EXCLUSIVE GT5:P Spec II - NINTH update (NEW DFGT Wheel Hands-On, April 18)

  • Thread starter amar212
I go away for a week and the whole GT Planet seems to explode! WOW!

Thanks to Amar for all of his hard work updating so regularly.

My first impressions from a snippet of play in London is that i'm flabber gaster just how good it looks.

The physics are a definite improvement as is the AI. Even racing a stock Mini Cooper for as little as 2 laps of london was enough to establish that!

I didn't try the cocpit cam as i wanted that to be a nice treat for when the game rolls through my letter box!

Right, now i have to go drive from Loughborough to Bristol. Praying all the way that play have been exceedingly nice to me this Good Friday!
I have one, but important (to me) question.. What about d-pad? How does it work in Prologue? Like it should (analogue) or like in GT HD (digital :/)??
You control with the d-pad?! :yuck: :sly: Next you'll be telling us you accelerate and brake with the face buttons!
D-pad ain't bad, it's just not good either...

Edit: hey!

D-pad ain't bad
Don't make me sad
I'm writing this thing,
so that you would be glad:)

... But it ain't good either!
I agree with the lag between the sound of the shift and the arm movement, be good if that's fixed in an update.

Am I understanding correctly that the London Track isn't included in any of the C, B, A and S competitions, only in aracde mode? That blows if so that was the track I'm most looking forward to racing on. Taking the F2007 around London will be unreal.

In terms of GT5 will Monaco definately be included in the track list? With the graphic standard set by Prologue, Monaco will be something to behold, as would a night time Tokoyo. Would love them to do a Tokoyo street circuit that featured that massive intersection that's so famous, with all the neon etc. Also a New York city circuit with times square would be unreal.

More GT5 ponderings, will weather be included and varying times of day?

I'd also love to see
Thats bad news about the replays, I thought they were supposed to be 30fps. oh well I hope they fix all the replay stuff for the final GT5. Its going to be one hell of a game.
Thats bad news about the replays, I thought they were supposed to be 30fps. oh well I hope they fix all the replay stuff for the final GT5. Its going to be one hell of a game.

I believe final GT5 will have butter smooth replays, but I cannot say the same about prologue. I have standard PAL old TV and even in so little resolution (576i?), framerate seems to run somewhere between 20 and 25 fps with no smoothness at all. It could be only my eyes, but I almost see car hoping from one position to another by sigle frames, while in japan version it's acceptable, but not perfect. And for example, at the end of main straight on Fuji, when huge car group is displayed, framerate drops even more. And few more places in the game do the same thing. I seem to be nitpicking, but I enjoy the game more than enough :)
Amar thanks again for the update 👍. I know this is too much to ask for but could you please show us a REPLAY of the F2007*prays*, Thanks in Advance 👍
New update in the first post.


Thanks Amar, lack of 2P replays is disappointing indeed, if i remember right there were none in GT4 either.

This whole time trial and tyre compound issue has me baffled, i car'nt see the thinking behind it, not being able to use anything but S2's in time trial will be a major disappointment for me, looks like i'll be holding on to my JP copy after all :indiff:.

I dont suppose you've noticed a LAN option anywhere have you?
There were 2P replays in GT4, you just couldn't get the screens combined like in GT3. Anyway, I don't think they actually decided on leaving these replays out. I rather think that this is a mistake, or this function was not implemented yet.

Besides that, I'd be very interested in LAN as well...
I was writing the word "tire" as a "tyre" - sorry for that, but it happens
Both are correct spellings but tyre is how it's spelt over here and tire is how it's spelt in America.
There were 2P replays in GT4, you just couldn't get the screens combined like in GT3. Anyway, I don't think they actually decided on leaving these replays out. I rather think that this is a mistake, or this function was not implemented yet.

Besides that, I'd be very interested in LAN as well...

Ah... yes thats right i remember now, i did miss not being able to view 2P replays full screen in GT4.
GT3 had the replays down pat! they were perfect, the only thing they need to add is the lan replay saves and it would be the best replay package anyone could ask for.
That's it for this update. I've noticed that for past few days I was writing the word "tire" as a "tyre" - sorry for that, but it happens Also, I invite you to light a candle for 2P replay, I still can't believe it isn't in the game.

Ah... yes thats right i remember now, i did miss not being able to view 2P replays full screen in GT4.

Those replays were great! They added extra incentive for you to lead for as long as possible as it meant the replay would concentrate on your car for a longer period of time. Ahh how I loved it when I would lead entire races against my brother only to watch as he sat there not being able to watch his car go around the course ;)
Those drivers at IGN really SUCK! Also they should do the review with the wheel, but I bet they will.
Any who...
Thanks for the new update.