I didn't watch it, Scotland lost as well, I think that's the first points they've dropped so far.
England arn't crap in terms of what we've got, basically on paper we're a good side. We just arn't being managed well, we haven't for a long time. We have good enough players, but also the players being picked for the squad are wrong. Take Downing for example, why is he in the squad and not David Beckham. David Beckham has never played as badly as Downing did on Saturday, the ammount of times he's bailed England out of dropping points is stupid to ignore. McLaren isn't managing England to be the best team they can be, he's managing them to be his team, that's not in mine or your best interests, dropping Beckham was a prime example of the whole "this is my team now, not Sven's" attitude, sure Sven didd hold Beckham in perhaps too high a regard but that doesn't defeat the fact that Beckham is still one of the best English palyers still playing football.
Watching England play on Saturday was like watching Middlesbrough play, this is worrying, Steve McLaren is not the man to take England far and wide, and we haven't even played any good teams yet. If we can draw on Saturday then get beat by Croatia god help us when we play a good team.