How did you but it, it's not even out?
You control with the d-pad?!I have one, but important (to me) question.. What about d-pad? How does it work in Prologue? Like it should (analogue) or like in GT HD (digital :/)??
New update in the first post.
Thanx insider Amar.New update in the first post.
Thats bad news about the replays, I thought they were supposed to be 30fps. oh well I hope they fix all the replay stuff for the final GT5. Its going to be one hell of a game.
New update in the first post.
Both are correct spellings but tyre is how it's spelt over here and tire is how it's spelt in America.AmarI was writing the word "tire" as a "tyre" - sorry for that, but it happens
Full lap video of High Speed Ring. Very nice.
There were 2P replays in GT4, you just couldn't get the screens combined like in GT3. Anyway, I don't think they actually decided on leaving these replays out. I rather think that this is a mistake, or this function was not implemented yet.
Besides that, I'd be very interested in LAN as well...
I cant seem to find that video of the high speed ring. Which one is is and what date was it posted?
It's the video called "speed indeed"
That's it for this update. I've noticed that for past few days I was writing the word "tire" as a "tyre" - sorry for that, but it happens Also, I invite you to light a candle for 2P replay, I still can't believe it isn't in the game.
Ah... yes thats right i remember now, i did miss not being able to view 2P replays full screen in GT4.