Enthusia Video Thread(new : Mustang at Dragon Range by Wolf2x7, S14 SLIDING)

  • Thread starter Mr Deap
Mr Deap
Darn you play on a DLP TV!

From the video it's really hard to tell when you countersteer & all. Though the setup seem interesting! It's funny to see a separate gear shifter.

in some corners i do counter steer. The clicky noise is the clutch so its pretty annoying. And the TV is cheap, lol.
Mr Deap, could you also link to other drifter's vids in your thread? This has sort of become the official Enthu Drift Video thread now.
It's pretty hard to do that because other guys have to send the vid to deap, then he can upload it... maybe the moderators can do something about it.
Mr Deap, could you also link to other drifter's vids in your thread? This has sort of become the official Enthu Drift Video thread now.

Is that what you meant? I edited the main post.
In the van vid, I can understand why your friend didn't dare to pass you sometimes... he must thought, "Damn, that thing is freaking HUGE! Can't afford to hit that Mamoth..."
In the van vid, I can understand why your friend didn't dare to pass you sometimes... he must thought, "Damn, that thing is freaking HUGE! Can't afford to hit that Mamoth..."

Actually, it was my friend who was driving the Astro, versus the A.I.... :)

I was the one driving the 2002, though... :D
Woah that van is awesome!!! good job wolfe!! Imagine if that van was to put in initial d, o,o!! here's a quicky sketch of that battle:

OMFG that picture is AWESOME... :lol:

I'll have to show that picture to the friend of mine who did the race... :D

*comes back* He said that it was AWESOME. :lol:
WOAH! New wallpaper! That is a seriously awesome pic, makes me want to learn to draw. I'll have to check the vids later though :(

Thanks to Mr Deap, that's what I meant about keeping the top post with vid links.
Enthusia was a waste of time, effort and plastic. 110% grade AA CRAP! :grumpy: :banghead: :irked: :mad:
Never again speak of this enormous heap of craptacular nonsense!
o,o! The vids are all organized! good job mr deap:tup:! If anyone wants me to draw a car (An easy one) in a battle or whatever, just tell me and ill draw it in a jeefy :drool:. oh yeah, thanks for the comment VIPFREAK
Holy crap, what game is that with the touge and the S14 with the r34? Looks sweet, but not like anything gt related?

How could you possibly find your way here without knowing what game this thread is about...? Just curious.... :confused:

Gran Turismo Fanboy
Enthusia was a waste of time, effort and plastic. 110% grade AA CRAP!
Never again speak of this enormous heap of craptacular nonsense!

<sarcasm>What a wonderfully descriptive, well-thought out post! You even included a rational explanation for your opinion!!</sarcasm> :lol: