This isn't an expectation list, more of a wish list (that I posted on the official forums).
Once the game's formally announced I'll make a new thread and turn it into a checklist so help people decide if the game is worth buying.
Hello everyone.
Here are my thoughts on what I would like to see in the next
Forza Motorsport title, based on my experience of playing other games and making note of various features that I would like to see in future titles.
Working in the games industry myself I am fully aware that it will not be possible to implement all of these for various reasons (budget, manpower, licensing, return on investment etc.) but I will suggest them nonetheless as there may be a few in here that the general playerbase would enjoy. Hopefully a few of these will make their way into the next title.
- Where possible I have quoted a game (in brackets) that contains an example of such a feature, along with a link to a screenshot/footage if available.
- [h]Items marked in yellow[/h] are ones that are critical to my own personal future enjoyment of the Forza Motorsport franchise.
- Each item has a [_] checkbox attached. As information about the next Forza Motorsport title becomes available I will update this list and mark off any items which are confirmed to exist in said game. Items marked with ✔️ are confirmed to be present in the next title and items marked with ❌ are confirmed to not exist in said title unless stated otherwise.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Single Player Campaign
- [h][_][/h] Co-Op Campaign (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Ability to "Blueprint" Single-Player events and take part in custom Single Player events created by others. (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] License Tests (Gran Turismo 4)
- [_] Career progression unlocked via a "Star System". (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Limit initial stages of Career to slower cars before unlocking access to faster cars later on. (Forza Horizon 3: Hot Wheels Expansion)
- [_] Multi-race Championships with point standings. (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Driving Missions (Gran Turismo 4)
- [_] Drift Challenges (Driveclub)
- [_] Hotlap Challenges (Driveclub)
- [_] Drag Racing Challenges
- [_] Add ability to let your Drivatar drive a Single Player race instead of you. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Events tied to specific manufacturers, drivetrains and regions. (Gran Turismo 4)
Single Player Free Play
- [_] Ability to select cars used by individual Drivatars.
- [_] Ability to allow Drivatars to use cars from your Garage.
- [_] Have all Drivatars in a race be pulled from your Friends/Club list if possible.
- [_] Add ability to view the driving habits of your own Drivatar, with suggestions on how to improve various aspects of their driving ability.
Additional Single Player Features
- [h][_][/h] Racing Challenges, teaching the fundamentals of how to overtake, defend and race cleanly. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [_] Driving Tutorial videos (DiRT Rally)
- [_] Painting Tutorial videos
- [_] Tuning Tutorial videos
Tracks / Environment
- [_] Point-to-Point stages (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Off-Road courses/stages (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Courses specifically designed for Drifting.
- [_] Dynamic Time of Day (F1 2016)
- [_] Dynamic Weather (F1 2016)
- [_] DLC tracks available to all players for free in Multiplayer Hoppers. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Ability to categorise owned cars into custom groups, and to re-arrange said groups. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Ability to drive convertible cars "with the roof down".
- [_] Ability to view detailed car specs without having to "get in to the car". (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Key components (engine, chassis, oil etc.) deteriorate over time and can be maintained/restored. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Ability to buy "used cars" at a lower price than new versions. (Gran Turismo 4)
- [_] Ability to sell cars "back to the game", and have them appear in the "used cars" buylists of other players.
- [_] Individual affinity levels for cars with small bonuses (such as discounts on upgrade parts or small CR rewards) for higher levels. (Driveclub)
- [_] Ability to add/remove license plates. (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Ability to manually deploy KERS or any other electric boost system on cars that allow it. (Driveclub)
- [_] Ability to manually deploy DRS or any other aerodymanic control system on cars that allow it. (Driveclub)
- [_] Ability to set differing strengths of Traction Control on a scale of 1-5. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [_] Ability to set differing strengths of ABS on a scale of 1-5. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [_] Ability to manually adjust Brake Balance while driving. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [_] Ability to set Assists to "realistic", whereby Traction Control etc. is only available on a car that would have it "in real life". (Project CARS)
- [_] Award exclusive cars for reaching maximum manufacturer affinity levels.
- [_] Ability to use car horn in races. (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Ability to flash lights in races or toggle high/low/no beam. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Have separate PI rating systems and Classes for race cars and non-race cars.
- [_] Ability to set starting fuel level. (Gran Turismo 6)
Photo Mode
- [_] Increase height limit on Photo Mode camera to 4.0m/12ft.
- [_] Ability to save photos to USB.
- [_] Ability to save photos at 4K resolution.
- [_] Ability to save preset filter settings.
- [_] Ability to upload preset filter settings to the Storefront.
- [_] Ability to view/download the photo settings used when viewing a photo in the Storefront.
- [_] Ability to use preset "high camera locations" around a circuit in addition to the standard camera controls. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Ability to take photos of cars in pre-set, non-driveable locations. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [_] Ability to remove visible car damage when taking a photo. (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Ability to remove the driver from a car when taking a photo.
- [_] Ability to play a slideshow of saved photos. (Gran Turismo 4)
Livery Editor
- [h][_][/h] Ability to import Designs and Vinyl Groups from Forza Motorsport 6 and Forza Horizon 3.
- [h][_][/h] Ability to set usage rights when sharing a design or vinyl group.
Examples include "allow others to edit and re-publish shared content", "allow others to share content on Auction House", "do not allow content to be edited or re-published".
- [_] Ability to categorise saved Vinyl Groups into folders.
- [_] Ability to view saved Vinyl Groups in a grid layout. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [_] Ability to paint cars in a plain studio with neutral lighting (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [_] Ability to create and paint windshield banners.
- [_] Ability to paint on side/rear windows.
- [_] Ability to mirror specific layers or groups, both horizontally and vertically.
- [_] Ability to paint on top of carbon fibre surfaces.
- [_] Ability to save colours to a swatches pallette.
- [_] Additional typefaces/fonts, such as DIN Pro, Futura Bold and Gotham.
- [_] Ability to paint sidewalls of tyres.
- [_] Ability to set individual layer groups to gloss/matte/metallic finishes. (Driveclub)
Auction House
- [_] Add Auction House (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Allow for cars to be set to "Buyout Only".
- [_] Ability to list auctions with a minimum bid of 100 CR.
- [_] Ability to list auctions without a buyout price.
- [_] Ability to list auctions with a minimum buyout of 100 CR.
- [_] Ability to place a custom bidding price on an Auction.
- [_] Ability to "back out" of an Auction and redeem credits before the Auction is over.
- [_] Ability to automatically re-list an Auction if it does not sell.
- [_] Ability to automatically sell a car "back to the game" for a small CR amount if it does not sell at Auction.
- [_] Limit a seller to a specific number active Auctions at a time, and show this number in the Auction House menu.
Storefront & User-Created Content
- [h][_][/h] Add Storefront (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Add Storefront user search menu.
- [_] Show number of downloads alongside each item in search results and Recommended Designs/Tunes. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Show descriptions alongside each item. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Add ability to filter for content created by "Legendary Painter", "Elite Tuner" etc.
- [_] Add UI icon to show if a an item is an official contest winner.
- [_] Add ability to sort search results and Recommended Tunes/Designs by Popularity, Downloads etc.
- [_] Set default Recommended Designs sorting to the following, in order: Featured, Friends, Followed Players, Most Popular over Past 30 Days
- [_] Add "Featured Content" area to show content from all users (across all cars) that has been selected as a Featured Item. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Add UI icon to show if a selected item can be edited or re-published.
- [_] Add UI icon to show if a selected Tune has been used to set a high leaderboard position, such as Top 100, Top 1% etc.
- [_] Ability to change a shared item's description without having to unshare the file.
- [_] Ability to set tunes to be shared "unlocked" so that users can modify them after they have been downloaded.
- [_] Ability to add Blueprint events to Storefronts.
- [_] Ability to view Storefronts on
- [_] Ability to search for Liveries/Tunes across all cars, and not just the car you are currently driving. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Limit maximum number of designs to 50 per user, or an unlimited amount per VIP user (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Provide Leaderboard API so that community users can create websites/apps to look up leaderboards outside of the game. (Forza Motorsport 5)
- [_] Compile all Leaderboard times for a class into an "Overall Position", showing a user's combined laptimes for all tracks. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Allow for leaderboards to be viewed on and/or Forza Hub. (Forza Motorsport 5)
- [_] Ability to download tunes directly from leaderboards. (Forza Motorsport 6)
- [_] Add UI icon to show if a user set a laptime using a Controller, Steering Wheel or Keyboard.
- [_] Add offline-based "local leaderboards" where a user can compare their personal best times at a circuit in multiple cars. (Forza Motorsport 2)
- [_] Add ability to set a Leaderboard time as a Rival, and use the exact same car/setup to challenge them.
- [_] Club leaderboards, where the fastest laptime from a club member is treated as that club's laptime, allowing for clubs to compete against one another. (Driveclub)
- [_] Ability for players to create and distribute custom Rivals Mode events. (Driveclub)
- [_] Ability to view and compete in any publicly listed Custom Rivals Mode event. (Driveclub)
- [_] Ability to race against multiple Ghosts at the same time, such as Session Best, Personal Best and Specific Rival.
- [h][_][/h] Give each driver a "Skill Rating" calculated based on their overall pace level, use this rating to influence matchmaking, and show this rating in Lobbies. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [h][_][/h] Give each driver a "Sportsmanship Rating" calculated based on their ability to drive/race cleanly, use this rating to influence matchmaking, and show this rating in Lobbies. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [h][_][/h] Add corner-cutting penalty system to punish users that repeatedly cut corners. (F1 2016)
- [h][_][/h] Add "illegal overtake" system to inform users that they must give back positions gained by contact or corner-cutting. (F1 2016)
- [h][_][/h] Automatically and immediately ghost any driver that makes contact with another car or object at a force above 2G.
- [h][_][/h] Automatically and immediately ghost any driver that enters within a 1m/3ft radius of another car while driving at a speed that is 50mph greater than said driver. (Gran Turismo Sport)
- [h][_][/h] Automatically and immediately ghost any driver that is facing the wrong way.
- [h][_][/h] Automatically and immediately ghost any driver that driving at a speed of under 20kph.
- [h][_][/h] In Public Hopper races, ghost all drivers that fall more than 2km behind the race leader.
- [h][_][/h] Add UI icon in lobbies to show if a user has received a "Vote to Kick". (DiRT Rally)
- [h][_][/h] Kick a user if they have received at least 5 "Kick Votes" in a room with 16 or fewer players, or 8 votes if in a room with 17-24 players.
- [h][_][/h] Add a "Lobby Browser" to show and filter all joinable user-created lobbies in a list. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [h][_][/h] Add "Expert Hopper Lobbies" which require a minimum Trueskill Rating and minimum Driver Level to compete in. Damage would be enabled along with any penalty systems in place, and most assists would be disabled.
- [h][_][/h] Add "Competitive Hopper Lobbies" where users can increase or decrease their ranking by finishing races. (Rocket League)
- [_] Increase minimum race length in Hoppers to roughly 10 minutes of driving time, or 5 laps on an average length circuit.
- [_] Allow users to search for Hoppers which have an average Driver Level of 100 or higher.
- [_] Add post-race commemorations to show notable feats achieved by players. Examples could include "Fastest Lap", "Most Overtakes", "Cleanest Racer", "Most Clean Laps" etc. (Overwatch)
- [_] Add text chat to Private Lobbies (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Add ability to create Practice/Qualifying sessions Multiplayer Lobbies (Gran Turismo 6).
- [_] Add ability to join a Practice/Qualifying session in progress and start in the Pit Lane (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Add ability to tune a car while in a lobby. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Add ability to limit all players to the same car/tune that the host of a private Lobby is using.
- [_] Award additional XP for Clean Racing. (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Sort starting grids in Hoppers based on "Skill Rating", with higher-rated drivers at the front.
- [_] Allow users to save and load Lobby Settings as preset files. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Allow users to disable any "sticky grass" and remove any on-track barriers in Private Lobbies.
- [_] Allow users to download the Livery or Tune of another racer directly from the Lobby screen. (Forza Motorsport 6)
- [_] Add UI icon to show if a player is using a steering wheel, controller or keyboard.
- [_] Add UI icon to show if a player is playing on Xbox One or PC.
- [_] Add ability to save preset Lobby Settings.
- [_] Add ability to upload preset Lobby Settings to Storefront.
- [_] Allow users to create private Multiplayer Championships that run over multiple weeks. (Project CARS 2)
Clubs & Other Community Features
- [_] Add Clubs (Forza Horizon 3)
- [_] Allow users to share cars to a Club Garage which can be used by all club members. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Allow users to modify any designs or tunes on a car which has been shared to a Club Garage.
- [_] Allow users to create Private Lobbies limited to Club Members, which show up on the Club's Lobby page (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Allow users to create and maintain Driver Profiles where they can show off their racing accomplishments, photos and favourite cars. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Implement a Timeline feature where users can keep updated on the activity of their Friends. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Allow users to privately give or sell cars to each other. (Forza Motorsport 4)
- [_] Allow users to privately give editable liveries, tunes and layer groups to each other. (Forza Motorsport 4)
Spectating & Replays
- [_] Show Race UI such as position, laptimes etc. when viewing a Replay or spectating a race. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Ability to view Live Timing on a Replay or when spectating a race. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Ability to view Replays using cameras placed in the same locations as real-life motorsport events.
Other Features
- [_] Ability to analyse Telemetry Data outside of a race. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Ability to export Telemetry Data to USB in a format readable by MoTeC. (Gran Turismo 6)
- [_] Show time gaps to drivers ahead/behind when crossing a sector. (Driveclub)
- [_] Add a flag system resembling modern motorsport (F1 2016).
- [_] Add a "Live Track" system that allows a track's surface to evolve over time. (Project CARS 2)
- [_] Add an Overhead Radar and left/right car proximity warnings to the race HUD (Gran Turismo Sport).
- [h][_][/h] Weekly #Forzathon challenges. (Forza Horizon 3)
Business Model
- [_] Provide a "Complete Edition" of the game at launch that covers the cost of all future DLC for the game's lifetime.
- [_] Extend "early release access" to 14 days ahead of retail release for Complete Edition users.
- [_] Allow Forza Racing Championship finalists to beta test the game and provide feedback on any corner-cutting exploits they may find.
- [_] Allow all VIP users to play the game 7 days before release.