Endurance Racing in Career

  • Thread starter Animera
One could see it as "cheating" but that is why I disable penalties in the endurance races.
I got a little fed up with AI behaviour, though I would not care too much, if the penalty system would be better = more honest...

Under normal circumstances I'd consider cutting the corner as cheating. I hate people doing it in Forza (on corners that don't have magic sticky grass) but this time I got run off. As I recall, the car was slower than snot and I was carrying way more speed, and it looked like he was staying left so I could easily pass on the right and still make the turn, but then he moved over and I made a split-second decision trying to avoid a nasty crash (damage on and just passed pit entry.) I'd rather a drive-through penalty or something like that, not just disqualified altogether. It's not like I just casually said "screw it" and cruised straight through with a grin and middle finger raised.
The Project CARS Le Mans guide (patch 2.0)

There is some things you guys should know before comit to something as long as Le Mans:

- Event structure. There is a nice one hour long practice session and a ridiculously short qualifying (15 minutes in a 13 km course with 30 cars on track at the same time. 4Racers By Racers. Riiiiiiiiiight).

Be aware to the fact that these sessions are held in day time. Set some practice laps on your own at night conditions. Some curves are really hard to find at night at the first couple of laps, mainly Porsche Curves entry (stepping out of the plublic roads bit) and the first left hander in the La Chappel. They are really blind. You have sort of throw the car around, hoping that the turns are there.

- Penalty system. It doesn't work. There are corners where you can pretty much drive with four wheels off and gain time without a short cut warning (Ford Chicanes and the inside bit of Tertre Rouge). There are others where you can't put two wheels over the curb without being told to not do it again, even if you are losing time, or dodging AI nuts.

I did run Le Mans with penalties on only because I didn't let the B-Spec Bob take over. The AI driver WILL get you off the race. Pay attention to this: he WILL get you off the race by short cuts. If you plan to use it, don't set the penalties on. The same goes if you'll get tired at some point and make some mistakes, simply turn it off. I wish I did.

- Damage. Turn it off completely. The reason is simple: if you get a crash and lose the front bodywork, with your lights, that's it. Even if you tell your crew to repair it, they won't and you will wind up without lights to do the whole race.

- Red hot tyres issue. If you're lucky, it won't happen to you. But if you are like me, well, it'll. It's a known issue: when you get yourself to the pits to change tyres, no matter what you do in your strategy, as soon as you get out, the new set will get red hot.

But don't dispair. You'll be able to run two stints easily, without any lost of grip and bad handling. On my third stint with the hot tyres, I noticed a lot of vibration. I'm thinking that, for some reason, my tyres got squared, but I didn't locked up the wheels that much. Anyway, the last stint will be slower, but it's doable and if you are a regular driver, you'll be competitive. At night, it'll get a bit scary though.

- Medium tyres. Tired of the red hot issue on softs I decided to give the medium compound a go in the last 5 hours. What a difference! On my setup, It worked better than the soft ones. I could run 3min28 laps without a hitch. Plus, the three stints became really easy Try it =) (I could even do four, but I was so ahead of the AI that I couldn't be bother)

- Difficulty level. I'm used to play the career with the AI at 80% (sometimes 90%, 85% would be ideal, but...). On Le Mans I chickened out and set it to 80%. Apart from the first few laps, the bots weren't really competitive and this happens simply because they can't handle traffic as fast as you can do. So, in order to get a nice race, you should up the AI a bit. Believe me, as soon as you reach traffic, they'll lose a lot of time.

The AI seems to get strategy really wrong too. In my case, there was five LMP1 cars, including me. I was able to do 12 laps stints (13 if I wanted to). But the AI cars were doing 10 to 11 laps runs. I don't know why.

- Pit stop fuel. Make sure you have a strategy made to the race which has the maximum fuel set. The reason is if you drive to the pits without one, and try to do it manually, sometimes (frequently, really) your crew won't put the max fuel that you can carry.


- Le Mans Pit Stop bug.
The 2.0 patch came with notes saying it had corrected the issue where, after changing the control with the AI driver, the player's car would hit an invisible object and got disqualified from the race.

There are reports on the official forums stating that this issue is not corrected at all. So, I'd strongly suggest to not use the AI driver in the Le Mans 24 Hours.


- Pit stops.
It seems the thing is broken beyond belief. As it stands now, you can experience some of the pit stop routines that have been one the most infuriating of the game's plagues. @Spooky Wooky reports some very embarassing, frustrating and racing ruining bugs while doing Le Mans.

I'd strongly suggest that you make sure that damages and penalties are set to off. Those things are random, but if they happen on your running with damage/penalty systems on, the outcome could be as disastrous.

There is no confirmation that setting everything off avoid pit stop issues. But I can confirm that on my running of the Le Mans 24H, at one stop, The Stig said to me that the gearbox was kaput. The pit stop procedure was resumed naturally and I rejoined the race without a hitch. I got the wheel nut thing a couple of times also and everything worked.

So, if you don't play the game as it was intendet to be played, it'll work better.


- Suspend mode on PS4.
It seems it is risky to use suspend mode on endurances if you have a wheel. I tested it in one round of the WEC and lost all my work (some three hours...). If you play using a DS4, it seems to work fine most of the time. It seems to work better on Xbox One.


- Suspend mode on PS4.
It seems it is risky to use suspend mode on endurances if you have a wheel. I tested it in one round of the WEC and lost all my work (some three hours...). If you play using a DS4, it seems to work fine most of the time. It seems to work better on Xbox One.

Thanks @IceMan PJN
My bloody AI driver... He's the reason we got disqualified, evidently. On my second Le Mans attempt, I checked in on my AI buddy just in time to catch him blatantly cutting a corner and getting a "final warning." He must be doing this crap a lot. I'm pretty sure I turned penalties off for this second attempt, just in case, yet still a "final warning" for my AI co-driver.
I'm at a loss for words.

8.5 hours into my second run, return home from work looking to resume and on the title screen.

Not having an option to save during long races is just poor game design. Dock some more points from this turd's score. It's unacceptable offering endurance races of such length but not offering players a way to practically do them.
Just finished the Tri Nations 1000 GT Championship.
This was the toughest endurance championship in the game so far.
This is the final lap at Sakitto.

Anyone got any funny enduro stories?
Last night I was racing the LM24 (only 4.5 hrs); an M3 GT4 was approaching Tetre Rouge, in the middle of the night, when an R8 GT3 approached it to lap it. However that Audi was being about to be lapped by the last placed LMP2 car, who, in turn, I, 1st in LMP2, was trying to lap. To add to this, I had the leading R18 up my arse attempting to lap me.

Everyone entered the corner at the same time and, in true PCARS style, the AI had a meltdown and chaos ensued. For those who watched the 2015 Le Mans, it was very similar to when one of the Audi's approached a slow zone at Indianapolis that had just been cleared and everyone attempted to lap/pass everyone else, only in my case no one ended up in the wall like the Audi did IRL. :)

EDIT: Here's the IRL crash
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I remember watching that crash as it happened, they replayed it over and over. I was sure the marshal on the far left of the screen was going to get a mention for diving into the bushes... but he never did.

*edit* when all the different classes meet on the same bit of track is my favourite part of endurance racing. Reminds me of planets aligning for some reason.
They really need to have the full amount of cars for the 24h of Lemans though, 30 just won't cut it for me when they have the ability to have 45 or 56 on PC.
I still don't understand why they limited it.
Response from a dev today about the save mid race feature, basically saying it's a lot of coding and it would make for a huge save file. Doesn't sound like they are actually planning to introduce it... :ill::


I gave them the example from GT5, as save mid race was introduced with a patch there also. Surely SMS should be able to come up with something similar.
Response from a dev today about the save mid race feature, basically saying it's a lot of coding and it would make for a huge save file. Doesn't sound like they are actually planning to introduce it... :ill::


I gave them the example from GT5, as save mid race was introduced with a patch there also. Surely SMS should be able to come up with something similar.
I would say it is a lot harder to implement on PCars due to the amount of opponents and the amount of data that is collected (as your post kind of states).
Response from a dev today about the save mid race feature, basically saying it's a lot of coding and it would make for a huge save file. Doesn't sound like they are actually planning to introduce it... :ill::


I gave them the example from GT5, as save mid race was introduced with a patch there also. Surely SMS should be able to come up with something similar.

They could use the suspend mode on consoles to do this. Just a matter of ironing things here and there and it's done.

But hey, SMS will only apply common sense whenever they run out of options.
But as soon as you commit the game into a prolonged session, hours at a time of non stop track time. Little problems creep in. I did 2 hours around Silverstone this evening. The sound began to crack an pop. The AI jittered about unsure of anything. I pitted and the fresh new tyres went straight to being red, 90 degrees to 150 in 5 corners. The frame rate dipped as night came in an all the lights brought shadows. And then the game had a serious freeze for 5ish seconds, spluttered back into life, made a zzzzzzrt noise and crashed the entire Playstation, prompting me to issue a report to Sony about the crash.

I've noticed this as well. 2 hours into a GT4 endurance at Road America today and I began to experience graphical artefacts (sky became pixelated to name one), sound dropouts, brake temps skyrocketting to ~2500 degrees and then staying there (temp didn't increase but didn't cool down either, very weird)...

It's sad because even though I play with a DS4 the game is a joy to me and endurance races are pretty much all I do.
I would say it is a lot harder to implement on PCars due to the amount of opponents and the amount of data that is collected (as your post kind of states).
Indeed, but there must be a way to do it. If it means a seperate save file that is 1GB+, I would be all for it.
They could use the suspend mode on consoles to do this. Just a matter of ironing things here and there and it's done.

But hey, SMS will only apply common sense whenever they run out of options.


Dude... 5 posts below the linked one you quoted. http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/sh...in-patch-3-0&p=1080306&viewfull=1#post1080306

"There's a fix for a PS4 "resume from sleep" crash in the forthcoming 3.0 patch."

Dude... 5 posts below the linked one you quoted. http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/sh...in-patch-3-0&p=1080306&viewfull=1#post1080306

"There's a fix for a PS4 "resume from sleep" crash in the forthcoming 3.0 patch."

Dude, I saw that in the same way I did saw the 2.0 release notes. You know, the ones saying it'd fix stuff that they eventually didn't.

But that's not the case here. We are talking about mid race saving feature. So you are excuse of going full Ian Bell.

SMS says it is impossible. I trust them. All I'm saying is that console's sleep mode could act as a saving feature.

But hey, we are probably better off without it, I'm sure that the bugs that such feature would bring with wheels and whatnot would be epic.

I give up. SMS are doing exactly what you accused them of not doing because it would be common sense. But somehow you still find ways to twist things and make it look as if SMS was the worst thing to happen to sim racing since the rewind feature. Ok then, have fun.
I give up. SMS are doing exactly what you accused them of not doing because it would be common sense. But somehow you still find ways to twist things and make it look as if SMS was the worst thing to happen to sim racing since the rewind feature. Ok then, have fun.

They are not the worst thing ever. iRacing folks are.

About SMS, after releasing an unfinished game and fail to deliver fixes, I just find them funny because of that. They make me laugh.

I don't hate them, I quite like pCARS, I've been playing a lot lately, but I can't take SMS seriously anymore because the amount of things wrong with the game is clearly overwhelming for them.

Finally, I'm not having a go with you and I respect you as a honest WMD member, which is something I can't say about many others.

New reply from Robert, he was talking about a save feature during gameplay, and just said that a save function during pit stops would involve a lot less data, as the physics are paused:


Here's hoping :)

Putting my sarcasm aside.

Let's hope they can pull this off.
New reply from Robert, he was talking about a save feature during gameplay, and just said that a save function during pit stops would involve a lot less data, as the physics are paused:


Here's hoping :)

As long as there will be some kind of a save function in the game, I'm pleased. Anything else would be a huge disappointment for me. I mean, what's the point of endurance racing if you can't even save at some time during the race? I am not that insane to run a 24hrs race in one sitting and I am sure the majority of the community isn't, either. The longest thing I'd run in on sitting and I'd expect other people to do so, too, is a normal F1/FA race which is 1.5-2hrs. Everything beyond that definitely needs a possibility to save. So not having a save function abandons parts of the game and career mode to some extent, IMO.
Sorry guys, but the thread has gone off topic.
I get that some people would like a mid race save function, so can we please get back on topic.
The thread is meant for people who do endurance races to discuss their experience.