can either keep earning more and see most of it go to the government to service the community as a whole or you can split it out more equitably with your colleagues wherever you work.

Billionaires should not be able to exist. Nobody provides that much value all on their own.
As if Elon isn't itching for the day when he can install TeslAI in all his cars and really ramp up the monitoring of his customers. He's just pissed off that Apple is beating him to it.

I want to see them to roll tax back to 1950's rates, for starters. Tax any income over $5 million at 90+%.

At that point you have enough money to satisfy any reasonable need for yourself, your family and most of your extended family anyway. You can either keep earning more and see most of it go to the government to service the community as a whole or you can split it out more equitably with your colleagues wherever you work.

Billionaires should not be able to exist. Nobody provides that much value all on their own.
The problem is that billionaires don't take much income, so they aren't taxed properly vs what their net worth is - much of it is unrealized gains. Then they can just borrow against their on-paper worth to buy stuff.
So basically, closet-nazis can now 'like' comments by overt nazis without risking being outed as nazis? 🤔

Can the OG poster see who’s liked it?

If so then it would be quite a good stunt to create a fake account and post horrible stuff, see who quietly likes it and comes out of the woodwork, then they put all those who liked online for all to see. Named and shamed.

I can see a comedian and such like doing something like this.
I want to see them to roll tax back to 1950's rates, for starters. Tax any income over $5 million at 90+%.

At that point you have enough money to satisfy any reasonable need for yourself, your family and most of your extended family anyway. You can either keep earning more and see most of it go to the government to service the community as a whole or you can split it out more equitably with your colleagues wherever you work.

Billionaires should not be able to exist. Nobody provides that much value all on their own.
A 90% tax rate sounds unreasonable for any case outside of some sort of criminal penalty. There is no way to settle on a value of income or wealth that is too much and if people want to have piles of money, that's their decision to make. The cases where people want to profit at the expense of others are the real problem. Harsher penalties for poor business practices that endanger people and more ways for the public to collaborate in supporting good businesses sounds more appealing to me.
Can the OG poster see who’s liked it?

If so then it would be quite a good stunt to create a fake account and post horrible stuff, see who quietly likes it and comes out of the woodwork, then they put all those who liked online for all to see. Named and shamed.

I can see a comedian and such like doing something like this.
Half the racist morons don't even just like posts, they openly respond with positivity thanks to the platform being more & more comfortable with allowing hateful rhetoric to be shared. No need to create a fake account, just check and see whose responding under all the usual rightwing accounts like Shapiro, Cat Turd, etc.

You can't name & shame 'em either. They'll just call that "cancel culture". Just throw the whole site away at this point.

Edit* To answer your question @Sprite, yes, the OG person can lol. Looks like the creepers are liking the change as well.
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Tweetdeck still shows likes too as of a few hours ago. Since this further site-destroying change was rushed out so haphazardly, I wonder if it's like nothing more than a Stylus configuration or something away from reenabling them.
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Doubt It Season 8 GIF by The Office

I'm guessing that if it really did get approved, there will be a court case shortly. Also, I'm not sure how this sort of thing works; if there are 3.1 billion Tesla shares, why is it a guaranteed win at 1 billion?
"Genius billionaire rocket builder" is especially hilarious, as if he's going round building the rockets himself.
If raising children was like prompt engineering, then you'd expect those children to grow up exactly how you want them to be. I'm not sure that allows for any free will leeway. Doesn't really sound like good parenting to me. But then, i don't think anyone has ever accused Musk of being a good parent.