Erdogan the Dictator.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
I wonder why Putin gave him credibility again. Must be something economically motivated right?
Turkey was Russia's big economic partner. But then, they downed our plane and killed our pilot. And it couldn't be left unanswered. It's not about military retaliation, of course - that's not a smart desicion in 21st century (especially on a NATO member). But RF imposed sanctions on Turkey, cutting some important economic ties and hurting both economies bad. Later, Erdogan's apology was taken as the first step to gain the relations back and stop sulking at our own expense. So, roughly - Russia sells gas again, Turkey gets Russian tourists and sells tomatoes again.

As for credibility, it is to be gained all over again.
Obviously, Putin doesn't care what Erdogan is doing in Turkey now (arresting officers, firing teachers, etc). But in Syria, he is one of the big players. And for Russia, he might be the easier person to talk to than a military junta would be if it succeded the coup. The lesser of two evils. That's what Putin probably thought of when helping Erdogan save his ass.

Of course, we can't know exactly what their goals were but that's just my opinion.
Of course, we can't know exactly what their goals were but that's just my opinion.

Erdogan wants all the ins and outs on the Crimea takeover, for when he decides that Cyprus should be entirely under Turkish reign.
Turkey will uphold the democratic values.

But in the meantime 60000 government officials and teachers have been fired, arrested or suspended.

100 journalists have a warrant out for them.

Please, Mr Goat ****er, reinstate the death penalty and throw away your chance of ever joining the EU.
Turkey will uphold the democratic values.

But in the meantime 60000 government officials and teachers have been fired, arrested or suspended.

100 journalists have a warrant out for them.

Please, Mr Goat ****er, reinstate the death penalty and throw away your chance of ever joining the EU.
Erdogan is like Putin. They'll shut up whenever people have a talk against him. He even manages to shut down social medias or even internet temporarily and jailed people once Erdogan became a hot topic.

Its been long enough. People themselves need to stand against him, just like the Yellow Revolution in Hong Kong. For their best.
Turkey will uphold the democratic values.

But in the meantime 60000 government officials and teachers have been fired, arrested or suspended.

100 journalists have a warrant out for them.

Please, Mr Goat ****er, reinstate the death penalty and throw away your chance of ever joining the EU.

He's also closed down 3 news agencies, 45 newspapers, 16 TV stations and 23 radio stations according to
It's mind boggling how in the year 2016, the EU government which likes to portray themselves as role models of modern democratic values, 'protector' of human rights and overall moral example to the less educated small minded masses, is only vaguely condemning all of this (death penalty ok but there's more going on at the moment innit?).
And in the meantime they are continuing membership talks in the backrooms, as he has them by the balls due to the migrant crisis because they decided they rather bribe him with billions of euros, than take the matter into their own hands and protect their own borders after Merkel gave everyone an invitation.

This in itself shows to me what a hypocrite, corrupt and incompetent mess this EU has become.

Jealous of the Brits :grumpy:
Erdogan is nuts. He's now ordering whole world to close any institutions, particularly international schools, that "had link to Gulen" to be closed.
In today's news:


The focus is on America for 'orchestrating' the coup.

Yesterday the total number for jailed journalists increases to 81. Many other media outlets are to be closed down.

Plus, here is a picture of the authorities burning Gulen's books.

Well, Erdogan seems to be successfully pulling off a "Hitler 2.0". The coup was Erdogan's Reichstag Fire and he's pretty much doing exactly what Hitler did once the Reichstag Fire Decree was in place: Ban everything and detain everyone that opposes the regime in any way. It matches the events eighty years ago to a T, including the incarceration of thousands of political "enemies" a single day after the coup / Reichstag Fire.

It pisses me off so much. The German government has stressed the importance of preventing such events countless times. And while our elected leaders have (seemingly) been doing everything in their power to prevent something similar from happening again in Germany, they're sitting there with their thumbs up their bums, watching as Erdogan follows Hitler's lead, step by god damn step and they're doing bugger all!

Words can't describe how much I resent the fact we're all just watching this happen, doing nothing. Hell, we'll be having a huge rally of Erdogan supporters in Cologne soon! Quite the opposite of what ought to be happening at the moment :indiff:
If the coup succeeds, then there will be a likely civil war, what with Erdogan not in custody and the forces loyal to him still in the wind. If the coup falls through, then Mr. Goatlover can declare whatever he wants and throw the country even further into the Stone Age.

....Well, it's happening.

Maybe I've missed it, but haven't yet heard a single condemnation regarding the crackdown on Turkey from major governments around the world. Don't want to read too much into the silence, because as I said, I may have missed it but hey, it is deafening.
He's delusional as to his place in the world and how his actions come across. In this German language article it says that Erdogan is accusing Western countries of being on the side of "the traitors" because of their criticism of his arrests, sackings, internments and censorship. He even goes on to say that Western countries should be praising him instead.

Here's the translated opening:
Turkish President Recep Erdogan has rejected Western criticism of the mass arrests in his country.

Instead of being on the side of the traitors, those nations should be praising Turkey for preventing the putsch, he said.

He has not ruled out the number of arrests increasing, if further accomplices to the putsch were found. There could be more arrests if there are more guilty partners, he said.

Turkey has also been giving the German ambassador the cold shoulder recently after Germany's passing of the Armenian resolution. Tough times between the two countries, what with Turkish being Germany's most significant foreign minority.

Edit: I did read an article where a top German politician was saying that Turkey is ever more isolating itself from European integration. The criticism is there but it's not as strong as it should be or reported to be.
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Well, Erdogan seems to be successfully pulling off a "Hitler 2.0". The coup was Erdogan's Reichstag Fire and he's pretty much doing exactly what Hitler did once the Reichstag Fire Decree was in place: Ban everything and detain everyone that opposes the regime in any way. It matches the events eighty years ago to a T, including the incarceration of thousands of political "enemies" a single day after the coup / Reichstag Fire.

It pisses me off so much. The German government has stressed the importance of preventing such events countless times. And while our elected leaders have (seemingly) been doing everything in their power to prevent something similar from happening again in Germany, they're sitting there with their thumbs up their bums, watching as Erdogan follows Hitler's lead, step by god damn step and they're doing bugger all!

Words can't describe how much I resent the fact we're all just watching this happen, doing nothing. Hell, we'll be having a huge rally of Erdogan supporters in Cologne soon! Quite the opposite of what ought to be happening at the moment :indiff:

....Well, it's happening.

Maybe I've missed it, but haven't yet heard a single condemnation regarding the crackdown on Turkey from major governments around the world. Don't want to read too much into the silence, because as I said, I may have missed it but hey, it is deafening.
Because they don't have the balls to do so both because they need to bribe him to take back refugees that come to Greece, and also because of what people call; the 5th column of pro Erdogan Turks that live in European countries (as witnessed in Cologne today).

And instead of just staying silent, they do have the nerves to speak out about human rights in... Poland :rolleyes::

they need to bribe him to take back refugees that come to Greece
Considering he's now threatening to cancel the deal unless they're getting visa freedom by October (don't see that happening), we might soon be able to cross that reason off.
Considering he's now threatening to cancel the deal unless they're getting visa freedom by October (don't see that happening), we might soon be able to cross that reason off.
I wonder which dictator the EU will bribe then? 💡
I've always wondered what it would be like to live in the era proceeding, say, WW2, and watch these crazy dictators rise to power. I thought it would be really interesting to witness it happen.

Then I realize either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump are most likely going to be president of the US. Be careful what you wish for.
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I've always wondered what it would be like to live in the era proceeding, say, WW2, and watch these crazy dictators rise to power. I thought it would be really interesting to witness it happen.
Read W.H Auden - "Epitaph on a Tyrant", "O what is that sound", "Spain", "September 1, 1939", "The Shield of Achilles" and "In Memory of W.B. Yeats". That should give you a pretty good idea about it.
Massive 'pro democracy' rally today in Turkey:
During which Erdogan accused Germany of "feeding" the terrorists. The phrase "Like a boomerang, it will come back to them" caught my attention in particular. Because it does sound like an obvious threat. Considering the amount of Erdogan supporters living in Germany (some of which I'd describe as rather radical), it makes me actually feel concerned.

Speaking of which, I don't understand why Turkish nationalists are supporting Erdogan feverishly and, yet, remain in Germany. Boggles my mind.
During which Erdogan accused Germany of "feeding" the terrorists. The phrase "Like a boomerang, it will come back to them" caught my attention in particular. Because it does sound like an obvious threat. Considering the amount of Erdogan supporters living in Germany (some of which I'd describe as rather radical), it makes me actually feel concerned.

Speaking of which, I don't understand why Turkish nationalists are supporting Erdogan feverishly and, yet, remain in Germany. Boggles my mind.
Its weird. Usually when they outside the country and hate the government of it, they just wont do that. Maybe they support the country but not the government.

On the other hand though, I wont forget the Gezi Park Protest where millions of people join in and demand to torn the authoritarian. Its as closest to Turkey as having a revolution with people power.
Erdogan was a reasonable, if controversial, politician.
On the surface, maybe.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Democracy is like a train: when you reach your destination, you get off.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
You cannot be both secular and a Muslim! You will either be a Muslim, or secular! When both are together, they create reverse magnetism [i.e.they repel one another]. For them to exist together is not a possibility! Therefore, it is not possible for a person who says "I am a Muslim" to go on and say "I am secular, too." And why is that? Because Allah, the creator of the Muslim, has absolute power and rule!
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...

That last quote of his is from 1998, by the way.

Heh. I guess money's money?
Might very well be the reason, yeah. Lots and lots of explanations floating around, however. Many of which are putting the blame on the German society - stating that the Turks were never fully accepted, never truly felt as a valued part of our society. Thus, they turn to Erdogan, to the new-found pride in what they now, suddenly, declare to be their true home.

It's laughable, really. I've been shaking my head at the nonsense German nationalists have been spewing for years, but believing in the supremacy of a country and not actually following through on that believe by actually living there - that's a whole new level of idiocy, as far as I am concerned.
Just like Japan. Yaaaaay!
Not quite. Age of consent in Japan is 13, at a federal level. Prefecture law overrides federal law, which in this case actually raises the age of consent to 18 (with the exception of the Tokyo and Nagano areas, which are 13.)
Since this is a Turkey thread:

Wow, it didn't take long until he got his first fact wrong.

The age of consent in Turkey is not 15, it's 18. What happens below 15 is that sex is by default considered sexual abuse, and it seems like it's that specific law that the constitutional court disapproved, because it treated young teenagers the same as very young children. Having sex with someone under the age of 18 is still illegal in Turkey, and the Turkish parliament still have about half a year to make a new law concerning sexual abuse before the current law is removed.

It's also incorrect to claim that something would change from 15 to 12, because the constitutional court does not write any laws. They have the power to remove laws, but not to make or edit them. That is also why the law is just being removed at this point, rather than replaced.

Some speculate that Turkey will become some kind of pedophile's paradise, but there is another law that says that if you have sex with someone under the age of 18 and the age difference is greater than five years, the sentence is automatically doubled.

And quite frankly, to think that Turkey would go from having one of the toughest laws against child molestion in all of Europe (you can get 20+ years in prison if you have sex with someone under the age of 15) to completely remove it all is absurd.
Wow, it didn't take long until he got his first fact wrong.

The age of consent in Turkey is not 15, it's 18. What happens below 15 is that sex is by default considered sexual abuse, and it seems like it's that specific law that the constitutional court disapproved, because it treated young teenagers the same as very young children. Having sex with someone under the age of 18 is still illegal in Turkey, and the Turkish parliament still have about half a year to make a new law concerning sexual abuse before the current law is removed.

It's also incorrect to claim that something would change from 15 to 12, because the constitutional court does not write any laws. They have the power to remove laws, but not to make or edit them. That is also why the law is just being removed at this point, rather than replaced.

Some speculate that Turkey will become some kind of pedophile's paradise, but there is another law that says that if you have sex with someone under the age of 18 and the age difference is greater than five years, the sentence is automatically doubled.

And quite frankly, to think that Turkey would go from having one of the toughest laws against child molestion in all of Europe (you can get 20+ years in prison if you have sex with someone under the age of 15) to completely remove it all is absurd.
Actually, he corrected himself in the comments of the video. Here is what he said in the comments:

Mundane Matt
UPDATE: Ok, there is some extra information here that I didn't see. The legal age of consent is still 18 years old. This ruling effectively removes that statute by removing punishment for "consensual sex" with children under 18...but I still feel that the reason for the ruling is based around the reasons I stated.