5,5 hours into Green Hell 25hrs now. Damage and penalties off.
Had the Stig telling me they had gearbox problems and that I could possibly loose some gears... Pitstop was longer than normal.
Rejoined the race, no problems so far.
Just gave the wheel to B-spec Bob and watched him for a few laps. He looses about 20" each lap. Will take the wheel back later on this evening.
OK, finished Green Hell 25hrs in first place (which gave me a gold accolade and the "Day in the Life" trophy).
I was a little bit afraid about how B-spec Bob would perform, especially since I watched his first laps, where he was significantly slower than I expected/hoped for.
But Bob did pretty well and managed to loose only a minute over night. We switched drivers again and I noticed some remarkable points: after 16 hrs into the race:
- the McLaren could now easily reach a whopping 347km/h at the end of the long straight (barely managed 326km/h before)
- there were no more warnings when going off track !
- the oil temp gauge did not work any more.
- the digital clock inside the car was a little off and resulted in a 18' difference at the end of the race,
In general:
- when called in, Bob responded without fault,
- he always pitted with enough fuel left to do two more laps,
- he is extremely careful when overtaking other AI, and on the other hand, he sometimes uses the grass to do so,
- it did not rain (unless Bob had his share during the night),
- I will have to go buy some quality wheelnuts for my team, because what they are using is clearly not up to standard,
-Ii was told by the Stig I was going to loose some gears, that there was an electrical problem. Obviously without further problems since I had disabled damage, but I wonder what would have happened otherwise.
- Sunset, sundown, fog, night sky, the moon (a bit overdimensioned I think) are all very beautiful,
- track is clearly more slippery in the early morning,
When I took the wheel back this morning (was clearly not complete awake) I did hit the brake for something I saw as a speed camera...

Great immersion, clearly...
I had AI set at 70%, not knowing how Bob would do, but next race I'm going for 80 (or 90).
We had a two lap advance over #2.
192 laps done, fastest lap was 07:18,444
In all, great fun. Up to Le Mans now...