Enhance Your Skills - Race 1

  • Thread starter Mad94d
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spyrrari thanks for that information. it is easier then posting it 3 times :lol: times are slowly coming down. still aiming for the low 2:26:xxx
i have a question. does using clutch give you an advantage? im still using the good old six axis remote, havent upgraded to a wheel yet.

thanks for the welcome. hope to see you soon on the track

the one and only crazytortise :sly:

no worries ...yes the use of clutch will give you some advantage...but not a whole lot in this particular combo though...👍

Controller is alot slower unless on cars like the honda nsx, thats why i bought a g25 because like 9 months ago i was doing really good laps on standard with controller but was like 0.8 off on cars like the alfa romeo. Very few people use the clutch that i know of and unfortunatly its not aloud in this champ because there is a slight advantage.
Controller is alot slower unless on cars like the honda nsx, thats why i bought a g25 because like 9 months ago i was doing really good laps on standard with controller but was like 0.8 off on cars like the alfa romeo. Very few people use the clutch that i know of and unfortunatly its not aloud in this champ because there is a slight advantage.

than you should make a remark of the clutch being prohibited in the first post markyboy...:sly:

im thinking of upgrading to a wheel just need to find some spare cash laying around :lol: so in comparison to a wheel my time is not considered to bad. still going to give it horns :sly:
Yes its quite alot of money[g25] but its worth it in the end.
I will get mad to edit thread spyrrari:tup: happy? lol
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Just had another quick go and got 17th. Hopefully I can raise my time a bit further 👍
Just made a change in first post. Clutch is now prohibited because of a few requests. I hope this didn't affect anyone who already did there lap with the clutch. If so, don't worry about it for this race because of the late rule change.

Haven't had another go yet. Gonna try and have another go tonight. Probably won't catch markyboy though.

Oh, and since this is a competition to help 'enhance your skills' feel free to give out any tips. My tip is, To get better straight line speed, don't change gear until as late as possible. The car tends to bog down on the gear change. When you rev it right out I seem to get better acceleration and speed.👍 I hope this helps.
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Just made a change in first post. Clutch is now prohibited because of a few requests. I hope this didn't affect anyone who already did there lap with the clutch. If so, don't worry about it for this race because of the late rule change.

Haven't had another go yet. Gonna try and have another go tonight. Probably won't catch markyboy though.

Oh, and since this is a competition to help 'enhance your skills' feel free to give out any tips. My tip is, To get better straight line speed, don't change gear until as late as possible. The car tends to bog down on the gear change. When you rev it right out I seem to get better acceleration and speed.👍 I hope this helps.

be smooth!
Great setup boys! Well done, and it sits neatly next to WRS for anyone with time on his hands or when a WRS combo doesn't fit him for one reason or another.

Personally I don't think I ever cruised around Suzuka as comfortably as I am doing now using the TT. Tho of course slower than the R8, much more stable and predictable. After about 8 laps I come no further than somewhere high in the 1xx's but I don't care.

Keep up the good work 👍
Another tip I find useful (that has been said before) is to initially load the ghost of the 10th driver in the ranking, that will help you to realize on which curves you are going slow, or your exit speed is not so good. Now if you are monster enough (like top 10 guys ;)) then download the ghost of any top 3 driver...
I found it useful yesterday, and that helped me to shave at least 1 second, but there is still a lot of work to do...(Degner curve is killing me)

Im on it tonight
Another tip I find useful (that has been said before) is to initially load the ghost of the 10th driver in the ranking, that will help you to realize on which curves you are going slow, or your exit speed is not so good. Now if you are monster enough (like top 10 guys ;)) then download the ghost of any top 3 driver...
I found it useful yesterday, and that helped me to shave at least 1 second, but there is still a lot of work to do...(Degner curve is killing me)

Im on it tonight
thanks for that tip Lyvan. did that and i shaved .300 of a second off my lap 👍
My tip:
Watch the fastest 2 drivers and learn the lines,entry speed etc. that way you probably find the fastest way around each corner, i find loading ghost replay puts me off and slowes you down.
Hope this helps:tup:👍
you right about the putting you off part, they can be very distracting. been watching a few replays of the top 2. still havent got that good yet but getting there. a little more work and i will be there soon. does anyone know the time so far for the fastest 6 axis user? would be interesting to see where they stack up against the wheel users on the time trial
I normally download the number 1 ghost and that helps me a lot. Only trouble is that it sometimes gets in the way.
Good lap by jinkstir but i know hes spent more time than me,still i dont know if i could beat it its a very good lap:tup:, im wondering how much he gains by changing down early so he bounces off revs.
So if you change down early and bounce off the rev limiter you gain time? I'll try it if you do. I've had one 20 minute run, looking to have another go tonight.
I dont like doing it really, its not cheating but i see it as sort of dirty, i think id rather be 3rd and drive like i do. Probably a 0.1-0.25 gain.
Oh ok, so you do gain speed. I know you gain a lot of speed when you do it in the F2007. I think the fastest I could go would be a 2'25.5xx.
Every race im gonna do my best because i know theres so many good drivers in this:tup:, so i wont stop till i get my absolute best:tup:
theres no better feeling then knowing you have given it your best. be it you finish 1st, 5th or 20th. im very happy with my times. watching your replays and reading the tips has helped me a great deal. overall i have dropped just over 2 seconds on my time. im sure i can drop a little bit more. good work guys 👍 you make things like this fun
That's why I do Time Trial comps, because they are fun. Everyone pushes each other to get the very best out of you. It's really good.
Oh ok, so you do gain speed. I know you gain a lot of speed when you do it in the F2007. I think the fastest I could go would be a 2'25.5xx.

i don't really see the time being gained by this...i remember that in the IFTC championship the top runners never did this...some others did and never got to the absolute top....are you boys really sure about this???...

Hey guys, just a thought, is a table in your thoughts ,so if a driver doesn't compete in all races ,maybe an average score could be calculated as a side competition?

Let me know what you think, if you like it or if a table is a likely possibility.
I know that in the F2007 it's faster but i've never tried to do it in a road car, so i'm not sure.

EDIT:Maybe be zed300, i'll ask markyboy92.
you right about the putting you off part, they can be very distracting. been watching a few replays of the top 2. still havent got that good yet but getting there. a little more work and i will be there soon. does anyone know the time so far for the fastest 6 axis user? would be interesting to see where they stack up against the wheel users on the time trial

I believe I hold the fastest 6-axis time of 2'25.882 IIRC. I only spent an hour or two working up to that time so I hope to shave a couple of tenths off when I go at it again later tonight. 👍

Getting those last few tenths with the 6-axis is going to be tough though. You need a really delicate touch on the steering, or else you end up scrubbing too much speed at the exits. You'll notice the car accelerates slower with the more steering input you give it, so again you must be smooth and as minimal with your inputs as possible, while trying to hit all of your braking and turn in pounts the best you can to improve your drive and momentum exiting the corner. Through the esses you must be aggressive though, by throwing or shifting the weight to the front by turning in hard and lifting off the throttle at the precise moment. This allows the rear end to unload so you can get the car to turn in and rotate quicker and harder, which allows you to carry more momentum through the esses.
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