So gentleman and ladies of my thread, next month, I will be hosting an RUF FITT event which I am most excited about. The event is fairly big in size and ambition so I will need lots of tuners and testers to make this event as successful as my previous FITT events that I have had the privilege of hosting.
Obviously, I can't give too many, well.. hardly any, details away but for anyone who has wanted to see how their tunes stack up against others, want to get involved in tuning and those who watch from the side lines as testers put other tunes through paces, now might be a great time to get involved and jump in with both feet.
The timing of the event is after christmas and new year so hopefully all your money will be spent and you'll be hung over so a nice relaxing month of tuning and testing might be what the doctor ordered

If you have never tested for FITT before, it really is a great thing to do because you will find a couple of tunes that really gel with your style and a lot of friends in the world of GT6 who like to enjoy the fun, competitive element of FITT challenges.
I know that some of you will feel that you are not quick enough or consistent enough for this sort of testing or don't like putting public reviews out so I say this with all honesty. It doesn't matter what others may say about your lap times or your reviews of the way that you perceive a tune. Drive it as best you can, rate it as honestly as you can and be fair and consistent with the way you score the driver choice.
I for one are not the quickest guy out there when testing, I have destroyed peoples average times but as I say, this isn't about lap times, it is about how a tune makes you feel and how well you can drive it and if it suits you personally. I plan on destroying the average lap times for many events to come but I will always give fair and honest feedback and score tunes based on how much I like them.
Keep an eye out for the RUF FITT event in January (1st week) and I look forward to seeing lots of you taking part and making this event one of my most successful yet. Depending on the release date of GT Sport on the PS4, and the future GT7 release, this may be the last FITT event I host so please, join in and let my possible swan song be a complete and utter success that the RUF brand of cars deserve.