Enthusia Video Thread(new : Mustang at Dragon Range by Wolf2x7, S14 SLIDING)

  • Thread starter Mr Deap
i was watching the videos and the response of the DFP in enthusia seems closer to live for speed than GT4. is this true?
i was watching the videos and the response of the DFP in enthusia seems closer to live for speed than GT4. is this true?

I tried the demo of LFS. It drive almost the same. I was surpised when I tried some lap. Though you oversteer more in LFS while drifting, but once you reverse the drift, lol, the car just turn weirdly, but still predictable. If you never played Enthusia, you should rent it & give it a try. LFS seem more closer to GT4, but Enthusia is on a different level. :P
o,o! The vids are all organized! good job mr deap:tup:! If anyone wants me to draw a car (An easy one) in a battle or whatever, just tell me and ill draw it in a jeefy :drool:. oh yeah, thanks for the comment VIPFREAK
How about something with an S15? There seem to be a lot of S15 fans on the forum. Draw an S15 puttin' big pressure on an NSX-R (hmm now why did I pick that car?).
There is not really a good chance that S15 can press NA2R... It can happen if someone good's driving S15, and I'm crying in the NA2! :D
S15's really nice! How long did it take you? You should think about drawing your own comics.

Took me about 10-15 mins. Comics about cars?? I tried once but it sucks, cant draw the back of the car yet. Mayb ill do it though.
GarouGT, your drawings are incredible. :drool: 👍

How about a BMW E30 M3 racing an R32 Skyline GTR...? :)
THe last pics for the day. sorry it took long coz i hadnt check the post for the m3 one.

and a bonus:

Gotta go to sleep :D
Absolute :cool:

:cheers: sooooo much!!

I can't belive that only took you 15mins! Damn you gotta show us your best stuff from your portfolio some time.

NSX-R (re: S15 vs NSX) - I know man, that's why I thought it'd be heaps cool.

So who else wants to learn how to draw?
What up guys? Yeah, I'm Wolfe2x7's partner in crime. Cool guy, he introduced me to enthusia... kinda. He bought it. I play it. It ****ing rocks.

Well just recently he got some video capture software (duh) so I decided to make myself a Time Attack video.

So here it is;
Nurburgring Time Attack Skyline GTR (BNR34)

(btw I was the driver in "The Awesome Van")
@Mr. Deap: Rotary_freq introduced me to a hosting site that's faster and easier to use than yousendit, so here are the two vids again, plus a couple more that I've made.

2002 Turbo at Route de la Seine:

Rotary_freq in Astro versus A.I. AE86 at Dragon Range:

E30 M3 versus A.I. FC3S at Dragon Range:

Pantera GTS versus A.I. WRX STi at Marco Strada (to show a friend of mine that AWD isn't everything...:lol: ):
Thanks. :) 👍

I know, the music and rival choice are cliche, but I made it for an initial D forum I go to.
It's actually a long continuous thread on a website called Gaia Online.

The thread is in the Entertainment -> Gaming Discussion forum, and it's called, "Initial D Arcade Stage Discussion - Endless Pages of Drift!"

That's the "Initial D forum" I made the video for, but there's also an Initial D "guild" on Gaia called "Drift Project G," and I'm a member of Initial-D.com's forum. I don't go to Initial-D.com very often, though...
Mr Deap
Remake of the downhill drift with the S15, tell me what you think about it?

I think you need to set up the car. You can leave it at level 1 (I find tuning level doesn't change the driftability of the car) if you want, but you definately need to tighten up your LSD. Set it to about 3/4 of the way. Also set the ride hight about half way (front and rear) and set the front suspension at half and the rear suspension at 3/4. Now all that's left is a yank of the e-brake, a kick of the clutch and some sustained opposite lock.

Speaking of opposite lock............
I have a CRAZY technique for high angle drifting in Enthusia. (I use two steering wheels) I get down to the right speed, disengage the clutch, yank the e-brake, turn in violently, rev the engine, pop the clutch, go to opposite lock, THEN RIGHT WHEN IT WANTS TO CORRECT I GO TO ZERO COUNTERSTEER AND EVEN TURN IN TO THE TURN SOMEWHAT, then when it balances out at a 60*+ angle to the road I countersteer as needed and throttle control it. This is the best way to get MASSIVE angle consistently in this game IMO. You can use any technique you want to get high angle, I have used fient, e-brake, braking, shift-lock, and I always clutch kick, but I want to emphasize my technique for keeping it there. TRY IT SOMETIME, IT'S LOADS OF FUN.